Download Investment Tracking System Using Excel

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Investment Tracking System Using Excel - Part 2
by Bob Mugge
This document has two purposes:
1) to make some corrections in the course document dated 6/12/2014, and
2) to present a different purpose, organization and column structure for the Excel
investment tracking file described in the course document.
Part 1: Corrections to the course document dated 6/12/2014
a) on page 2, in Step 2 in two places it states that there are five indices in the file
as downloaded from Vertex42. This is an error, there are only four.
b) the last (third) bulleted section in Step 2, page 2 should be ignored at this time.
There may be no charting or news available for the indices. These instructions can
be followed for your individual stocks after you complete adding your stock list.
c) on page 4, Step 4, add the following just below the title line for Step 4:
Before you begin changing:
original file from Vertex42. They will recreate when data is refreshed, and
will cause problems if deleted. you may HIDE any that you don't want
 Decide on the order in which you want your stock symbols to appear. The
table will follow your order, and you may want a specific order so that data
from this table can be more easily copied and pasted special as a group into
another document that you are using.
 If you need to change the number of stocks in your list (once created), the
number of rows must be changed first to match the new number of stocks
before making any changes to the list in cell C6 and refreshing the data.
Either delete or insert rows as necessary. Match the sequence of data in C6
with rows to preserve your data.
 If you expand your stock list, remember that formulas in columns you have
created will have to dragged down to cover any new and blank cells. See the
detailed instructions for filling cells.
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d) in Step 5, page 3, the instructions for column S describe a method for entering
basis that may seem overcomplicated. At some future time you will probably need
complete information on what created the basis. By following the listed formula
rather than entering a single number, the correct total will be displayed, and you
will always have complete history whenever you view the contents of that cell in
the formula bar at the top.
e) in Step 7, page 5, the internet page link to Yahoo needs a change. The link as
listed takes you to the default page with your stocks listed. To get to the page
listing dividends and yields, you must either click on the Detailed tab, or go
directly there by changing the link as follows: after the last letter of your stock
list, delete &d=s and replace it with /view/dv.
Another option may be available if you have a brokerage account which lets you
create watch lists in which you can select data items such as dividend. Data in
these lists can be exported via a .csv file, which then opens in Excel. The dividend
data can then be copied and values pasted to column X in your new file. If this
option is available to you, note the order of symbols displayed when the watch list
data is refreshed; it may be forced to be alphabetical. To make the group data
transfer easier, you may want to ensure your Vertex file is the same.
f) to make the file easier to read when printed, the Excel format painter may be
invoked to draw borders around any desired cells. To avoid changing existing
formats, (1) click on a blank cell somewhere up near the top of the file, format that
cell by selecting an outline in the border tab, then OK, (2) while that cell is still
selected, click on the Format Painter under the Home tab in the ribbon (note that
a broom icon appears), now (3) place and drag the cursor over a range of cells that
you want to outline. If you want to do more, select the cell you first outlined and
repeat the process. Delete the outline on the blank cell when all done.
Part 2 - A Different Organization and Purpose for the file:
This option is primarily for investors interested in income, and specifically those
having access to one or more investment newsletters with buy and sell guidance on
stocks ideally suited to that interest. The steps shown are not in as much detail as
before, as you have gained considerable ability by going this far, but you should be
able to get the job done. The next step is to redefine the file columns.
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New column definitions are (specific values and formulas in the next section):
R: Annual Dividend: data manually entered, or copied from a .csv file as previously
described. If a .csv file is used, copy, paste special, paste the values only.
Do not paste link, it will remove existing formatting.
S: Current Yield: computed by Excel.
T: Business Category: data manually entered; not used in any calculations.
U: Beta: same source as column R; not used in any calculations.
V: Shares Bought: Data automatically entered by Excel in accordance with
formulas to be explained later.
W: Purchase Price: ditto column V.
X: Yearly Income: ditto column V.
Y: NL1 Buy Price: manually entered by the user from newsletter1 suggestions for
the maximum buy price. If the recommendation is for a hold or sell, leave
Z: NL2 Buy Price: ditto column Y, for data from newsletter2. Data for a
specific stock may be different from newsletter1.
AA: Buy Signal: ditto column V.
AB: Ref Comp: ditto column V. This column computes data on the number of
shares to buy, rounded to an even hundred shares; normally hidden for printing.
AC: Yield Rank: ditto column V. This column ranks the stock list in decreasing
order of yield; normally hidden for printing.
Columns V-AA are a group of columns which automatically show data only for those
stocks meeting or exceeding a minimum dividend yield specified by the user and
having a current price (column E) less than either of the two newsletter prices. All
other cells are blank. Cell Y7 contains a maximum total amount to be invested
among the issues meeting the criteria. It is entered by the user and may be
changed at any time. Results will be automatically updated.
AD: Shares Bought: ditto column V.
AE: Purchase Price: ditto column V.
AF: Yearly Income: ditto column V.
Columns AD-AF are similar to V-AA, except they display data for only the number
of highest yielding stocks specified by the user in cell AF7 and may be changed at
any time. Results will be automatically updated.
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Stocks meeting the desired criteria will be bought in even hundreds of shares in
approximately equal total price amounts for each purchased stock. The total
amount invested will be as close as possible to the value in cell Y7 without
exceeding it. The maximum amount available for each purchased stock is the value
the user enters in cell Y7 divided by the number of stocks getting a "Buy" signal in
column AA.
Filling cells and columns with instructions:
For all locations shown, place a value or formula in the data cell identified in each.
If not told not to, then drag down through the last stock record. Numbers in red
will have to be adjusted to the record number of the last stock in your list. The
number in blue will have to be changed if the minimum yield you will accept is not
four percent (.04):
Y7: enter an integer dollar value of the maximum amount to spend on all stocks.
S11: =R11/E11
V11: =IF(AA11="Buy",AB11,"")
W11: =IF(V11<>"",V11*E11,"")
X11: =IF(V11<>"",V11*R11,"")
AA11: =IF(AND(S11>=0.04,OR(E11<=Y11,E11<=Z11)),"Buy","")
AB9: =COUNTIF(AA11:AA38,"Buy")
(single cell entry; do not drag)
AB11: =ROUNDDOWN(Y$7/AB$9/E11,-2)
AC10: =Y$7/AF$7
(single cell entry; do not drag)
AC11: =RANK(S11,S$11:S$38)
AD11: =IF(AC11<=AF$7,ROUNDDOWN(AC$10/E11,-2),"")
AE11: =IF(AD11<>"",AD11*E11,"")
AF7: enter the integer number of the number of high yielding stocks to buy.
AF11: =IF(AD11<>"",AD11*R11,"")
Cells below the stock list in columns W, X, AE and AF may be used to display totals
for their respective categories. This exercise is left to the reader.
When you get all these entered, and get the spreadsheet working, try different
values in cells Y7 and AF7 and watch what happens to the results!
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