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Press Release N° 1
From October 9th to 11th Rimini Fiera hosts the second edition of the seminar event for
audio, video and lighting installation and integration professionals
Three days of meetings with high-tech content on NETWORKING, DIGITAL AUDIO and VIDEO
with authoritative speakers
Cooperation has been renewed with Italy’s and the world’s most important professional AV and
installation organizations.
Rimini, 23rd June 2008 – After the success of SIB 2008 International Exhibition of Show Business, Installation &
Broadcast Technology, which in April attracted 21,682 visitors to Rimini Fiera, of whom 1,350 were from abroad,
it’s already time for the second edition of SIB FORUM. The only Italian seminar event dedicated to professionals in the
installation and integration of audio, video and lighting technologies renews its appointment at Rimini Fiera from
October 9th to 11th in halls A6 and C6 (West Entrance). SIB FORUM 2008 is organized by Rimini Fiera Spa in
collaboration with Connessioni magazine and has the sponsorship of the most important Italian and international
organizations in the professional audio-video and installation sectors. InfoComm International, ISE (Integrated Systems
Europe), CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association), CNA Installazioni e Impianti and AGS
(association for global security).
Rimini Fiera General Manager Piero Venturelli explains, “The convergence of the installation, system integration and
entertainment markets is already the natural trend in these sectors – technologies and know how once limited to specific
applications now cross over to new areas of use, opening up unexpected horizons for the business and professional
roles involved.”
Rimini Fiera Business Development Manager Massimo Toni adds, “New market opportunities are emerging technological applications that require specific knowledge and expertise are increasingly frequent, new professions are
being created and others need to assume a new role, which is only possible by means of constant updating. In this
context, SIB FORUM is the ideal platform for professionals and companies, who will be able to network, view know how
and share ideas and projects.”
This concept is concisely expressed by the new claim, SYSTEM INTEGRATION: DESIGNING THE FUTURE, which
effectively sums up three fundamental aspects: designing open flexible technology, ready for future integration; the
importance of investing in solid professional expertise to face the challenges of increasingly competitive sectors; the
dynamism of a market that gives clear signs of development and good prospects for the coming years for all the sector's
trade members.
The event’s project manager Angela Bellavista announces, “In particular, SIB FORUM will address system integrators,
installers, AV designers, audio, video and lighting rental companies, lighting and audio designers, architects,
facility managers, organizers of events and technicians in the broadcast field. The format experimented
successfully on the occasion of the first edition is once again confirmed: a wide in-depth range of seminar sessions
completed by an expo area reserved for a limited number of qualified sponsor companies.”
All the seminars will be held by authoritative speakers from the academic world, important trade associations, research
laboratories and companies that are particularly representative of the issues in question.
There will be three thematic areas covered in depth at the next edition’s meetings: Networking, the logical and
technological foundation of system integration; Digital Audio, progressively and implacably evolving; Video, an
irreplaceable means of communication of which all the management and control aspects must be known.
Networking will be the basis of conversations at SIB Forum 2008: whether the topic under discussion is lighting, audio,
video or automation, the problems involved in networks and signal transport will always be to the fore. Because this is
the environment in which information, no matter of what kind, will be able to be communicated and integrated, to enable
to realize projects that have wellness, security, easy use, simple communication and man’s life quality as their aim.
For several years, Audio has been at the centre of a gradual inevitable evolution, born from digital technology: signals
run on complex networks, with a distribution logic similar to that of IP networks, while designers are able to count on
open, dynamic and flexible systems for processing and routing signals, already open to future implementation and new
programming, or on electro-acoustic prediction applications, which enable a project to be accurately assessed while still
at the design stage. This evolution is so important that specific expertise is decisive for designers and is built up by
combining knowledge in the audio field with that regarding areas such as Information Technology, programming and
network structures.
Visual communication, its immediacy and the possibility of communicating complicated meaning and content at
various levels are part of everyday life. Technologies connected with sight, image or light projection are already able to
communicate a wide range of messages in a suitable manner. So there are LED walls for large-format projections –
already able to ensure remarkable resolution – or, on the contrary, small portable screens with OLED (organic LED)
technology, and then fascinating applications involving human sight in the context of video projection... an extremely vast
sector that is rapidly expanding in both the consumer and professional field. At SIB Forum, there will be space to talk
about video signal management on a network, complex systems and those also integrated with audio (such as video
conferencing), covering in depth the (technical but also ideal) connection between video and lighting, trying to organize
the numerous video formats, but also reconsidering some technologies, such as 3D and stereoscopy, which, thanks to
on-going technical progress, are having a second lease of life, with applications in numerous sectors apart from
SIB FORUM 2008 will also be an opportunity for coming into direct contact with the sector’s key firms which, as
sponsors, will take part in the event in the context of the selected expo showcase featuring leading brands, who will be in
Rimini as standard-bearers of the avant-garde and the most innovative technologies available on the market. As well as
the program of seminars, there will also be some meetings dedicated to the presentation of products and solutions.
Organizers: Rimini Fiera SpA in collaboration with Connessioni magazine, with the sponsorship of ISE, INFOCOMM, CEDIA,
CNA Installazioni e Impianti and AGS; Frequency: annual; admittance: payment at the entrance - € 60 for one day, € 100 for two
and € 130 for the entire forum; Hours: Thursday 10.00 am - 6.30 pm, Friday 9.00 am - 7.00 pm, Saturday 9.00 am - 5.30 pm; Info:
+39 0541 744300 Web site:
Rimini Fiera SpA Communication and Media Relations Service: +39 0541 744510 [email protected]
manager: Elisabetta Vitali; press office coordinator: Marco Forcellini;
press staff: Nicoletta Evangelisti and Alessandro Caprio; media consultant: Gabriele Pizzi.