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Brief Response
• Why was the Second New Deal necessary and
how effective was it? Explain.
• Conservatives had used courts to shut down
many New Deal I programs.
• Created jobs that improved public services and
national infrastructure (schools, land reclamation,
electricity, etc)
• Did not end the economic problems enough
• Made Americans feel better, confident.
The New Deal Affects Many Groups;
Culture in the 1930s
p. 504,
Today’s goal
• New Deal policies and actions affected various
social and ethnic groups
• Government’s role has been expanding ever
since, especially in the role of equal rights.
• The new Deal saw the expansion of motion
pictures, radio, art, and literature.
• Giant film studios, publishing companies, major
art galleries, and continental radio networks
promoted public appreciation and consumption
of the arts.
Frances Perkins
• the first woman appointed to a cabinet
position, Secretary of Labor, 1933-45.
– Played a major role in starting Social Security
– Supervised labor legislation.
– One of several women FDR appointed to head
government offices.
Mary McLeod Bethune
• Educator who promoted opportunities for young
African Americans
• Appointed by FDR to head the Division of Negro
Affairs of the National Youth Administration.
• Organized the “Black Cabinet” of influential
African Americans who advised FDR on racial
• One of over a hundred African Americans FDR
appointed to head government offices.
John Collier
• FDR’s Commissioner of Indian Affairs
• Organized the Indian Reorganization Act of
– Promoted Indian autonomy (self-rule)
• Reservation schools
• Tribes select their own governing councils.
– Return lands to Indian control.
• Prohibited government selling off unclaimed land.
New Deal Coalition
• FDR coordinated diverse groups to support
the Democratic Party:
– Southern Whites
– Urban groups
– African Americans
– Unionized industrial workers
• Effectively made the Democratic Party
dominate in the 1930s and 40s.
Congress of Industrial Organizations
– Formed when the American Federation of
Labor rejected industrial workers.
– Begun by members of the International
Ladies Garment Workers and United Mine
Workers unions.
– Would reunite with the AFL in 1955: The
most powerful union in the US, today.
Grant Wood
• One of a number of artists subsidized by
Federal Art Project funds.
• Noted for his popular work, “American
Richard Wright
• Writer sponsored by the Federal Writer’s
• Native Son was his noted work about a
young African American man trying to
survive in a racist world.
• Black Boy is also taught in many LAUSD
The Grapes of Wrath
• Another FWP sponsored writer, John Steinbeck, wrote it.
• epic novel describing the plight of displaced farmers
using one family’s hardships:
• Evicted in Oklahoma, used and abused all the way to
• They had their car and each other…..
• Famed film director, John Ford, adapted it in a very
successful and poignant film
– This mash up features a modern performer singing a
depression era song, “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime” with
clips from various parts of the Ford film.
Orson Welles
• Director, actor, producer of the Mercury Theater.
• Frightened radio listeners by turning H. G. Wells’ War of the Worlds
into a news broadcast.
– Unaware people thought it was a real news broadcast and panicked.
– Entire broadcast
– Welles on British TV, 1950s discussing the effects:
• Also made several of Hollywood’s best films of the time, including
Citizen Kane.
– Used new techniques and his Mercury Theater actors.
• Deep focus, Kane’s childhood
• Yellow Journalist Newsman
• As an old man (cut out JFK quote at end)
• William Randolph Hearst threatened every studio that Welles approached,
but RKO finally made it (run by millionaire Howard Hughes).
Morality Codes
• Movies and radio became privately controlled
for moral content.
– Leaving family/divorce were considered immoral
– Couples could not be in the same bedroom unless
married and in separate beds.
– Cursing was only allowed in light forms
Golly, instead of God!
Darn, instead of damn!
Jee, instead of Jesus!
What in the Sam Hill, instead of What the Hell?
p. 505, Synthesizing
• It gave President Roosevelt valuable advice on
racial issues.
• Provided African Americans with a voice, for
the first time, at the highest levels of
p. 506, Evaluating
• President Roosevelt was not committed to full
civil rights for African Americans.
• He did not support a federal anti-lynching law
or an end to poll taxes.
• Many African American families benefited
from work relief, but some New Deal
programs discriminated against African
p. 507, Identifying Problems
• Farm laborers were essentially unprotected by
state and federal laws.
p. 507, summarizing
• The Indian Reorganization Act turned Native
American lands over to individual tribes
• Allowed children to attend schools on the
• Allowed tribes to elect councils to govern their
p. 508, analyzing effects
• New Deal labor laws gave unions greater
power to organize and negotiate with
• As a result, unions grew in size and joined with
other groups in the New Deal coalition.
p. 509, 3, Summarizing
Women appointed to government positions
More women employed outside the home
Expanding opportunities in the workplace
Women activists and organizers.
p. 509, 4, making generalizations
Labor too powerful
• Strikes interfered with
• Labor disputes often
became violent.
Labor needed those gains
• Industrial workers were
finally allowed to unionize.
• Working conditions
improved by better
p. 509, 5, analyzing motives
• New Deal labor and relief programs helped
the urban poor.
• Roosevelt made direct appeals to urban voters
during campaign.
p. 511, Developing Historical
• Movies provided realistic portrayals as well as
escapist comedies and romances.
• All of which helped people to cope with
Depression reality.
p. 512, analyzing causes
• New Deal officials believed that art played and
important role in the life of the American
• They also believed that artists deserved work
relief just as other unemployed Americans did.
p. 513, interpreting visual sources
• 1
– Wood wanted to portray hardships Midwestern farm
families endured during the Depression.
• 2
– Yes
– The painting does represent the hardships through
the stoic faces and stances of the figures.
– No
– They don’t look like they are suffering, just serious
working people.
– They are only rural workers, not urban workers.
p. 513, summarizing
• The Federal Art Project paid artists to produce
public art.
– It also promoted the teaching of art in schools and
poster and mural painting.
• The Federal Theater Project assisted
producing theater productions.
p. 514, analyzing issues
• Writers depicted the difficulties of the
Depression Era.
– The Dust Bowl
– Working-class life
– Racism
– Hardships in America
p. 514, 3, hypothesizing
• Probably films about social and political issues
or accomplishments
– Mr Smith Goes to Washington
• Also documentaries covering the same topics:
– Dust Bowl
– The Depression…..
p. 514, 4, analyzing effects
• Entertainment, especially movies and radio,
was a lucrative industry during the
• New movie theaters had regular patrons
• Nearly 90% of Americans owned radios by
p. 514, 5, drawing conclusions
• Writers produced literature about the
hardships and daily struggle of the American
people during the Thirties.
• A written and pictorial legacy of the
Depression years.
• Provided writers and artists the opportunity to
• The arts became more accessible to the
p. 522, Main Ideas, 1
• FDR expanded the role of government
through programs designed to restore public
confidence and provide jobs.
p. 522, Main Ideas, 2
• Some said the New Deal gave government too
much power.
• Others argued it did not provide enough aid.
p. 522, Main Ideas, 6
• The Democrats supported labor legislation
and programs that helped urban poor and
Gone With the Wind
• One of the most popular Hollywood films, ever.
• One of the first and few in color (very expensive in 1939).
• Also, the first film to pass the censor for the use of the bad
language word “damn”.
• Full of stereotypes by today’s standards.
– Antebellum Southern aristocratic life
– slavery
• Hattie McDaniel was the first African American to win an Academy
Award, but she was criticized by some for playing “Mammy”
– Mammy and Scarlett
– Scarlett is rejected by Ashley, meets Rhett
– Broke Scarlett During Reconstruction
– End (what part of it shocked cinema audiences EC
• Rhett uses the word “damn”….