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Chapter 6
Study Guide
Name:______________________ Class:_____________________ Date:________________
Chapter 6: Photosynthesis
Study Guide
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Energy ATP, also known as the currency of Life, is required for a variety of life processes including
a. growth and reproduction.
b. movement.
c. transport of certain materials across cell membranes.
d. All of the above
2. Heterotrophs are organisms that can
a. produce food from inorganic molecules and sunlight.
b. survive without energy.
c. consume other organisms for energy.
d. carry out either photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
3. Based on the cycle of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, one can say that the ultimate original source of
energy for all living things on Earth is
a. glucose.
c. the sun.
b. water.
d. carbon dioxide.
4. The process whereby plants capture energy and make complex molecules is known as
a. homeostasis.
c. photosynthesis.
b. evolution.
d. development.
5. Suspended in the fluid stroma of chloroplasts are
a. organelles called eukaryotes.
b. numerous mitochondrial membranes.
c. small coins that provide energy.
d. stacks of thylakoids called grana.
6. photosynthesis is to oxygen as _________ is to ____________.
a. respiration : darkness
b. light reactions : dark reactions
c. respiration : carbon dioxide
d. oxygen : carbon dioxide
7. light reactions is to thylakoids as ___________ is to _______________.
a. grana : thylakoids
b. grana : ATP
c. Calvin cycle : stroma
d. stroma : grana of chloroplast
8. The sun is considered the ultimate source of energy for life on Earth because
a. all organisms carry out photosynthesis.
b. all organisms carry out cellular respiration.
c. either photosynthetic organisms or organisms that have eaten them provide energy for all
other organisms on Earth.
d. the sun heats Earth’s atmosphere.
9. The energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds in a series of
linked chemical reactions called a
a. photosynthetic reactant.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
Chapter 6
Study Guide
b. ATP generator.
c. chemical equation.
d. biochemical pathway.
The role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis is to
a. absorb light energy.
b. pass electrons to carotenoids.
c. split water molecules.
d. All of the above
When light strikes an object, the light may be
a. reflected.
c. transmitted.
b. absorbed.
d. All of the above
Chlorophyll is green because
a. it absorbs green wavelengths of light.
b. it absorbs blue and yellow wavelengths, which make green.
c. it reflects green wavelengths of light.
d. it transmits light and causes an optical illusion.
What happens when a chlorophyll molecule absorbs light?
a. Some of its electrons are raised to a higher energy level.
b. It disintegrates, giving off huge amounts of heat.
c. It glows, radiating green light and giving the plant a green appearance.
d. It attracts electrons from other molecules.
chloroplast is to grana, as _____________ is to ____________.
a. photosystem : pigment molecules
b. chlorophyll : pigments
c. thylakoids : photosynthesis
d. chlorophyll : green
When electrons of a chlorophyll molecule are raised to a higher energy level,
a. they become a particle of light.
b. they form a glucose bond.
c. they enter an electron transport chain.
d. they enter the Calvin cycle.
NADP+ is important in photosynthesis because it
a. It breaks Carbon Dioxide to form Oxygen atoms.
b. is needed to form chlorophyll a, so that photosynthesis can occur in the future.
c. provides additional oxygen atoms, needed in later Calvin Cycle.
d. provides protons and electrons for some reactions and stores energized electrons produced
during light reactions
The electrons lost in photosystem I
a. are eventually replaced by electrons from photosystem II.
b. attach to water molecules during the light reaction.
c. are at the end of the electron transport chain.
d. are absorbed by oxygen molecules to form water.
The breaking of __________ molecules is the eventual source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis.
a. carbon dioxide.
c. chlorophyll.
b. water.
d. glucose.
The major atmospheric byproduct of photosynthesis is
a. nitrogen.
c. water.
b. carbon dioxide.
d. oxygen.
Chapter 6
Study Guide
____ 20. Which of the following processes occurs in the thylakoid membrane and converts captured light energy into
chemical energy?
a. the Calvin cycle
c. light absorption
b. ATP synthase
d. chemiosmosis
____ 21. Chemiosmosis in the thylakoid membrane is directly responsible for
a. adding protons to NADP+.
b. providing the energy to produce ATP molecules.
c. producing ATP-synthetase.
d. generating glucose molecules.
____ 22. Products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that provide energy for the Calvin cycle are
a. oxygen and ATP.
c. ATP and NADPH.
b. water and oxygen.
d. oxygen and NADPH.
____ 23. The Calvin cycle of photosynthesis
a. requires ATP and NADPH.
b. can occur in both light and dark conditions.
c. generates glucose.
d. All of the above
____ 24. The energy used in the Calvin cycle for the production of carbohydrate molecules comes from
a. ATP made during cellular respiration.
b. the Krebs cycle.
c. ATP made in the light reactions of photosynthesis.
d. CO2 absorbed during the last stage of photosynthesis.
____ 25. C3, C4, and CAM plants differ from each other in that
a. C3 plants use the Calvin cycle for carbon fixation and C4 and CAM plants use different
pathways for carbon fixation.
b. C3 plants have their stomata open during the day and C4 and CAM plants have their
stomata open only at night.
c. C3 and C4 plants have their stomata open during the day and CAM plants have their
stomata open only at night.
d. C3 plants use CO2 to form organic compounds and C4 and CAM plants use other sources
of carbon.
____ 26. Refer to the illustration above. Graph 1 demonstrates that the rate of photosynthesis
a. decreases in response to increasing light intensity.
b. increases indefinitely in response to increasing light intensity.
c. increases in response to increasing light intensity, but only to maximum absorption point..
Chapter 6
Study Guide
d. is unaffected by changes in light intensity.
____ 27. Refer to the illustration above. Taken together, these graphs demonstrate that
a. photosynthesis is independent of environmental influences.
b. increases in light intensity cause increases in temperature.
c. as the rate of photosynthesis increases, the temperature of the plant eventually decreases.
d. the rate of photosynthesis is affected by changes in the plant’s environment.
____ 28. Yellow and orange plant pigments are known as which of the following?
a. Chlorophyll
c. Electron transport chains
b. Carotenoids
d. Thylakoids
____ 29. The rate of photosynthesis decreases as the
a. Oxygen concentration decreases
c. Carbon dioxide concentration
b. Light intensity increases
d. All of the above
____ 30. In the first stage of photosynthesis, hydrogen ions are pumped
a. Out of the chloroplast
c. Into the thylakoids
b. Into a photosystem
d. Both (a) and (b)
____ 31. Products of the Calvin cycle are
a. Three-carbon sugars
c. Used to produce organic compounds
b. Used to regenerate the initial five-
d. All of the Above
carbon compound
____ 32. Chlorophyll a
Absorbs mostly orange-red and blue- c. Absorbs mostly green light
violet light
b. is an accessory pigment
d. is responsible for red color of many
autumn leaves
____ 33. The photosystems and electron transport chains are located in the
a. outer chloroplast membrane.
c. thylakoid membrane.
b. inner chloroplast membrane.
d. stroma
____ 34. Both photosystem I and photosystem II
a. receive electrons from other
c. donate electrons to a transport chain
b. contain chlorophyll a molecules.
that generates NADPH.
d. donate protons to each other.
____ 35. Water participates directly in the light reactions of photosynthesis by
a. donating electrons to NADPH.
c. accepting electrons from the electron
transport chains
Chapter 6
b. donating electrons to photosystem II.
d. accepting electrons from ADP
Study Guide
____ 36. The energy that is used to establish the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane
comes from the
a. synthesis of ATP.
c. synthesis of NADPH.
b. passage of electrons along the electron
d. splitting of water
transport chain of photosystem II.
____ 37. The Calvin cycle begins when CO2 combines with a five-carbon carbohydrate called
a. RuBP
c. 3-G3P
____ 38. Organic compounds that can be made from the products of the Calvin cycle include
a. only carbohydrates.
c. only lipids.
d. carbohydrates, amino acids, and lipids
____ 39. C3 and C4 plants differ in terms of the number of
a. steps in the Calvin cycle.
c. times the stomata open and close during a
b. carbon atoms in the compound that
d. ATP molecules used in the Calvin cycle.
CO2 is initially incorporated into.
____ 40. As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis
a. continues to decrease.
c. initially decreases and then levels off
b. continues to increase.
d. initially increases and then levels off.
____ 41.
____ 42.
____ 43.
Which of these equations best summarizes photosynthesis?
a. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 —> 6 CO2 + 12 H2O
d. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O —> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
6 CO2 + 6 O2 —> C6H12O6 + 6 H2O
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 —> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Energy
H2O —> 2 H+ + 1/2 O2 + 2e-
The light reactions of photosynthesis use _____ and produce _____.
carbon dioxide ... sugar
carbon dioxide ... oxygen
NADPH ... oxygen
water ... NADPH
_____ has a longer wavelength than _____.
(Left to Right)
____ 44.
Red ... green
Green ... yellow
Yellow ... red
Blue ... green
Violet ... blue
Carbon fixation involves the addition of carbon dioxide to _____.
Chapter 6
Study Guide
____ 45. In C3 plants the conservation of water promotes _____.
a. photorespiration
d. the opening of stomata
b. a shift to C4 photosynthesis
e. photosynthesis
c. the light reactions
____ 46.
____ 47.
In C4 and CAM plants carbon dioxide is fixed in the _____ of mesophyll cells.
C4 plants differ from C3 and CAM plants in that C4 plants _____.
open their stomata only at night
are better adapted to wet conditions
transfer fixed carbon dioxide to cells in which
the Calvin cycle occurs
use malic acid to transfer carbon dioxide to
the Calvin cycle
use PEP carboxylase to fix carbon dioxide
____ 48. The production of ATP during phtosynthesis requires
a. energy released when protons move down c. energy from electrons passing through
their concentration gradient
electron transport chains
b. ATP synthase to catalyze the addition of a d. All of the above
phosphate group to a molecule of ADP
____ 49. Protons are moved into the thylakoid using energy from
a. ATP
c. electrons in the transport chain
d. the sun’s heat
Complete each sentence or statement.
50. Stacks of thylakoids, called ____________________, are suspended in the stroma of chloroplasts.
51. A photosynthetic pigment that absorbs primarily red and blue wavelengths of light and appears green is called
____________________, while pigments that absorb other wavelengths and appear yellow and orange are
called ____________________.
52. Organisms that harvest energy from either sunlight or chemicals in order to make food molecules are called
53. The main pigment associated with the two photosystems is ____________________.
54. The abundance of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere is a result of millions of years of ____________________.
55. Chemiosmosis in the thylakoid membrane results in the synthesis of ____________________.
Chapter 6
Study Guide
56. The second stage of photosynthesis, in which glucose is manufactured, is called the ____________________.
57. ____________________ plants have an enzyme that can fix CO2 into four-carbon compounds.
58. During photosynthesis, oxygen gas is produced when water molecules are split to provide
replacement_______________________ for photosystem II.
Refer to the illustration above. Amy wants to test the hypothesis that the rate of photosynthesis is directly
related to the light level to which plants are exposed. She has chosen the aquatic plant Elodea as her study
organism. In her experimental design, she has four different tanks in which she will place Elodea plants. Each
Elodea plant will be placed inside an inverted test tube. She plans to estimate the relative rate of
photosynthesis by measuring the amount of oxygen produced by plants placed under different light levels.
She plans to compare the amount of oxygen gas that collects in the top of each of the test tubes.
Amy plans to place tank 3 next to a window in the classroom. She plans to place tank 2 ten feet away from the
window. She plans to place tank 1 twenty feet away from the window. She plans to place tank 4 in the
classroom’s refrigerator, because it is the only place she can find that is dark. Write your answers to the
following in the spaces below.
a. What is wrong with the design of Amy’s experiment?
b. What could Amy change in her experimental design to make it a better experiment?
Chapter 6
Study Guide
Chapter 6
Study Guide
62.Label the Parts of this Plant Cell
B._______________ C.______________ D._______________ E.________________
63.Label the Parts of this Chloroplast
B._____________ C.______________ D.__________________ E._____________
Where Does the Calvin Cycle Occur?___________________.
64.Use this Graph representing the Light Reactions inside the Thylakoid to answer the next Five Questions:
Chapter 6
Study Guide
I. Which of these phosphorylates ADP to make ATP? __________.
II. __________ releases energy that is used to pump hydrogen ions from the stroma into the thylakoid compartment.
III. _________ splits water into Oxygen (O2), a Proton (H+), and an Electron (e-).
IV. Energized electrons from ___________ enter an electron transport chain and are then used to reduce NADP +.
V. Chlorophyll can be found in _____________ and ___________.
Chapter 6
Study Guide
Extended Response
66. Why do the cells of plant roots generally lack chloroplasts? Write your answer in the space below.
67. Define the terms autotroph and heterotroph. What types of organisms belong in each of these categories?
Write your answer in the space below.
68. Explain why the leaves of plants appear green to the human eye. Write your answer in the space below.
69. Summarize how the light reactions and the Calvin cycle work together to create the continuous cycle of
a. Stage 1 of photosynthesis
b. Stage 2 of photosynthesis
____ 70. Light Energy is stored as ATP and NADPH
Chapter 6
Study Guide
____ 71. Organic compounds are formed using carbon dioxide
____ 72. Calvin Cycle
____ 73. Excited electrons are passed along an electron transport chain
____ 74. Pigment molecules absorb energy
____ 75. Water is split
Short Answer
76. Why is photosynthesis referred to as a biochemical pathway?
77. How does the structure of a chloroplast enable it to build up a concentration gradient of protons?
78. What are the energy-carrying end products of the light harvesting reactions?
79. Explain the function of accessory pigments.
80. Which photosystem—I or II—most likely evolved first? Explain your reasoning.
81. Using (CH2O) as the general formula for a carbohydrate, write the simplest overall equation for
82. How do CAM plants differ from both C3 and C4 plants?
83. Why does the rate of photosynthesis increase, peak, and then decrease as temperature increases?
84. Stomata can open and close in response to changes in the CO2 concentration
inside the leaf. Would you expect stomata to open or close if the CO 2 concentration decreased?
85. Does increasing the temperature always increase the rate of photosynthesis? Explain.
86. Where does the energy used in the Calvin Cycle come from?
87. How is ATP formed in photosynthesis?
Chapter 6
Study Guide