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Main theme: The Cold War - the struggle for ideological, economic &
military global supremacy between the USA & her allies (capitalism), & the
USSR & her allies (communism).
Main weapons used: propaganda, diplomatic manoeuvring, regional
Main event: Gorbachev?
1945: 1). Germany zoned between 4 allies - Berlin, in the eastern (Soviet)
zone, jointly occupied by the 4 powers.
2). Prologue to Soviet sphere of influence in eastern Europe & US
sphere of influence in western Europe.
3). “The Superpowers” about to emerge.
4). UN proclaimed.
5). Beginning of the end of British Empire.
1946: Churchill's “Iron Curtain” speech.
1947: 1). Marshall Plan - US aid to Europe $13b.
2). Truman Doctrine - became basis for future US foreign policy.
1948: 1). Berlin blockade & airlift - blockade a Soviet response to allied
plans for a W. German state.
2). Yugoslavia (under Tito) splits from Moscow.
3). Most of eastern Europe under Soviet sphere of influence
1949: 1). NATO proclaimed.
2). Federal Republic of Germany (W. Germany) & GDR
proclaimed. Berlin also divided.
3). USSR develops atomic bomb - “balance of terror”.
4). People's Republic of (communist) China proclaimed under Mao.
1950: 1). Korean War - nearly ‘goes nuclear’. 1953 armistice resolves
2). early 50's - McCarthyism: Cold War comes to mainland USA.
3). 1950's - arms race & the policy of “nuclear deterrence”.
1953: Stalin dies, eventually succeeded by Krushchev c.1956.
1954: 1). French defeated in Vietnam. Foreign policy dilemma for US - to
support colonialism or defeat communism ?
2). Puppet state established in South Vietnam. The “domino theory”.
1955: 1). US Civil Rights Movement begins.
2). Warsaw Pact proclaimed (for what purpose?).
3). Bandung Conference - origin of NAM
1956: 1). Polish riots (‘bread & liberty’) resulting in Soviet led minor
2). Suez fiasco - end of Britain as a major world power.
3). Khrushchev's (USSR) policy of “peaceful coexistance” with the
West--> a thaw.
4). Hungarian Uprising crushed by Soviet troops.
5). A Sino-Soviet split.
1957: USSR launches Sputnik, thus demonstrating a capability to hit the
USA with ICBM's. Start of “the space race”.
1958: European Economic Community (EEC) proclaimed. Now referred
to as the EU.
1). Revolution in Cuba (90 miles off the US mainland), led by
2). Khrushchev visits USA.
1960: 1). U2 incident - propaganda coup (victory) for USSR. Wrecked the
US/Soviet summit.
2). Pravda (Soviet newspaper) openly criticises the PRC
1961: 1). Bay of Pigs fiasco.
2). Berlin Wall - a physical expression of East-West divisions.
1962: 1). Cuban Missile Crisis - propaganda victory for new US president
2). Increasing US involvement in Vietnam conflict---> '73 ceasefire
& '75 collapse of pro-western South Vietnamese gov't.
1963: 1). Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed by US/USSR/UK (but not by
France & China). Eased tensions.
2). JFK's “Ich bin ein Berliner” (I am a doughnut) speech, clearly
demonstrating Berlin's central role & US resolve to defend Western
1965: US involvement in Vietnam War intensifies.
1968: 1). “Prague Spring” - liberal reforms in Czechoslovakia crushed by
Soviet intervention.
2). NPT signed.
1969: 1). Willy Brandt (FRG) launches “Ostpolitik”, recognizing the
integrity of the GDR. A gesture of rapprochement initially criticized
by the West, but can be analyzed as part of a long-term
reconciliation process.
2). Sino-Soviet border clashes
1970: Beginning of period of “détente” (= a relaxing of tensions). Various
confidence building measures proposed to ease tension & promote
understanding between east & west.
1972: 1). SALT agreement US/USSR. Part of détente.
2). US president Nixon visits China, UN memberbership 1971.
1975: 35 nations (including US/USSR) sign Helsinki Accords to, inter
alia, “respect human rights” & “guarantee European borders”. Part
of détente & can be considered the WWII peace treaty.
Emergence of independent trade union Solidarity in Gdansk
(Danzig), Poland. Led by Lech Walesa. Reagan (US) & Thatcher
(UK), traditionally anti-union, voice support for Solidarity.
1985: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of USSR. Introduces policies of
i). perestroika (restructuring) & ii). glasnost (openess).
1989: 1). Gorbachev allows entire eastern (European) bloc to break from
Soviet influence. Process of establishing liberal democracies in E.
Europe begins.
2). Berlin Wall comes down - free movement between East & West.
3). German re-unification talks begin.
4). Warsaw Pact crumbles.
5). "Pro-democracy" movement in China crushed by Chinese gov't.
1990: 1). European talks on “the German Question” & NATO's future role.
2). W. German DM becomes the single currency for E/W Germany.
3). Reunification of Germany.
1991: 1). Gulf War (Desert Storm) - multinational coalition forces led by
US defeat Iraq. First post-Cold War international armed conflict.
2). Failed military coup against Gorbachev.
3). Collapse of USSR. End of Cold War?