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Digestive wellness is within your control.
good health isn’t just a matter of what you eat, but how well you digest it
hen we think about good
nutrition, we tend to focus
on what we eat. Even when
we slip up, we know to load up on
fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts,
seeds, legumes and soy and fish proteins. But sometimes, even when we
eat well, we still don’t feel well. Not
only is that physically uncomfortable,
but it’s frustrating too, because we
don’t know what we’re doing wrong.
That’s because eating right is just the
first step. If we can’t digest the food
we eat, we’ll never feel our best. After
all, the purpose of eating is to deliver
nutrients to every cell in our bodies. If
that doesn’t happen, not much in our
body is going to work right.
By Liz Lipski, Ph.D., C.C.N.
Our digestive system is a vast, complex network that affects every aspect
of our lives. Did you know that twothirds of our immune system is located in the digestive system? Or that we
make 90 percent of our serotonin in
our gut. And that we have more nerve
endings here than in our spine?
Digestive issues are rampant in our
culture. Twelve percent of Americans
have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
and along with the common cold and
back pain, digestive illness is one of
the top reasons people see a doctor.
According to the Digestive Disease
Clearinghouse and Information
Center, up to one-half of the population has digestive problems, ranging
from mild or manageable—gas, bloating, GERD (acid reflux), constipation,
diarrhea and IBS—to the more serious diseases like celiac, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis and cancers of the digestive system. Over-the-counter GERD
medications are the most popular category of medicine, accounting for
$17.4 billion in worldwide sales.
But relax (if you can). There’s plenty you can do to prevent digestive
problems and to find relief. You
already know some of the tips that follow; others may be new to you. The
good news is that digestive wellness
usually is within your control. Of
course, if your symptoms persist, see
a medical professional. September/October 2006
Chew your food well. The whole
reason we have teeth is to mush our
food before it hits our stomach. Many of
us eat on the run or standing up, or we
gulp it down before the kids misbehave.
So take the time to chew your food well.
Food ought to be liquefied and smooth
before swallowed.
Eat in a relaxed way. When we’re
stressed, our digestion suffers. Make the
dinner table a place for friendly conversation rather than for criticism or complaints. Saying grace or holding hands
digestion. If you do crave sweets, you
may have low blood-sugar levels. Try
eating smaller, more frequent meals and
snacks. Or try some dried fruit, a small
piece of chocolate or a piece of hard
candy—and really savor it.
Give up carbonated drinks.
Carbonation can contribute to burping,
gas and bloating. Try cutting it out for
just one week and see how you feel.
Replace soft drinks and sodas with mineral water or herbal teas sweetened with
a bit of apple or cranberry juice.
If your digestion is really
poor, cook all food really well.
It’s easier to digest foods that
are well cooked. Think soups,
stews and well-cooked veggies
and grains.
Increase your fiber
intake. “If you aren’t having at
least one healthy bowel movement each day, you’re constipated,” says Russell Jaffe, M.D.,
Ph.D., president of Elisa Act
Biotechnologies. Increase your
Read labels
and aim to get
fiber intake by eating more veg25 to 30 grams
etables, beans, fruits, prunes,
of fiber daily.
whole grains and high-fiber cereals. Read nutritional labels and
quietly before a meal reminds us that
aim to consume 25 to 30 grams daily.
we’ve stopped what we were doing and
Check for food sensitivities.
are now eating. When you dine alone,
don’t watch TV or read, which distracts
Food sensitivities are different from food
you from the main event: enjoying your
allergies, which cause nearly immediate
meal and digesting properly.
symptoms like sneezing, congestion, itching, hives and tongue or lip swelling.
Sensitivities can produce less obvious
Limit sugar and sweets. Just cutting way back on sugary and sweet foods symptoms—which are often delayed—
can dramatically reduce gas, bloating
such as fatigue, depression, brain fog,
and indigestion. This includes cookies,
migraines, arthritis and IBS. An easy way
candies, pastries, muffins, dried fruit
to self-test yourself is by eating only
and soft drinks–including noncarbonatfruits, vegetables, fish, chicken and rice,
ed ones like teas and fruit drinks.
seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper,
There’s strong anecdotal evidence that
herbs and spices for a week or two. It’s
artificial sweeteners can wreak havoc on amazing how often health problems are
S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2006 p i l a t e s s t y l e . c o m
resolved this way. Add back foods one at
a time to see what triggers symptoms.
Use digestive enzymes. If you feel
that your food just sits undigested, try
taking one or two digestive enzymes
with meals. There are many good products on the market. Get suggestions
from a knowledgeable person at your
health food store or good vitamin shop.
Try probiotics. If you’re bloated
after meals, constipated, or have diarrhea or IBS, probiotic supplements like
acidophilus can help. There are many
kinds of beneficial organisms, but make
sure that the product contains at least
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria
species. These beneficial bacteria support digestive and immune function,
make vitamins and help our bodies to
become more resilient. Yogurt and kefir
are good but typically do not provide
enough to help with digestive symptoms. Begin by taking 1 capsule or 1
tsp. daily and increasing until your
digestion improves. Refrigerated products generally have the highest potencies. Look for products containing at
least 4 billion organisms.
Use herbs, spices and herbal
teas to enhance digestion.
Culinary herbs and spices not only
make our food taste good, they also aid
digestion. Spice up dishes—and your
digestion—with cinnamon, nutmeg,
curry, ginger, cardamom, basil, oregano
and thyme. Best teas include ginger,
fennel, dill or caraway seed, and mint.
Do a cleanse. It’s a good idea to do
an annual cleanse to let our digestive
system rest and renew. There are many
great products on the market that focus
on liver and/or colon cleansing. Get
recommendations from a trusted staffer
at your health food store, and be sure to
follow label directions.