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Name: ________________________ Conference/HR: _______________________ Date: __________
8th Grade Science Midterm 1 – Study Guide!
“You're the Greatest”
1.Answer ALL questions in COMPLETE sentences. You may answer on this worksheet
2. Write ALL the standards on a SEPARATE sheet of paper (no typing)
3. Draw and Color a PICTURE for EVERY question
SM3.A. SK the structure of the atom and know it is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
1. What is an atom? Draw and label an atom of Sodium
2. Describe what an atom looks like in your own words (use the vocabulary)
3. What are ALL the parts of a atom?
4. Look at the image below and label each of the points:
5. What type of atom is the one from question 4?
SM3.B. SK that compounds are formed by combining two or more different elements and that compounds have properties that are different from
their constituent elements.
6. What is a mixture? What is a compound?
7. What do elements do when they combine to form a compound?
SM3.C. SK atoms and molecules form solids by building up repeating patterns, such as the crystal structure of NaCl or long-chain polymers.
8. What are the two types of solids?
9. What type of solid forms 3D geometric shapes?
10. Draw an example of crystalline and a long-chain polymer
11. Give 3 examples of solids that have crystalline molecular structures: Give 2 examples of solids with
long-chain polymer molecular structures:
SM3.D. SK the states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) depend on molecular motion.
12. What are the 4 main states of matter in order from least energy to most energy? Draw a scientific
picture and give an example of each
13. Why is molecular motion important?
SM3.E. SK that in solids the atoms are closely locked in position and can only vibrate; in liquids the atoms and molecules are more loosely
connected and can collide with and move past one another; and in gases the atoms and molecules are free to move independently, colliding
14. Explain how atoms and molecules move in: a solid? A liquid? A gas?
15. Label ALL arrows in the image below
16. What is it called when a liquid turns into a gas?
17. What is sublimation? Deposition? Condensation? Evaporation? Melting? Freezing?
SM3.F. SK how to use the periodic table to identify elements in simple compounds.
18. What element has an atomic number of 48?
19. What elements are found in the compound NH2O7S?
20. How many oxygen atoms are in a compound of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) ?
21. What is the name of the elements found in CH2O4?
22. Iron oxides, such as rust, form when iron metal reacts with oxygen in the air. What are the chemical
symbols for the two elements found in iron oxide?
PT7.A. SK know how to identify regions corresponding to metals, nonmetals, and inert gases.
23. What are the Noble gasses?
24. What are the Alkali-Earth Metals?
25. Where do you find transition metals on the periodic table?
26. What do Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), and Potassium (K) all have in common?
PT7.B. Students know each element has a specific number of protons in the nucleus (the atomic number) and each isotope of the element has a
different but specific number of neutrons in the nucleus.
27. How many protons would be in an atom of Palladium?
28. How many electron shells would an atom of Silver have?
29. How many neutrons would a normal atom of Iodine have?
30. How can you tell the number of electron shells an atom will have?
31. How can you tell which elements will share similar properties?
32. Write the elements and number of atoms of each element in the following compounds:
A.) S7CrO5
B.) KCs6Hg
C.) Pb4K
D.) Li2Au7Co4
E.) No2
F.) Zi8Mn2
33. For each set below fill in ALL missing information (Atomic number, Symbol, Atomic mass, Name):
34. For each element listed below write the atomic mass, the number of protons, the number of neutrons
and the number of electrons in a neutrally charged atom. Also include the period and group. Then
choose 2 of them and draw an accurate atom of the two you chose.
A.) Calcium
B.) Fluorine
C.) Platinum
D.) Xenon
F.) Chlorine