Download Women in WWII DBQ Historical Context: American life changed

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Women in WWII DBQ
Historical Context:
American life changed significantly from the end of the Great Depression to the
beginning of the Cold War. During World War II the Government designed a series of
posters for and about women. They used color, shape and symbolism to influence change
in America. These include economic, social and political changes.
Task: Using information from the documents and your knowledge of United States
history, answer the questions that follow each document. Your answers to the questions
will help you write the essay in which you will be asked to:
Choose three examples of changes in women’s lives and for each:
 Discuss the economical change in women’s lives as a result of World War II
 Discuss the social change in women’s lives as a result of World War II
 Discuss the political change in women’s lives as a result of World War II
What is the woman doing?
What do the colors represent?
Describe what the text “we can’t win without them” means?
How is this woman contributing to the war effort?
What do the colors and shapes represent?
Do you think this women’s role is important in WWII?
What is the poster encouraging the women to do?
Why is the woman inside the shape?
Why is she dressed in red?
What is the government asking this woman to do?
How did WWII impact the women at home?
Discuss why there are so many references to the flag.
What are the government asking women to do?
Why is this woman wearing the flag? What does it represent?
Compare this to women of today.