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Estimating ๐œ‡ when
๐œŽ is unknown
Quantitative Methods II
Plan for Today
โ€ข Studentโ€™s t distribution
โ€ข Confidence Intervals
โ€ข Examples
Estimating a population mean
โ€ข One of the purposes of randomly sampling a
population is to get an estimate of the mean of the
โ€ข If the population standard deviation ๐œŽ is not known,
then we will use a sample standard deviation s
โ€ข However, instead of the normal distribution we will
use Studentโ€™s t distribution (discovered by English
statistician William Gosset, who worked at a Guinness
brewery and published under a pseudonym).
Interval Estimates
โ€ข Interval estimate: an interval bounded by two
values that is calculated from the sample and that is
used to estimate the value of a population parameter.
โ€ข Level of confidence 1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ : the proportion of all
interval estimates that include the parameter being
โ€ข Confidence interval: an interval estimate with a
specified level of confidence.
Confidence Intervals
Summary :
Calculating Confidence Intervals
Sample Mean: ๐‘ฅาง
Sample Size: n
Sample standard deviation: s
Level of confidence we wish to have: 1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ
1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ โˆ™ 100% gives us an estimate of how
confident you can be that your mean falls within this
0.95 *100% = 95%: you are 95% confident that the
population mean falls within this interval
Studentโ€™s t distribution
Also represented by a bell-shaped curve, but it is
wider and lower than the normal curve.
The actual shape depends on the sample size,
or, degrees of freedom df = ๐‘› โˆ’ 1 .
The bigger is the number of degrees of freedom,
the closer the t curve gets to the normal curve.
We have a separate table for the critical values
of Studentโ€™s t distributions.
Studentโ€™s t distribution
Examples of table values
๐‘ก 7, 0.1 = 1.415
๐‘ก 18, 0.025 = 2.101
๐‘ก 25, 0.05 = 1.708
๐‘ก 5, 0.01 = 3.365
Step by step
Estimation of Mean ฮผ (ฯƒ unknown)
Same assumptions as before: either the
general population has the bell-shaped
symmetric distribution, or the sample size
is at least 25.
Confidence Coefficient ๐’•(๐๐Ÿ, ๐œถฮค๐Ÿ)
Constructing a Confidence Interval
โ€ข Step 1: Set-Up
โ€“ Describe the population parameter of interest
โ€ข Step 2: The Confidence Interval Criteria
โ€“ Check the assumptions
โ€“ Identify the probability distribution and the
formula to be used
โ€“ State the level of confidence ๐Ÿ โˆ’ ๐œถ
โ€ข Step 3: The Sample Evidence
โ€“ Collect the sample information
Constructing a Confidence Interval
โ€ข Step 4: The Confidence Interval
โ€“ Determine the confidence coefficient
๐‘ก(df, ๐›ผ ฮค2)
โ€“ Find the error bound for a population mean
๐ธ๐ต๐‘€ = ๐‘ก(df, ๐›ผ ฮค2) โˆ™
โ€“ Find the lower and upper confidence limits
โ€ข Step 5: State the confidence interval
from ๐‘ฅาง โˆ’ ๐ธ๐ต๐‘€
๐‘ฅาง + ๐ธ๐ต๐‘€
How to decrease the error?
โ€ข To decrease the value of EBM (and thus, to
decrease the size of the confidence interval for
๐œ‡) there are two possibilities:
(A) Decrease the confidence level. A smaller
confidence level will result in a smaller
๐‘ก(df, ๐›ผ/2) ะฐnd thus, youโ€™ll get a smaller EBM.
(B) Increase the size of a sample. A larger value of
n means a larger value of ๐‘› and thus, youโ€™ll
get a smaller value of EBM.
โ€ข Tradeoffs: (A) less certain, (B) more costly
Example: garbage
A sample of 11 families of four people has
produced the following amount of garbage during
a randomly selected week (in kg):
20.4 18.1 17.9 12.8 24.6 18.8 29.2 17.0 16.5
28.0 17.7
Construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean
amount of garbage produced by a family of four,
assuming that the population is normally
Example: garbage
Step 1: What is the population parameter of
Step 2: ๐œŽ is unknown, the sample size is 11, and
the population is assumed to be normally
distributed. Thus, we will be using Studentโ€™s t
distribution with 1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ = 0.95 (95%).
Step 3: ๐‘› = 11, and we compute ๐‘ฅาง = 20.1 kg,
๐‘  = 5.0765 kg, df = 10 and ๐›ผ ฮค2 = 0.025.
Example: garbage
Step 4: ๐‘ก(10, 0.025) = 2.228 (table)
๐ธ๐ต๐‘€ = ๐‘ก df, ๐›ผฮค2 โˆ™
= 2.228 โˆ™
= 3.4
๐‘ฅาง โˆ’ ๐ธ๐ต๐‘€ = 16.7 , ๐‘ฅาง + ๐ธ๐ต๐‘€ = 23.5
Step 5: The 95% confidence interval for the
population mean ๐œ‡ is:
from 16.7 kg to 23.5 kg
(same precision as the data)
Example: exercise
15 randomly selected students at a University
were asked how many hours they exercise per
week. Their answers are as follows:
12 1.5 3 6 4.5 10.5 15 7.5 3 10 1 8 4 3.5 5
Construct a 90% confidence interval for the mean
amount of hours of exercise per week for students
at this University, assuming that these numbers
are normally distributed.
Example: exercise
Step 1: What is the population parameter of
Step 2: ๐œŽ is unknown, the sample size is 15, and
the population is assumed to be normally
distributed. Thus, we will be using Studentโ€™s t
distribution with 1 โˆ’ ๐›ผ = 0.90 (90%).
Step 3: ๐‘› = 15, and we compute ๐‘ฅาง = 6.3 hours,
๐‘  = 4.096 hours, df = 14 and ๐›ผ ฮค2 = 0.05.
Example: exercise
Step 4: ๐‘ก(14, 0.05) = 1.761 (table)
๐ธ๐ต๐‘€ = ๐‘ก df, ๐›ผฮค2 โˆ™
= 1.761 โˆ™
= 1.9
๐‘ฅาง โˆ’ ๐ธ๐ต๐‘€ = 4.4 , ๐‘ฅาง + ๐ธ๐ต๐‘€ = 8.2
Step 5: The 90% confidence interval for the
population mean ๐œ‡ is:
from 4.4 hours to 8.2 hours
Example: practice
Nine hotel maids in Nashville have the following
weekly incomes (in dollars):
415 565 430 510 580 450 435 505 475
Construct a 99% confidence interval for the mean
weekly income of all hotel maids in Nashville,
assuming that the incomes are normally
Answer: from $419 to $551