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Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Mari El
dated 6 November 2013 No. 336
On approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Preparation of the
Plan of Implementation of New Investment Projects
and Creation of Infrastructure Necessary for Investors
in the Republic of Mari El and Introducing Changes to it.
The Government of the Republic of Mari resolved:
1. To approve the attached Regulations on the procedure for
preparation of the plan of implementation of new investment projects and
infrastructure necessary for investors in the Republic of Mari El and
introducing changes to it.
2. To assign control over implementation of this resolution to Pashin
V.P., Deputy Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El, Minister of
Industry, Transportation and Roads of the Republic of Mari El.
Acting Head of Government
of the Republic of Mari El
by the resolution of the Government
of the Republic of Mari El
dated 6 November 2013 No. 336
on the Procedure for Preparation of the Plan of Implementation of New
Investment Projects and Infrastructure Necessary for Investors in the
Republic of Mari El and Introducing Changes to it
1. The present Regulations define the procedure for preparation of the
plan to implement new investment projects and create the infrastructure
necessary for investors in the Republic of Mari El and making changes to it
(hereinafter the Plan) in order to harmonize the procedures for selection of
investment projects, as well as coordination of activities of all stakeholders on
preparation of the Plan.
2. In this Regulations, term "investors" is used.
Investors are individuals and legal entities that plan to implement or are
implementing investment projects in the territory of the Republic of Mari El.
3. The Plan consists of three sections:
a) Plan of implementation of new investment projects in the Republic
of Mari El for the funds of investors (hereinafter the first section of the plan);
b) Plan to create the infrastructure necessary for investors in the
Republic of Mari El (hereinafter the second section of the plan);
c) Registry of available investment sites in the Republic of Mari El
(hereinafter the third section of the plan).
Sections of the plan shall be prepared and supported separately in the
manner prescribed by these Regulations,
4. The first section of the plan shall be prepared by the Ministry of
Industry, Transportation and Roads of the Republic of Mari El and submitted
to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Mari
El (hereinafter the Ministry) before February 1st of the current year.
5. The first section of the Plan contains information about investment
projects in the implementation stage, investment projects, planned for
implementation, investment projects, the implementation of which is
suspended in the current year.
6. To prepare the first section of the Plan, the Ministry of Industry,
Transportation and Roads of the Republic of Mari El shall request from the
investor information, containing the full name of the investor, the name of the
project, location of the investment project (town, street), start date of the
investment project, estimated cost of the investment project, including the
cost of purchased equipment, sources of financing of the investment project.
7. The first section of the Plan shall be carried out in compliance with
Annex № 1 hereto.
8. The second section of the plan shall be prepared by the Ministry.
9. The second section of the plan shall include information regarding
the infrastructure facilities, construction (reconstruction) of which is planned
for the implementation of investment projects, objects under construction to
be completed in the current fiscal year, objects under construction to be
completed during the planned period, the newly built infrastructure facilities.
In respect to each infrastructure facility, the following information is
included: Name of the infrastructure facility under construction
(reconstruction), place of construction (town, street), volume of funding,
funding sources, and the name of the program under which construction
(reconstruction) of the infrastructure facility is planned.
10. Financing of infrastructure facilities from the Republican budget of
the Republic of Mari El, referred to in the second section of the Plan, shall be
carried out within the framework of the Republican targeted investment
11. Second section of the plan shall be prepared by the Ministry on the
basis of proposals from the government agencies of the Republic of Mari El
on inclusion of infrastructure facilities of the Republic of Mari El in the
second section of the Plan submitted to the Ministry, before February 1 st of
the current year.
12. The second section of the Plan shall be prepared according to
Annex No. 2 hereto.
13. The third section of the Plan shall be prepared by the Ministry in
accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Republic of Mari El
dated June 17th 2009 No.330-r "On Creation and Keeping of a Registry of
Available Investment Sites in the Republic of Mari El".
14. The third section of the Plan shall include information about
available investment sites in the Republic of Mari El and their characteristics.
15. By February 10th of this year, the Ministry shall prepare a draft plan
for the period of 3 years.
16. Within 5 calendar days from the date of preparation of the draft
plan, the draft shall be published by the Ministry on the official Internet portal
"Investment Activity in the Republic of Mari El» (
in the section “Investment sites" for holding public discussion with indication
of its timeframe and address (postal address and/or email) for receipt of
proposals and comments from the business community and organizations on
the content of the draft plan.
17. A public discussion shall be held during 10 calendar days from the
date of posting information about its holding.
18. Within 7 calendar days after the public discussion, the Ministry can
introduce changes to the draft Plan in accordance with the comments and
suggestions received from the business community and organizations as a
result of the public discussion, and submit it for consideration to the
Investment Council of the Republic of Mari El, established by Resolution of
the Government of the Republic of Mari El dated 20 March 2013 No. 72 "On
Establishing of the Investment Council of the Republic of Mari El"
(hereinafter the Investment Council).
19. The draft Plan shall be considered by the Investment Council within
10 calendar days of its receipt.
20. Within 3 calendar days from the date of consideration by the
Investment Council of the draft Plan, the Chairman (Deputy Chairman) of the
Investment Council shall send to the Ministry the draft Plan and the decision
of the members of the Investment Council on the basis of consideration of the
draft Plan in the form of the protocol.
21. If the Investment Council on the basis of consideration of the draft
Plan makes a decision about its updating, the Ministry within 7 calendar days
from the date of such a decision shall make appropriate changes to the draft
plan and within 3 calendar days after completion of updating of the draft plan,
shall resubmit it for consideration to the Investment Council.
22. Within 5 calendar days of the date of consideration of the draft plan
by the Investment Council, it shall be sent by the Ministry for approval to the
Deputy Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El, whose
competence includes consideration of investment activity issues (hereinafter
the Deputy Head of The Government of the Republic of Mari El).
23. The draft Plan shall be considered and approved by the Deputy
Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El within 5 calendar days of
receipt of the draft Plan from the Ministry.
24. If the Deputy Head of The Government of the Republic of Mari El
makes a decision on updating the draft Plan, considered by the Investment
Council, the draft Plan shall be sent for updating to the Ministry within 3
calendar days from the date of such a decision.
25. Within 10 calendar days of receipt of the draft plan from the Deputy
Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El, the Ministry shall make
changes to the draft Plan in accordance with the comments and suggestions of
the Deputy Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El and resubmit
the draft Plan for consideration to the Investment Council.
26. Draft plan, presented by the Ministry after updating, shall be
considered by the Investment Board within 10 calendar days from the date of
its receipt and shall be sent to the Ministry.
27. Within 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of the draft Plan and
the decisions of the members of the Investment Council based on
consideration of the draft Plan, the Ministry shall resubmit it for approval to
the Deputy Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El in the period
set by Item 21 of these Regulations.
28. The decision to update the draft plan shall be taken by the
Investment Council or the Deputy Head of The Government of the Republic
of Mari El in the case of non-compliance of the draft Plan with the Investment
Strategy of the Republic of Mari El by 2020, approved by The Government of
the Republic of Mari El on 10 October 2013, No.313.
29. Within 5 calendar days from the date of approval of the draft Plan
by the Deputy Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El, the
Ministry shall publish the draft Plan on the official Internet portal "Investment
Activity in the Republic of Mari El» (
30. Annual adjustments and changes to the plan (removal of an
investment project (projects), and (or) of the infrastructure facility (facilities),
and (or) available investment site(s) (hereinafter the Facility and (or)
Facilities) from the Plan and inclusion of a new facility and (or) facilities)
shall be performed by the Ministry on the basis of information provided by
government agencies of the Republic of Mari El and investors before
February 10th of the current year, in the manner established in Items 16 - 29 of
these Regulations.
31. The Ministry shall remove an object and (or) objects from the Plan
in the following cases:
Full implementation of investment projects;
Change in the status of the investment site, which caused its inability to
be used and implemented within the investment project;
By the decision of government agencies of the Republic of Mari El or
an investor to remove the object(s) from the plan.
Annex No.1
to the Regulations on the procedure for
preparation of the plan of implementation of
new investment projects and infrastructure
necessary for investors in the Republic of
Mari El and introducing changes to it
I. Plan of Implementation of New Investment Projects in the Republic of Mari El
for Investors Funds
Full name of the
investor, which
implements the
investment project
Location of
implementation of
the investment
project (town, street)
Title of the
investment project
Start date of the
investment project
Estimated cost of the
project (million
Sources of financing
of the investment
Annex No.2
to the Regulations on the procedure for
preparation of the Plan of implementation of
new investment projects and infrastructure
necessary for investors in the Republic of
Mari El and introducing changes to it
II. Plan of Creation of Infrastructure Necessary for Investors in the Republic of Mari El
Name of the infrastructure
object under construction
Location of the
construction site (town,
Volume of financing
(mn. roubles)
Sources of financing
Name of the program
under which it is planned
to construct an
infrastructure object