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Things to Know for the Test – Cells, Cell Transport, and Cell Respiration
1. What type of solution would cause a cell to swell or increase in size?
2. what are the cleanup crews of the cell? Contain powerful digestive enzymes?
3. what organelle makes proteins?
4. what organelle is the master control center?
5. Who was the first person to name and identify cells?
6. What are the functions of the cell membrane?
Protection, selectively permeable, surrounds the cell
7. What organelle is the cell’s highway system?
8. what cell organelles produce energy? Remember we are talking about plants and animals?
Mitochondria and chloroplasts
9. what molecule forms the main part of the cell membrane?
10. What organelles were seen under low and high power when doing the onion and cheek cell
Nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane and cell wall
11. What is a cell that has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles?
12. Who does the cell theory apply to?
All organisms
13. What type of solution is it when both the inside and outside of the cell are equal?
14. What is the basic unit of structure and function in living things?
The cell
15. What is a cell organelle?
Structures that perform specific jobs for the cell
16. Who was the first person to observe organisms?
17. What would a cell be involved in if a lot of rough ER is observed in it?
Protein synthesis
18. What part of the cell contains chromatin?
19. What part of the cell provides shape and attachment for other cells?
20. What is stored in the vacuole?
Water, carbs, salts, sap for plants
21. What part of the cell functions in the shape?
Cell membrane and cytoskeleton
22. Why is a cell membrane selectively permeable?
It only allows some substances to enter and some to exit the cell
23. What part transports materials throughout the cell?
24. What cell part gives plants cells their shape?
Cell membrane
25. What forms channels in the cell membrane to allow certain molecules to pass through?
26. If a solution is 5% salt on the inside of a cell and 8% salt on the outside of a cell, what would
happen to the cell and what type of solution is it in? What is the water concentration inside
and outside of the cell? Hint: Draw a picture if need be.
The cell will shrink because it is in a hypertonic solution. The water concentration is higher
inside the cell than outside.
27. What are prokaryotes?
Cell without a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
28. What are the parts of a cell that are found in plants and not animals?
Chrloroplast and cell wall
29. What is the difference between smooth and rough ER?
Rough contains the ribosomes and is involved in protein synthesis and smooth doesn’t contain
any ribosomes and is involved in moving lipids
For the questions 30-35, write ALL of the types of transport types that apply.
30. no energy is needed to move particles
osmosis, diffusion, and facilitated diffusion
31. phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and exocytosis are all examples
active transport
32. diffusion of water from high to low concentration
33. particles move from high to low concentration
diffusion and facilitated diffusion
34. requires energy to move particles
active transport
35. Where does energy in the cell come from?
36. What process allows a cell to obtain energy from food?
Phagocytosis – active transport
40. What is the process where glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvic acid?
41. Where does glycolysis take place in the cell?
42. Is glycolysis aerobic or anerobic?
43. How many ATPs are produced after glycolysis? Be careful.
44. How many ATPs are produced once cell respiration is complete?
45. During what process are most of the ATP molecules produced?
Electron transport chain - ETC
46. What are the waste products of lactic acid fermentation? Alcoholic fermentation?
Waste products of lactic acid are lactic acid and waste products of alcoholic fermentation
are carbon dioxide and alcohol
47. What are the 3 parts of cell respiration?
Glycolysis, krebs cycle, ETc
48. Where does the krebs cycle and electron transport chain occur in the cell?
49. What processes breakdown pyruvic acid from glycolysis aerobically?
Krebs, and ETC
50. What is the chemical equation for cell respiration?
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2
6CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP
51. What is the main pigment in green plants?
52. Does photosynthesis occur in two stages? Yes or No? Explain.
Yes, it contain the light dependent stage and the light independent stage known as the Calvin
53. What color(s) does the pigment chlorophyll absorb the most?
Red, blue, and violet
54. What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight  C6 H12 O6 + 6O2
55. What are the two 3-carbon products of glycolysis?
Pyruvic acid or pyruvate
56. What are the two types of fermentation?
Lactic acid and alcoholic
57. What is produced in the muscles during exercise?
Lactic acid
58. What is the breakdown of food molecules in the presence of oxygen?
Cell respiration
59. What are the two stages of photosynthesis called?
Light dependent and light independent reactions
60. What process of photosynthesis converts ATP into storable energy?
Light independent (calvin cycle)
61. What is an autotroph?
Organism that can make its own food
62. What is a pigment?
Something that absorbs sunlight
63. What is the unit of energy in food?
Kilocalorie (C)
64. Where is the energy in ATP? How is it obtained?
The energy is in the phosphate-phosphate bonds. It is obtained by breaking the bonds
between the phosphates
65. Why do leaves turn different colors in the fall?
66. What is the sequence of events for cell respiration to occur?
Glycolysis, krebs, etc
67. What is the release of energy from food molecules in the absence of oxygen?
Anaerobic respiratioin
68. What are the reactants of photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6 H2O + sunlight
69. What organism must consume other organisms for energy?
70. What are the 3 parts to the cell theory?
Cells are the bacic unit of structure and function
All organisms are made of cells
Cell come from preexisting cells
71. What process allows solid particles into the cell?
72. What process releases materials out of the cell such as hormones or waste?
73. What are the products of photosynthesis?
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2
74. What parts of the cell does glucose travel in order to be converted to ATP?
It goes through the cell membrane to the cytoplasm and into the mitochondria
75. What is the purpose of cilia? What is the purpose of flagella?
Their purpose is for cell movement
76. What would happen to cells placed in a hypotonic solution? Hypertonic solution?
A cell placed in a hypotonic solution will inflate and one placed in a hypertonic solution will
Short Answer:
77. Compare and contrast plant and animal cells.
Animal Cells
small vacuole (vesicles)
glycogen as food storage
nucleus in center
smaller in size
irregular shape
no cell wall
Plant Cells
large vacuole
starch as food storage
nucleus near cell wall
larger in size
regular shape - rectangular
cell wall present
78. Compare and contrast lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation.
Lactic acid fermentation occurs in animals and produces lactic acid as a waste product.
Alcoholic fermentation occurs in yeast and bacteria and produces alcohol and carbon dioxide
as waster products.
79. What is the net ATPs produced after glycolysis and why?
The ATPs produced are actually 4, but the net is 2 because 2 ATPs are needed to start the
glycolysis process over again.
80. Compare and contrast all the types of passive and active transport discussed in class.
All the types of passive transport move substances from a high to low concentration and
doesn’t require any energy. Osmosis is the movement of water from high to low. Diffusion is
the movement of anything but water from high to low concentration, and facilitated
diffusion is the movement of substances from high to low concentration with the help of
protein channels in the cell membrane. Active transport moves substances from low to high
concentration and requires energy. Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are both types of
endocytosis. Phagocytosis is the taking in of solid food and pinocytosis is the taking in of
liquids. Exocytosis is moving things out of the cell.
81. Explain the importance of oxygen during cell respiration.
Oxygen is important because it combines with electrons in the mitochondria to produce large
amounts of ATP, specifically 32 ATPs.
82. Suppose you had three disposable diapers and three solutions with different water
concentrations. One concentration had distilled water (water with no impurities), a second
had tap water, and a third had salt water. What would each solution do to the diaper and
why? What diaper would hold the most water and why?
The distilled water would cause the diaper to increase in size and leak, the tap water would
most likely allow the diaper to hold water, and the salt water would probably shrink the
diaper and cause it not to hold any water.