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Chemistry Review
1. What are the 8 most important
elements in biology making up over
98% of living organisms?
2. Where are protons located?
3. Where are electrons located?
4. Where are neutrons located?
5. What does the atomic number tell
6. What does the mass number/atomic
mass tell you?
7. Using this information, how many
protons does Beryllium have?
8. Using this information, how many
neutrons does Beryllium have?
9. Using this information, how many
electrons does Beryllium have?
10. Draw Beryllium atom.
11. What is an ionic bond?
12. What is a covalent bond?
13. What type of bond do we see more
often in biology and biochemistry?
14. What is a compound?
15. What makes a compound organic?
16. What are the four organic
17. What is the function of each
organic compound?
18. What is the monomer of each
organic compound?
19. What is the polymer of each
organic compound?
20. Which organic compounds do we
get from consuming and digesting food?
Chemistry Review
1. What are the 8 most important
elements in biology making up over
98% of living organisms?
2. Where are protons located?
3. Where are electrons located?
Orbiting outside nucleus (cloud, shell)
4. Where are neutrons located?
5. What does the atomic number tell
Number of protons (or number of electrons)
6. What does the mass number/atomic
mass tell you?
Number of protons and neutrons
7. Using this information, how many
protons does Beryllium have?
8. Using this information, how many
neutrons does Beryllium have?
9. Using this information, how many
electrons does Beryllium have?
10. Draw Beryllium atom.
11. What is an ionic bond?
Atom removes/steals/takes electrons from
another atom forming a bond between atoms.
12. What is a covalent bond?
Atom shares electrons with another atom
forming a bond between atoms.
13. What type of bond do we see more
often in biology and biochemistry?
14. What is a compound?
• Substance composed of two or more elements
joined by a chemical bond
15. What makes a compound organic?
Compounds that contain Carbon, Hydrogen, and
16. What are the four organic
Lipids (Fats)
Nucleic Acids
17. What is the function of each
organic compound?
Carbohydrates- energy source for life processes
Lipids (Fats)- energy reserves to be used in critical
times, parts of cell membranes, insulation from cold
Proteins- building and rebuilding, carry out
chemical reactions, fight disease, transport particles
in and out of cells.
Nucleic Acids- code that controls the organism’s
basic appearance and behavior
18. What is the monomer of each
organic compound?
Carbohydrates- monosaccharide
Lipids (Fats)- glycerol and fatty acids
Proteins- amino acids
Nucleic Acids- nucleotides
19. What is the polymer of each
organic compound?
Carbohydrates- polysaccharide
Lipids (Fats)- triglyceride
Proteins- polypeptide
Nucleic Acids- nucleic acid
20. Which organic compounds do we
get from consuming and digesting food?
All 4