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Canada's international transactions in securities, October 2016 Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time in The Daily, Friday, December 16, 2016 Foreign acquisitions of Canadian securities amounted to $15.8 billion in October, mainly Canadian corporate debt securities. At the same time, Canadian investors added $2.1 billion of foreign securities to their holdings, led by acquisitions of US corporate instruments. Foreign investment in Canadian securities increases Foreign acquisitions of Canadian securities reached $15.8 billion in October, above the monthly average investment of $13.7 billion from January to September. The activity was mainly concentrated in Canadian debt securities issued by private corporations, both short- and long-term instruments. Chart 1 Foreign investment in Canadian securities billions of dollars 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Oct. 2012 2013 Money market instruments 2014 2015 Oct. 2016 Bonds Equity and investment fund shares Source(s): CANSIM table 376-0131. Non-resident investors resumed their acquisitions in the Canadian money market by adding $7.7 billion worth to their holdings in October, following a $5.4 billion divestment in September. Foreign acquisitions of private corporate paper accounted for the bulk of the investment, reaching a record $6.8 billion, mainly paper denominated in foreign currencies. Canadian short-term interest rates were down slightly and the Canadian dollar depreciated against its US counterpart by 1.7 US cents in the month. The Daily, Friday, December 16, 2016 Foreign investment in Canadian bonds slowed to $6.3 billion in October. Foreign acquisitions of Canadian private corporate bonds amounted to $5.0 billion, mainly new issues denominated in foreign currencies. This followed an investment of $11.1 billion in these instruments in September. Non-resident investors acquired $2.1 billion of government bonds, largely purchases on the secondary market. A reduction in foreign holdings of federal government enterprise bonds moderated the overall investment. Canadian long-term interest rates were up by 17 basis points in October, following five consecutive months of decline. Foreign investors acquired $1.8 billion of Canadian equities in October, following a $5.7 billion investment in September. Issuance of new Canadian shares to non-resident portfolio investors, resulting from cross-border mergers and acquisitions, led the activity during the month. Canadian stock prices edged up in October. Canadian investment in foreign securities focuses on US instruments Canadian investors added $2.1 billion of foreign securities to their holdings in October, led by acquisitions of US corporate securities. Canadian acquisitions of foreign shares amounted to $1.7 billion and reflected a $3.2 billion purchase of US shares, partially offset by a $1.5 billion sale of non-US foreign shares. US stock prices were down by 1.9% in October. Canadian investment in foreign debt securities totalled $433 million in October, following two months of divestment. The investment activity was mainly in US corporate bonds and, to a lesser extent, non-US foreign bonds. A $3.1 billion reduction in US government bonds moderated the overall investment in the month. This was the third consecutive month of divestment in US government bonds. US short-term interest rates were up by 4 basis points and long-term interest rates were up by 13 basis points in the month. Chart 2 Canadian investment in foreign securities billions of dollars 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Oct. 2012 2013 Debt securities 2014 2015 Equity and investment fund shares Source(s): CANSIM table 376-0131. 2 Component of Statistics Canada catalogue no. 11-001-X Oct. 2016 The Daily, Friday, December 16, 2016 Note to readers The data series on international transactions in securities covers portfolio transactions in equity and investment fund shares, bonds and money market instruments for both Canadian and foreign issues. This activity excludes transactions in equity and debt instruments between affiliated enterprises, which are classified as foreign direct investment in the international accounts. Equity and investment fund shares include common and preferred equities as well as units/shares of investment funds. Debt securities include bonds and money market instruments. Bonds have an original term to maturity of more than one year. Money market instruments have an original term to maturity of one year or less. Government of Canada paper includes Treasury bills and US-dollar Canada bills. All values in this release are net transactions unless otherwise stated. Next release Data on Canada's international transactions in securities for November 2016 will be released on January 19, 2017. Table 1 Canada's international transactions in securities August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 January to October 2015 January to October 2016 millions of dollars Foreign investment in Canadian securities Debt securities Money market instruments Governments Federal government Other governments Corporations Government business enterprises Private corporations Bonds Governments Federal government Other governments Corporations Government business enterprises Private corporations Equity and investment fund shares 12,764 10,160 1,165 731 947 -216 433 -119 552 8,995 2,025 254 1,772 6,970 3,875 3,096 2,604 11,790 6,102 -5,399 -159 -167 8 -5,240 -1,522 -3,718 11,501 -1,689 268 -1,957 13,190 2,107 11,083 5,688 15,754 13,946 7,691 620 26 594 7,071 314 6,758 6,254 2,148 1,135 1,013 4,107 -850 4,956 1,808 100,771 92,095 5,038 -5,086 -2,919 -2,168 10,126 -472 10,599 87,055 24,163 33,615 -9,452 62,893 16,418 46,476 8,677 139,180 100,967 6,070 -4,393 -3,212 -1,182 10,464 -397 10,862 94,895 25,816 17,178 8,637 69,081 10,560 58,522 38,211 Canadian investment in foreign securities Debt securities Money market instruments Bonds Equity and investment fund shares 1,600 -1,669 -181 -1,488 3,269 1,818 -5,024 352 -5,376 6,843 2,136 433 562 -129 1,703 26,408 18,574 -1,823 20,397 7,832 15,180 3,610 86 3,523 11,572 Note(s): In this table, a positive value denotes an increase in investment and a negative value denotes a decrease in investment. Transactions are recorded on a net basis. Figures may not add up to totals as a result of rounding. Source(s): CANSIM table 376-0131. Component of Statistics Canada catalogue no. 11-001-X 3 The Daily, Friday, December 16, 2016 Available in CANSIM: tables 376-0131 to 376-0138. Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 1535. For more information, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136; 514-283-8300; [email protected]). To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Lauren Dong (613-668-3140; [email protected]), International Accounts and Trade Division. 4 Component of Statistics Canada catalogue no. 11-001-X