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Investment environment and its
A. Muzichenko, PhD, Associate Professor
T. Muzichenko assistant
Studied the investment issues to ensure the info rmatsiyeyu investors at all levels of the investment
process. The system of the factors that determines the information environment of investment, which
generally allows investors a clear focus in what information they need to analyze and evaluate
investment attractiveness.
Investments, investment process, information, information analysis environment, investment
One of the key theoretical and methodological and applied problems of modern economic science in
Ukraine is the establishment and development
information environment of investment. Global economic processes objectively changing information
environment investment di tivities, there are systemic problems in the structure and ratio of geoeconomic weight and role of countries and economies.
Increased information flow in investments as a result of international news agencies have provided new
information on the characteristics influence regional and sectoral distribution and dynamics Internaqueous investments. Information globalism causes significant asymmetry in the information space,
affecting the national interests of each der zhavy in investment and innovation, so they require
thorough research.
Analysis of recent research and publications. General infor-mation aspects of investment activity of
great interest of Ukrainian and foreign scientists: A. Appadurayi, A. Zernetskoyi, Il'in, VA Inozemtseva M.
Castells, Y. Pakhomov, I. Hemp, R. Robertson, F . Toffler, F.Uebstera, E. Saveliev, Vladimir Savchuk, A.
Chukhno, A. Shevchuk et al. The essence and nature of information analyzed Wiener,
A. Ursula, H. Haken, C. Shannon, J. Schrader and others. Despite the large number of works by both
foreign and domestic scholars, complex scientific problems related to the formation and development of
information-tion investment environment remains insufficient dos survey findings.
Successful investment activities through the establishment spryya-tlyvoho investment climate, that
environment, which are inve-stytsiyni processes. It is influenced by political, economic, social and other
factors that determine the conditions for investment actively-sti in the region and the risk of
investment. The parameters for evaluating investments tion climate in the country, region, industry and
enterprise are the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of their situation and development.
The aim - the reformation of property relations and forms of management to investigate the investment
climate Rural-operation kohospodarskyh companies considering regional differences.
The main material. Investments Farm-ing companies depend on a variety of climatic, social, economic,
environmental, and other features industry. The most important features are determined by the
specifics of the industry, its dependence on the development of agriculture, climatic conditions,
government support, investment sources and social
rural infrastructure, economic forces in agriculture-hidnosti A necessary reproduction of soil fertility and
ensure proper functioning tsionuvannya-biological organisms, provision of food security and social
protection of the rural population.
When the investment is a constant exchange of information between different members of this activity,
you konavtsyamy between individual stages of investment. From a practical point of view of information
is a factor that reduces the uncertainty of its great importance, because without information can not
process management investment performance-UAH Duration, nights.
Formation of a favorable investment environment the company needs to ensure product
competitiveness and improving its quality, restructuring of production, creation of necessary raw
materials for the effective functioning of enterprises, solve social and environmental problems,
investments necessary to ensure the effective operation of enterprises, their steady state, as they are
used for for further expansion and development of production, recovery of fixed assets,
improve the technical level of labor, production and environmental performance [2].
Evaluation of the investment environment of the company opens new mo-zhlyvosti diversification for
domestic and foreign investors, increases guarantee investments of investors in investment projects. Its
level is increased by rapid achievement of consensus between the interests of the subjects of the
investment process as a mandatory element in the definition should be the accounting requirements of
potential investors, collateral is impor-cially high image evaluation by the company. In choosing a
other investee is vital subjective opinion of investor as to whether the object be a means to achieving its
goals, and how.
Investment environment state plays a significant role for the potential investor-tion, as investment is
made in a particular company, so it just becomes important. That is, for
increasing levels of investment necessary to use factors and
Reserves improving investment environment of the company.
Financial activity of any enterprise is not possible, without investing that can be and loan ha rakter, the
questions of investment attraction is important at any stage of the company, beginning with stage cosRennes and its ending liquidation. The company, which uses on-Redeemed investment resources, has a
higher fiscal capacity its a nd development and growth opportunities of financial profitability, but there
is a significant financial risk and the threat of bankruptcy, which increases during the growth of the
share of borrowed funds in the total capital used.
For investment resources company involved in wine meet many characteristics, ie be attractive for
investors. Investment attractiveness - not only financial and economic indicators, and the model of
quantitative and qualitative indicators - assessments of the environment (political, economic, social,
legal) and internal positioning an object in the environment, assessment of its financial and technical
capacity that allows to vary the final result.
Analyzing an investment perspective, repeatedly observed absence-ness of information or failure as
negative features contemporary invest-ment processes. When all studies indicated that inform tub with
someone who has a direct relation to investment, there are many pitfalls. For an investor who is in the
early stage of the process, this is for reasons related to the lack of knowledge about the month-tsevi
tradition, the specific legislation informal links between business and society.
Easy informational support - no statistics, broken-zhnist sources, lack of transparency - a factor that
inhibits Investor tion process. Inadequacy or lack of information about the terms of the investment
project and the associated costs and re-results, leads to investment risk, causing the fault-knennya
situations result in the loss incurred by the investor or A reduction-tion project performance.
Collision with a variety of risk - a common threat to any investor in a modern market economy. For the
most part, vkla-giving their money in the production of certain goods or services, the investor can have
complete confidence in the public recognition of this production. In practice, this recognition depends
on the successful ACT-involvement of various factors, and thus risk investors profit less than expected or
even incur losses.
Thus, research investment risks, identify-ing facto that cause them, and calculate potential losses - these
are important pro-problems that need to take into account the modern investor taking groove-shennya
on investment in a particular direction or production kome -rtsiynoyi activities. Given the current
Ukrainian economy problem inve-stytsiynyh risk is particularly acute because of the instability of the tax
regime, the devaluation of the national currency, low purchasing hasten-ness of much of the population,
so for investors who are dealing with domestic market, especially important to carefully calculate the
possible impact of investment risk [3].
All events information and analytical support that accompanied dzhuyut-investment should be open for
business invest-ment activities. Investors should enjoy equal rights and mo-zhlyvostyamy and perform
duties in the same volume. Investor con-voryuyuchy possibility of the investment project at any level of
the hierarchy, makes the final decision on investment, justifying it on the basis of information available
to him.
Thus, the impact of management decisions by investors much-is condition and clarity of the information
environment created by information structures. The information environment is a set of so-hnichnyh
tools, techniques and methods of traffic information in the E-organizational systems, canals and streams
dissemination aimed at achieving
investor objectives.
Perfect information environment characterized by information on general organizational and economic
potential of the company, its resource support, organizational culture, which should be adequate as
required highly dynamic environment, enterprises resistant to different types of risk investment
mobility, ie the willingness of firms to strive for the project, economic stability and reasonable marketing
Analysis of existing information environment shows that his mo-zhna improved by elimination situation,
characterized by the absence of information in whole.
Elimination information "hunger" requires the creation of a system of collection, processing and storage
of information on conditions for
investment, on the implementation of new investment projects, the impact of factors external and
internal environment to invest-traditional processes of assessment of the tasks in accordance with the
plan / the results. Thus, the information environment should create conditions for users timely receive
information that helps stimulate investment, increase its efficiency.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. So rezul-tatyvnist use of the information environment is
largely dependent on the analytical component, which, using the available info rmatsiyu, assesses the
situation, finds reasons for deviations from the desired (also incorporates-ordinated) parameters are
considering options for its decision-making.
The proposed system factors determining information sulfur-ment investment in general, allows
investors clearly
focus is information they need to analyze and evaluate
investment attractiveness. On the other hand, directly to pre-acceptance factors proposed system will
help identify their weaknesses and improve investment attractiveness, increasing their competitivenesstiveness in attracting investment, both foreign and state.
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