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Biology I Exam Review
The Final Exam is 20% of the semester grade. It covers Units 3, 4 & 5—Chapters 7-13&16-19.
Use old tests, the textbook, study workbook and notes to prepare. Students are expected to
make a good faith effort to earn (at least) a 55% final exam grade. Teacher discretion applies.
Work early; work often; and celebrate your knowledge!
UNIT 3: Cells
Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
blanks. You may use a word once or not at all.
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
1. structure that contains DNA in a eukaryotic cell
2. organelle that changes chemical energy in food into usable compounds
3. cell structure that makes proteins
4. internal membrane system that helps make proteins
Answer the following questions. Use the diagrams to answer Questions 5 and 6.
5. Which of the cells is a plant cell?
6. Which of the cells is prokaryotic?
7. Complete the linear concept map.
is the
of water
through a
selectively permeable
8. Ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi apparatus work together to
A. convert solar energy to chemical energy.
B. pass on genetic information.
C. break down and recycle materials.
D. make and deliver proteins.
Chapter 7 Vocabulary Review
For Questions 1–4, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the
underlined word or words to make the statement true.
1. All cells are surrounded by a cell wall.
2. The flexible nature of a cell membrane results from its channel proteins.
3. Selectively permeable membranes allow only certain materials to pass through
4. Centrioles are found in animal cells.
For Questions 5–11, match the organelle with its description.
5. Ribosomes
6. Endoplasmic reticulum
7. Golgi apparatus
8. Lysosomes
9. Vacuoles
10. Chloroplasts
11. Mitochondria
A. Convert energy from sunlight into
chemical energy that is stored in food
B. Stack of membranes that modifies, sorts,
and packages proteins and other materials
for storage or release
C. Convert chemical energy stored in food
into a form that can be easily used by the
D. An internal membrane system where lipid
components of cell membranes are made
E. Saclike structures that store materials
F. Small particles of RNA and protein on
which proteins are assembled using
instructions from DNA
G. Filled with enzymes used to break down
carbohydrates into smaller molecules
For Questions 12–15, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.
12. Osmosis occurs through water channel proteins called
13. The force created by the net movement of water through a cell membrane is called
14. Red blood cells are able to maintain homeostasis because they are bathed in blood, which is
to the fluid in the cells themselves.
15. To respond to a chemical signal, a cell must have a
molecule can bind.
to which the signaling
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
blanks. You may use a word once or not at all.
ATP synthase
1. molecule that carries high-energy electrons
2. light-absorbing molecule
3. enzyme that converts ADP into ATP
Answer the following questions.
4. What is the source of energy for plants?
5. What compound is broken down during photosynthesis to produce oxygen?
B. carbon dioxide
C. glucose
D. water
6. Which term is used for the series of electron carrier proteins that move high-energy
electrons during ATP-generating reactions? Circle the correct answer.
electron transport chain
food chain
hydrogen ion movement
7. What causes the gradient across the thylakoid membrane?
A. charge
B. H+ ion concentration
C. charge and H+ ion concentration
D. None of the above.
Use the diagrams of the ADP and ATP molecules to answer question 8.
8. Circle the compound that shows a cell’s stored energy.
9. The chart below compares ADP and ATP to a battery. Place check marks under the
category that best describes each molecule.
Partially Charged Battery
Fully Charged Battery
Chapter 8 Vocabulary Review
Crossword Puzzle Complete the puzzle by entering the term that matches the
4. energy carrier cells use to transport highenergy electrons
6. cluster of pigments and proteins that
absorbs light
7. a saclike photosynthetic membrane
found in chloroplasts
1. liquid part of the inside of a chloroplast
2. chemical that absorbs light for
3. light-absorbing chemical
5. organism that makes its own food
8. energy carrier made as a result of
photosystem II
9. process of using the sun’s energy to
make food
10. man who worked out the lightindependent reactions
For Questions 11–16, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.
11. The light-
reactions occur in thylakoid membranes.
12. Carbon dioxide is used to make sugars in the light-
13. The light-independent reactions are also called the
15. Electron
spins to provide the energy for adding a phosphate group to ADP.
move high-energy electrons between photosystems.
16. An animal that obtains food by eating other organisms is called a(n)
Chapter 9: Cellular Respiration and Fermentation
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
blanks. You may use a word once or not at all.
Krebs cycle
1. aerobic step in cellular respiration
2. an energy molecule with three phosphate groups
3. anaerobic step of cellular respiration in which glucose is split
Answer the following questions.
4. Alcoholic fermentation produces both ethyl alcohol and
5. Which process releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen?
A. alcoholic fermentation
C. lactic acid fermentation
B. cellular respiration
D. photosynthesis
6. The three major steps of cellular respiration are shown below. Put the steps in order by
writing the numeral 1, 2, or 3 in the space before each step.
Krebs cycle
electron transport
7. Draw a Venn diagram to compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Chapter 9 Vocabulary Review
For Questions 1–7, match the term with its definition.
1. anaerobic
2. glycolysis
A. Innermost compartment of a
3. Krebs cycle
4. calorie
5. matrix
6. aerobic
7. fermentation
B. Process that forms either lactic acid or
ethyl alcohol when no oxygen is present
C. Stage of cellular respiration that starts
with pyruvic acid and produces carbon
D. Process in which glucose is broken down
into two molecules of pyruvic acid
E. “In air”
F. “Without air”
G. Amount of energy needed to raise the
temperature of 1 gram of water 1°C
For Questions 8–10, write the letter of the correct answer on the line at the left.
8. Which is the process that releases energy by breaking down food molecules in the
presence of oxygen?
A. cellular respiration
C. glycolysis
B. electron transport
D. photosynthesis
9. Which is the electron carrier that accepts electrons during glycolysis?
10. When comparing cellular respiration and photosynthesis, these two processes are best
described as
A. energy-releasing processes.
C. opposite processes.
B. energy-storing processes.
D. similar processes.
11. Complete the illustration by adding the
words “aerobic” or “anaerobic” on the
lines provided.
Chapter 10: Cell Growth and Division
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
1. Division of the cell nucleus
2. Division of the cytoplasm of a cell
3. Condition in which cells grow uncontrollably
Complete the linear concept maps using the terms below. All the terms will not be used.
cell cycle
During the
cell grows, prepares for division, and divides.
to divide
Answer the questions.
6. The ratio of surface area to volume limits
A. the amount of food a cell needs.
B. the number of times a cell can divide.
C. the type of cell.
D. the size of the cell.
7. Why are most cells small?
8. Which of the following is a form of asexual reproduction?
A. binary fission
C. fusion
B. fertilization
D. meiosis
9. “As organisms develop, their cells differentiate into specialized cells.” In this sentence,
differentiate means
A. to see a difference.
C. to develop for specific jobs.
B. to divide more quickly.
D. to become less specific.
Use the diagrams below to answer questions 10 and 11.
10. What is the name for the process shown here? ___
11. Write the name of each phase on the line below the diagram.
Chapter 10 Vocabulary Review
1. Describe how the following terms are related to one another.
asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction:
chromosome, centrioles:
centromere, chromatid:
binary fission, mitosis:
For Questions 2–9, match the event with the phase of the cell cycle in which it takes
place. A phase may be used more than once.
2. A nuclear envelope forms
around chromosomes.
Phase of the Cell Cycle
A. anaphase
B. cytokinesis
3. The cell grows and replicates
C. interphase
D. metaphase
4. A spindle forms.
E. prophase
5. Chromosomes line up across the
center of the cell.
F. telophase
6. The genetic material condenses
and Chromosomes become visible.
7. Chromosomes move to opposite
sides of the cell.
8. The cytoplasm divides.
9. Sister chromatids separate.
For Questions 10–13, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.
and growth factors are examples of regulatory proteins that control the
cell cycle.
is the controlled series of steps that lead to cell death.
12. The first few cells that form a(n)
they can become any type of cell.
are said to be
13. The hollow ball of cells that forms in early embryonic development is called the
UNIT 4: Genetics
Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
blanks. You may use a word once or not at all.
1. the study of heredity
2. form of a gene
3. factor that is passed from parent to offspring
4. the likelihood that a particular event will occur
Answer the following questions.
5. A male hamster has the genotype Dd and has straight fur. A female hamster has the
genotype dd and has curly fur. Complete the Punnett square to show the possible
offspring of these hamsters.
Use the Punnett square to answer questions 6 and 7. Circle the correct answer.
6. What is the probability that the hamsters’ offspring will have straight fur?
7. The owner of the female hamster wants offspring with curly fur. What genotype will a
male hamster need to have in order to produce only offspring with curly fur?
8. Explain the principle of dominance.
9. Draw a flowchart showing the phases of meiosis I. Use the terms: telophase I, anaphase I,
prophase I, cytokinesis, metaphase I.
Chapter 11 Vocabulary Review
Crossword Puzzle Complete the puzzle by entering the term that matches each
numbered description
1. a specific characteristic
2. one form of a gene
4. physical traits
6. the separation of alleles during
formation of sex cells
3. the offspring of a cross between
parents with different, true-breeding
9. containing two identical alleles for a
4. word that describes a trait controlled
by two or more genes
11. the likelihood of an event occurring
12. scientific study of heredity
13. the union of male and female sex cells
5. containing two different alleles for a
7. genetic makeup
8. a phenotype in which both alleles are
10. reproductive cell, egg or sperm
Chapter 12: DNA
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
blanks. You may use a word once or not at all.
base pairing
DNA polymerase
1. tip of a chromosome
2. enzyme that joins nucleotides to make a new strand of DNA
3. virus that infects bacteria
4. process of making a copy of DNA
Answer the following questions. Use the diagram to answer Questions 5 and 6.
5. What is the structure shown above?
A. replication fork
C. enzyme
B. nucleotide
D. hydrogen bond
6. What is the molecule labeled A?
A. sugar
C. nitrogen base
B. phosphate group
D. deoxyribose
7. Use the terms below to draw a linear graphic organizer in the space below.
Chapter 12 Vocabulary Review
For Questions 1–6, match the term with its definition.
1. In DNA, the fit between thymine
and adenine and the fit between
cytosine and guanine.
2. An enzyme that joins individual
nucleotides to produce a new
strand of DNA
3. The process that can change a
harmless bacterial strain into a
disease-causing strain
A. transformation
B. bacteriophage
C. base pairing
D. replication
E. DNA polymerase
F. telomere
4. The tip of a chromosome
5. The process that copies a DNA
6. A kind of virus that infects bacteria
For Questions 7–15, complete each statement by writing in the correct word or words.
7. Each time a chromosome is replicated, some DNA may be lost from the tip of the
chromosome, or
8. Griffith’s experiments showed that some chemical compound in cells must be responsible for
9. Hershey and Chase studied a
protein coat.
that was composed of a DNA core and a
10. The center of the DNA strand exhibits
11. The enzyme that “proofreads” each new DNA strand so that each molecule is a near- perfect
copy of the original is
12. In eukaryotic cells,
can begin at dozens or even hundreds of places on the DNA
13. The double-helix model explains Chargaff’s rule of
14. The DNA molecule separates into two strands during
15. The principal enzyme involved in DNA replication is
Chapter 13: RNA and Protein Synthesis
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
blanks. You may use a word once, more than once, or not at all.
1. a change in genetic material
2. region of DNA where RNA polymerase can bind
3. group of three nucleotide bases in mRNA
Answer the questions.
4. What causes cell differentiation during an organism’s development?
5. Which of the following is a type of point mutation?
A. duplication
C. insertion
B. inversion
D. translocation
6. Use these phrases to complete the Venn diagram: requires RNA polymerase; part of gene
expression; proteins are made; RNA is made; protein synthesis.
7. Complete the sentence about the diagram below.
In the diagram, one part of the chromosome breaks off and
This is called
to another.
Chapter 13 Vocabulary Review
For Questions 1–7, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change the
underlined word or words to make the statement true.
1. DNA contains the sugar ribose.
2. Messenger RNA carries copies of the instructions for making proteins
from DNA to other parts of the cell.
3. RNA polymerase transfers amino acids to ribosomes.
4. The process of transcription produces a complementary strand of RNA on
a DNA template.
5. The enzyme that assembles a complementary strand of RNA on a DNA
template is RNA polymerase.
6. The region of DNA where the production of an RNA strand begins is
called the intron.
7. Exons are spliced together in forming messenger RNA.
For Questions 8–16, match the term with its definition.
8. The sequence of bases that
serves as the “language” of life
A. polypeptide
9. A sequence of three bases on a
tRNA molecule that is
complementary to a sequence
of bases on an mRNA molecule
C. codon
10. How genetic information is put
into action in a living cell
11. Having extra sets of
12. The decoding of an mRNA
message into a protein
B. genetic code
D. translation
E. anticodon
F. gene expression
G. mutation
H. mutagen
I. polyploidy
13. A heritable change in genetic
14. A chain of amino acids
15. The three consecutive bases that
specify a single amino acid to
be added to the polypeptide
16. A chemical or physical agent
that causes a change in a gene
For Questions 17–19, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.
17. A group of genes that are regulated together is called a(n)
18. A region of DNA where a repressor can bind is a(n)
19. Master control genes, called
specific parts of the body.
genes, regulate organs that develop in
UNIT 4: Evolution
Chapter 16: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Use the clues and words to help you write the vocabulary terms from the chapter in the
blanks. You may use a word once, more than once, or not at all.
artificial selection
vestigial structure
natural selection
homologous structure
is the study of how living things change over time.
is when nature determines the variety of traits, but humans pick which
traits are desirable.
3. An inheritable characteristic that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce is
called a(n)
4. The eyes of a blind cavefish are an example of a
Answer the questions.
5. Who developed the theory of evolution that includes natural selection?
6. Whose book Principles of Geography helped shape Darwin’s ideas about evolution?
A. James Hutton
C. Charles Lyell
B. Jean Baptiste Lamarck
D. Thomas Malthus
7. Use the Venn diagram to compare artificial selection and natural selection.
8. Complete the concept map.
Evidence for
tests of natural
selection in
The geographic
distribution of
living species
Chapter 16 Vocabulary Review
Match the term with its definition.
1. evolution
A. Change over time
2. fossil
B. Inherited characteristic that increases an
organism’s chance of survival
3. fitness
4. adaptation
5. natural selection
6. homologous structures
7. vestigial structures
C. Preserved remains of an ancient
D. The process by which organisms with
variations most suited to their
environment survive and leave more
offspring than others
E. Small structures with little or no function
F. Structures that develop from the same
embryonic tissues but have different
mature forms
G. Ability of an individual to survive and
reproduce in a specific environment
For Questions 8–10, write a definition for the vocabulary term.
8. biogeography
9. artificial selection
10. analogous structures
11. Does the illustration below show analogous or homologous structures? Explain.
Chapter 17: Evolution of Populations
Use the clues and words to help you write vocabulary terms from the chapter in the blanks.
You may use a word once, more than once, or not at all.
gene pool
genetic drift
molecular clock
1. inbreeding members of a population
2. the formation of a new species
3. An example of random change in an allele frequency
4. a common group of genes, and all their alleles,
shared by a population
Answer the questions.
5. Which of the following is not a condition of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
A. genetic drift
C. no mutation
B. large population
D. random mating
6. Natural selection acts on an organism’s
7. Complete the graphic organizer below.
Reproductive can occur
individuals develop different
courtship rituals
Use the graph to answer question 8.
8. The graph below shows which type of natural selection?
A. directional selection
B. stabilizing selection
C. disruptive selection
Chapter 17 Vocabulary Review
For Questions 1–8, complete each statement by writing the correct word or words.
1. In a small population, a random change in allele frequency is called
2. When birds cannot interbreed because they have different mating songs, they are separated by
3. A situation in which allele frequencies change as a result of the migration of a small subgroup
of a population is known as the
4. Two related species that live in the same area but mate during different seasons are separated
5. A(n)
is a trait controlled by only one gene.
6. The
in the size of a population.
is a change in allele frequency following a dramatic reduction
7. __________________ is the number of times an allele occurs in a gene pool, compared to the
total number of alleles in that pool for the same gene.
For Questions 8–16, write True if the statement is true. If the statement is false, change
the underlined word or words to make the statement true.
8. All of the genes in a population make up the allele frequency of the
9. Traits controlled by two or more genes are polygenic traits.
10. Reproductive isolation occurs when members of two populations do
not interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
11. The separation of two populations by barriers such as rivers or
mountains results in temporal isolation.
12. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that allele frequencies in a
population should remain constant unless one or more factors cause
those frequencies to change.
13. Genetic drift is the formation of new species.
14. The founder effect occurs when the allele frequencies in a population
remain constant.
15. For polygenic traits, when individuals near the center of the bell curve
have higher fitness than individuals at either end, disruptive selection
takes place.
16. When researchers use a molecular clock, they compare stretches of
DNA to mark the passage of evolutionary time.