Download Third Nine Weeks Exam Study Guide Skeletal System- (pg 474-481)

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Third Nine Weeks Exam Study Guide
Skeletal System- (pg 474-481)
1. Which organ system makes blood cells? Skeletal System
2. What is the function of the skeletal system? To provide shape and support,
enables body to move, protects the organs, produces blood cells, stores
minerals like calcium
3. Much of a newborn baby’s skeleton is made of Cartilage
4. The spaces in bones are filled with a soft connective tissue called Marrow
5. The bones that form the backbone are called____Vertebrae____________
6. Which type is related to the opening and closing of the door.? Name that joint
.Hinge joint Joint A
7. ..
Which type of joint is Joint C? Ball and socket
.. Which joint provides the greatest range of movement? Ball and socket
Muscular System-Pg 482-486
Which type of human body tissue can contract, or shorten? muscle
Where in the body is muscle type A (cardiac muscle) found? Heart
11.Which type of muscle tissue — A, B, or C — is found in the stomach? What is
this type of muscle tissue called? B, Smooth muscle
12.. What is the job of the muscular system? Which muscle will help you write?
Muscular system helps you move. Skeletal muscle-Muscle C
Digestive system-pg 516-527
13,Identify the structures through which food travels through the digestive tract.
Which are the structures through which food does not travel. Esophagus-A, stomachB, small intestine-E, Large intestine-F, Rectum-D- Food does NOT travel through
liver_-G , Pancreas-C
14What structure(s) enable(s) the small intestine to absorb large amounts of nutrients?
15.. Which process takes place in the large intestine? .Water is absorbed, Vitamin K
is produced
16What process involves muscle contractions that move food through the esophagus?
17What substance coats and protects the inside of the stomach? Mucus
18In what part of the body does most chemical digestion take place? small intestine
What organ produces bile? Liver
Respiratory System (pg 564-572
Where in the respiratory system does gas exchange occur? ALVEOLI
21.The dome-shaped muscle that plays an important role in breathing is the
22 What is the name of the small flap of tissue that seals off the trachea during
23 Which parts of the respiratory system divide into smaller and smaller tubes in a
pattern that resembles the branches of a tree?
24Hairlike structures that line the nasal cavities and trachea are called
25Each alveolus is surrounded by a network of
Circulatory System Pg 534-555
26. If a person’s blood lacked platelets, what process could not take place?
Blood would not clot
27. What is the blood type of a person whose plasma contains only anti-B
clumping proteins?
Type A
28.Atherosclerosis is a condition in which
29. Which structures prevents blood from flowing backward?
30. Which chamber of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs?
Right ventricle
31. Which component of blood is 90 percent water?
Excretory System pg 579-583
32. What is structure A?
What is its function?
To filter out waste like urea and to remove excess water
What is urea?
Urea is a chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins. In which
structure—A, B, C, or D—is it removed from the blood? KidneyA
34.What is the term for the tiny filtering structures that make up structure A?
Describe what happens in each of those structures. Blood flows in the kidney into
tiny capillaries that are surrounded by a capsule that is connected to a
tube(nephron). Waste is filtered out from the blood into the nephron
In which excretory organ is urea removed? Kidneys
35. Which excretory organ eliminates water and some chemical wastes in perspiration?
36. What term do scientists use to describe the chemical process in which oxygen
and glucose react to release energy inside body cells?
Cellular Respiration
Reproductive System ( pg 684-687)
Identify structure C and describe its function.
Structure C is umbilical cord that contains blood vessels that link the fetus to the
What is structure B? How does it protect the fetus?
Structure B is amniotic sac that cushions, and protect the developing baby
39.What is structure D? What does it do during delivery?
Structure D is the uterus .Muscles of the uterus contract and pushes the baby out
during delivery.
40. Human eggs are usually fertilized in the
fallopian tube
Natural Selection-Pg 172-187
41 What are fossils?
Fossils are preserved remains or traces of an organism that lived in the past.
What theory proposes that evolution occurs steadily in tiny changes over
long periods of time?
Theory of evolution
If two organisms look very similar during their early stages of
development, this is evidence that the organisms
44. The gradual change in a species over time is called
45. What are the three things that are necessary for isolation and hence the
formation of a species?
Step 1-One member of the species is cut off from the rest of the
species by things as rivers, volcano, or mountain ranges.
Step 2-The cut off species need to adapt ,genetic changes occur
and hence variation would occur.
Step 3-The variations would them be passed on to the next