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Classification of plants
Based on the size, nature of the stem plants are classified into herbs, shrubs and trees There is
one more category called as creepers and climbers.
a) A herb is a non-woody plant that has green and tender stem with few branches on.
It is usually short.
It has a very short life. Eg: Mint,tomato and spinach.
b) A shrub is taller than a herb and has stem branching out at its base.
Shrub is a bushy plant.
The stems of a shrub are not hard but thick.
Sunflower, Rose, Lime are some of the shrubs that we see around.
c) A tree is a woody plant that has many branches on a single stem.
Stem is thick and brown and are called trunk. .
Branches arise from the base of the stem.
Mango tree, Neem tree, Peepal tree are some of the trees in our surroundings.
d) Creepers are the plants with weak stems and hence cannot stand straight.
They spread on the ground. Eg: Cucumber, watermelon.
e) Climbers are the plants that need support from other structures like tree,railings,walls to grow
and climb as their stem is weak. Eg: Money plant, Grape wine.
Depending on the presence of flowers, plants are classified into two types namely, flowering
plants and non-flowering plants.
a) Flowering plants are the plants which possess distinct roots, stems, flowers and fruits. e.g.
Mango, Papaya, Guava.
b) Non-flowering plants are the plants which do not have distinct roots, stem, leaves, flowers or
fruits. e.g. Fern, Moss.
Parts of a plant
The parts which are present underground are the roots and form the root system.. Parts which are
present above the ground are stem, leaves, buds, flowers, fruits and seeds(shoot system)
Functions of root
They hold the plant firmly in the soil, thereby serving as an anchor to the plant.
They absorb water and nutrients from the soil required for the growth of the plant.
Some roots also store starch and sugars in them.
Types of roots
Roots are of two types - tap root and fibrous roots.
Tap root is a primary root that grows more or less straight down into the soil, and is tapered
towards the end. It is found in many of the plants. Smaller roots that branch out from the tap root
are called as lateral roots. Examples of plants with tap roots are hibiscus, carrot, turnip and
Fibrous roots are a group of lateral roots arising at the base of the stem. In the plants bearing
fibrous roots.These bunch of roots form the fibrous roots. Examples of plants with fibrous roots
are banana, grass and onion.
Modifications of roots
Roots in many plants are modified to perform additional functions by some modifications.
Storage roots are the roots modified to store food in them. e.g. Carrot, turnip, radish, sweet
potato etc.
Climbing roots are the roots which help the plant to climb and cling on to the support. e.g.
Money plant, betel.
Prop roots are the roots which offer support to huge structure of the tree. e.g. Banyan tree
Stilt roots provide support to the maize plant.
The stem is the part of the plant seen above the ground. It bears the leaves, flowers and fruits of a
plant. It is almost green or woody. It grows towards the sunlight. It moves away from the ground.
Functions of stem
Stem helps in transportation of absorbed water and nutrients through vascular tissue from roots
to leaves
Stem also transports food from the leaves to different storage organs.
Modifications of stem
Stems in many plants are modified to perform additional functions by some modifications.
Storage of food: In some plants, underground stem is modified to store food in the form of
starch. Three types of underground modifications of stem are tubers (e.g. Potato), rhizome
(e.g.Ginger) and bulb (e.g.Onion).
Photosynthesis: In some desert plants, leaves are absent or reduced to spines. Here, the stem
performs photosynthesis to synthesise food.
Supportive structures: In climbing plants, stems are modified sometimes into structures which
twine around the support.
Leaves are the structures which develop on branches. These are green coloured structures rich in
chloroplasts. As they have chlorophyll in them, they are considered to be food factories of the
plant. Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves. Each leaf bears a bud in its axil.
Parts of leaf
The point of attachment of the leaf to the node on the stem is called as leaf base.
Leaf bears a stalk with which it is attached to the stem. It is called as petiole.
The flat part of the leaf exposed to light is called as lamina.
A thin structure which extends from the leaf base to the tip on the lamina is called as mid-rib.
Many veins arise from the midrib. Arrangement of veins on the lamina of the leaf is called as
venation. Veins help in transportation of food and water.
Two types of arrangement of veins on the leaf are parallel venation and reticulate venation.
Parallel venation- Pattern of arrangement in which Veins run parallel to one another from
petiole to tip.Eg Grass.
Reticulate venation-Pattern of arrangement in which small veins arise from the mid- rib. EgRose
Functions of leaf
Leaves are the food factories of the plant which help in the process of photosynthesis to
synthesise their food. They make use of raw materials like carbon dioxide and water in the
presence of chlorophyll and sunlight.
Leaves lose excess water by the process of transpiration. Transpiration cools the body of the
plant by regulating the temperature.
Modifications of leaf
In weak stemmed plants, leaves are modified into special structures which twine around a
support. These are tendrils. These offer support to the plant while climbing up.
In some desert plants like cactus, leaves are reduced to spines so as to reduce loss of water
through transpiration. These spines are also called as thorns. Thorns protect these plants from
grazing animals.
In some insectivorous plants, leaves are modified into pitchers where they are used to trap
insects. These insects can be digested inside the body of the plant. In this way, plants obtain
nitrogen from animals.
Flower is a reproductive structure of the plant. The different parts of a flower include sepals,
petals, stamens and pistil. Flower helps the plant to give rise to new plants by the process of
sexual reproduction.
Parts of a flower
The green leaf-like structures surrounding the bud are called as sepals.
The coloured parts of a flower are called as petals. These help in attracting insects.
The male reproductive part of a flower is called as stamen. It carries pollen grains.
The female reproductive part of a flower is called the pistil. It carries ovules.
A flower is the reproductive part of a plant. It is the most attractive part of the plant. Different
parts of a flower include sepals, petals, stamens and pistil. Parts of a flower can be grouped into
two categories namely, accessory whorls and essential whorls.
Accessory whorls are also called as vegetative whorls which include sepals and petals.
Essential whorls are also called as reproductive whorls which include stamens and pistil.
These are hard, leaf-like structures around the base of a flower.
They protect the bud before it blooms into a flower.
These are green in colour in most of the plants.
These are brightly coloured portions of a flower.
They are brightly coloured so as to attract insects and birds for pollination.
The stamens are the male reproductive parts of a flower. Stamen is made up of a filament and
Anther contains male reproductive cells, the pollen grains.
The pistil is the female reproductive part of a flower. It is made up of the stigma, the style and
the ovary.
After maturation, Ovary turns into fruits and ovules turn into seeds.
Living things are made up of cells- The basic building blocks of life.
Organisms made up of single cell- Unicellular organism Eg- Bacteria and yeast.
Organisms made up of two or more cells- Multicellular organisms- Eg Humans, Dog
Movement refers to the motion of a part or whole of a body.
Locomotion- movement from one place to another.
Earthworms are found moving about in the soil on a rainy day.
Entire body is divided into bristle like structures known as setae.
Setae provide grip for the organism.
Earthworms move forward by repeated contractions and relaxations of their muscles in the skin.
First it fixes its rear end and pulls the front part forward and then it fixes its front part and pulls
the rear end to front.
Snail is protected by its external skeleton called as shell.
Snails are found in wet places.
It has pair of tentacles with eyes at its tip.
Snail moves with the help of single muscular foot.
The under surface of the muscular foot is lubricated with mucus.The wave like contractions and
relaxations of this muscular foot brings about movement.
It secretes mucus to move with ease.
Exoskeleton- the bone structure found outside the body which offers protection. Eg: shells in
Endoskeleton- the bone structure found inside the body Eg: Skeleton in humans
Prepared by Ms. Shruti M