Download 2016 - Commissioning

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LSST Commissioning
Kevin Reil
LSST Commissioning Camera Rep.
August 15, 2016
LSST Commissioning: Camera
Commissioning Planning Time Frame
Camera Team Input
Initial Plans
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
LSST Commissioning: Camera Time Frame
Commissioning Planning Time Frame: Camera
Camera commissioning scope estimate - non-MIE (2*)
Camera shipping plan (1)
Camera on summit re-verification plan (2)
Camera summit facility build-out plan (2)
Detail tests with ComCam for Early System AI&T (same 2)
Detail Science Camera tests for Full System AI&T (3)
Non-MIE Camera supplied hardware design, costing and BOEs
(10 in parallel with above)
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Commissioning Planning Time Frame: Camera
Camera commissioning scope estimate - non-MIE (2*)
Camera shipping plan (1)
Camera on summit re-verification plan (2)
Camera summit facility build-out plan (2)
Detail tests with ComCam for Early System AI&T (same 2)
Detail Science Camera tests for Full System AI&T (3)
Non-MIE Camera supplied hardware design, costing and BOEs
(10 in parallel with above)
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
LSST Commissioning: Camera Team
LSST Camera
3.04.01 Science Raft Tower
3.04.02 Corner Raft Tower
3.06.05 Utility Trunk
3.03 Sensors
3.07.02 Aux Electronics
3.06.04 Cryostat
3.05.04 L3 Lens Assembly
3.06.01 Camera Body
3.05.02 Filters (6)
3.06.03 Filter Exchange System
3.06.02 Shutter
Camera Control System
15-19, 2016
3.05.03 L1-L2 Lens Assembly LSST 2016 • Aug3.07.01
3.07.02 DAQ
I&T -> Commissioning
− I&T planning summarized:
LCA-40 Integration and Test Plan
LCA-283 Camera Verification Test Plan
LCA-10148 Survey and Alignment Plan
− Documentation
eTraveler summaries, NCRs, as built docs, etc
− Characteristics Data Delivered with the Camera
Information delivered to Data Management
• Iterated several times and under change control, LSE-130
• Details of vendor test data will be added as they are determined
• Includes:
• As-built position information from I&T
• FEA distortion models
• Sensor and optics characteristics (from test plans)
• Filter and lens vendor test results
• Optical model as-built inputs/updates to support integrated observatory
• Shutter motion profiles and shadowing model as a function of position
• Thermal model to interpolate temperature measurements
• Configuration
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Summary of inputs from camera team
− Camera Management
• Need to clearly understand colors of money ($$$) and properly
manage boundaries. Create BOEs and resource loaded schedule.
− Camera Systems Engineering
• While camera fully verified at camera preship review questions will
(almost certainly) come up during commissioning
• What role is needed from camera SE during commissioning?
• eTraveler transfer of knowledge? NCR handling?
− Sensors/Science RAFTs
• Transfer of fixtures from BNL to LSST?
• Transfer/maintenance of knowledge?
• On sky sensor data/performance evaluation.
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Summary of inputs from camera team
− Corner RAFT*
• Like SR only digital access at commissioning
• Wavefront data and guide data!
− Optics
• All the filters will be fully characterized by the vendor by direct
measurements on the actual optics across the entire aperture. r-filter,
at least, also well tested at SLAC.
• Float indicates all filters tested at SLAC but possible summit work
needed (CCOB thin beam at summit is currently planned)
• Optics handling expertise at LLNL needs transfer to camera I&T and
commissioning (not just a piece of paper with procedure)
• L3 integrated at delivery
• L1/L2 assembly (likely) reintegrated and aligned in Chile
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Summary of inputs from camera team
− Shutter
Well tested at I&T prior to delivery
Shutter swaps at summit during commissioning?
On sky performance input/feedback
First shutter refurbish as part of commissioning?
− Filter exchange*
Well tested at I&T prior to delivery
Autochanger swaps at summit during commissioning?
On sky/telescope input/feedback
First autochanger refurbish as part of commissioning?
− Cryostat/refrigeration*
• Pathfinders during ComCam
• Commissioning systems (2) at summit
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Summary of inputs from camera team
• Pathfinders
• Need CCS prior to ComCam
• More than any subsystem (I think) CCS will be asked to add many
things not in their original list of requirements. Significant manpower
needs during commissioning.
• Calibration telescope ?
Need DAQ prior to ComCam
Calibration telescope?
Network issues/boundaries (summit, summit to base, etc)
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Summary of verbal inputs from camera team
− I&T
• I&T ends with camera ready to ship
• I&T has scope (3.08.05) to design, build or design/build shipping
container for camera
• But not all the other things that need to ship.
• Nominal plan has been to reuse the L1/L2 shipping container from
Optics/Ball Aerospace and ship rest of camera as one piece
• Filters back in their shipping containers
• Commissioning must cover shipping costs
• All of camera I&T goes to Chile
• Fixtures and a-frame crane for clean room in I&T budget
• Alumalift, RAFT level test stands, computers
• Everything else? (tools, clean room gear, etc) are not.
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Time Frames: Camera Perspective
− Pathfinders for CCS and DAQ
• ~2018
− ComCam era
• Early 2019, merge T&S/Cam hardware
• Mid 2019 to early 2020 – On telescope
• Refrigeration pathfinders
− Camera Ready at SLAC
• Feb. 14, 2020
− Camera on summit (camera maintenance area)
• Spring/Summer 2020
− Camera on telescope!
• Fall/Winter 2020
− (Dates approx. from gantt charts)
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Time Frames: Camera Perspective
− Pathfinders for CCS and DAQ
• Needed before ComCam arrives
• Discussion
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Time Frames: Camera Perspective
− ComCam era
• Add missing scope in LSE-199
• Or at least clarification of scope and responsibilities
• I&T scope @ SLAC
• Union of I&T scope and T&S scope @ SLAC
• Unified testing @ SLAC
• Shipping
• On Summit
• Testing on floor before going on telescope
• In mass simulator on telescope
• Parallel refrigeration pathfinder in mass simulator
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Time Frames: Camera Perspective
− Camera Ready at SLAC
Camera I&T done
Pre-ship/Acceptance review (3.08.04)
Camera into/next to shipping container (3.08.05)
Camera project (DOE MIE) done!
Ship camera
• Ship fixtures
• Ship test stands, tools, etc
• Transfer verification data, procedures, etc
− “Commissioning activities involving the Camera begins with shipping from
SLAC to Chile and re-verification on the Cerro Pachon summit. Reverification activities of the Camera will be lead (led) by DOE personnel,
but coordinated through the Commissioning team and plan. These
activities are currently scheduled to start February 14, 2020 with a Camera
Pre-Ship Acceptance review at SLAC.”
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
LSST Commissioning: Logistics
and Existing Plans
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Receiving the Camera from SLAC
Camera Shroud installed as
protection for auto changer
L1-L2 removed
These slides from Joint Technical Meeting: Santa Cruz 2016. Thanks: Travis Lange
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Telescope 3rd Floor
Clean Room
Camera Staging and Test Area
White Room
Utility Area
Mirror Coating Facility
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Equipment Flow Diagram—Receiving the Camera
“Camera I&T needs to be repeatable at summit” requirement has required real work already.
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Receiving the Camera and Prepping for Install
Raft Integration
Camera Integration Stand
Camera Staging and Test Area
Clean Room (class 10,000)
White Room (class 100,000)
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Time Frames: Camera Perspective
− Camera on summit (camera staging/test area)
• Camera on camera integration stand (install that first)
• Is nominal shipping plan of L1/L2 + rest of camera the right plan?
• Re-align L1/L2 assembly with camera
• CCOB thin beam tests
• Refrigeration at Camera Maintenance area
• How much throughput testing?
• Under CCS control here
• Camera in front end assembly
• Move to OCS control
• Pump down/cool down
• Flat field, darks, etc
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Camera Staging and Test Area
Camera Integration Stand
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Receive Camera from SLAC on Saddle Stand
Camera Saddle Stand
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Move Camera Into White Room
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Camera in White Room (Rotated 180°)
Camera in Saddle Stand
L1-L2 Support Stand
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Bring L1-L2 Container into White Room
L1-L2 Shipping Container
L1-L2 Support Stand
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Prep L1-L2
L1-L2 Shipping Container
L1-L2 on Support Stand
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Remove L1-L2 Shipping Container
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Integrate L1-L2 and Shroud to Camera
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Move Camera into Staging Area
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Prep Camera for Move to Integration Stand
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Camera Testing & Alignment
Utilities Needed:
• Camera Power 380V, 3 phase 44A
• Integration Stand Power 230V, 3 phase 30A
• Refrigeration
• DAQ Fibers
• Glycol
• Nitrogen gas
• Compressed dry air
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Prep Hexapod/Rotator Assembly
Camera Support
Assembly Stand
Camera Support Assembly
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Integrate Camera on Hexapod/Rotator Assembly
Complete Camera Support
Assembly ready for
integration on telescope
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
CAD Image of Facility
The CAD model of Camera Equipment in the
Camera Maintenance Facility is a WIP
Camera Saddle Stand
Camera Integration Stand
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
More plans in place
− See JTM talk by Travis Lange
• Cryostat level work on summit support
• RAFT replacement, for example
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Time Frames: Camera Perspective
− Camera on telescope!
• Full verification of all systems
• Mini surveys
• Data flowing
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016
Camera: Conclusions
Camera Commissioning: Conclusions
− I have no conclusions, we are just getting started
− We need your help!
Let’s talk!
LSST 2016 • Aug 15-19, 2016