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Helping families eat well and be active
Lean Meats
Protein is an essential part of any healthy diet, but some sources are much fattier (and therefore higher calorie)
than others. Here are some tips and suggestions to guide you toward those leaner cuts, as well as how to cook
that protein in the healthiest way possible.
1. Remember Myplate: Try to keep each meal balanced,
with ¼ of the plate comprised of a lean protein source
2. Look for lean cuts: In
general, chicken, turkey and
fish are going to be your
leanest meats, but smart
shopping can make these
choices even healthier.
a. Chicken and Turkey:
Breast is best! Dark meat and the skin of the bird are
the fattiest portions, so try and stick with the breast.
Make sure when getting ground poultry that it states
either “low fat” or ground breast on the label. We feel
that ground lean chicken is a great, flavorful choice for
burgers, meatloaf, and any recipe that calls for ground
b.Fish: Very high in protein and a great source of
unsaturated, healthy fat.
3. When choosing beef, make it lean: Forget what those
celebrity chefs say, we live in the real world! Substitute out
the fattier cuts of beef, and choose round, chuck, sirloin
and tenderloin (also the leanest when it comes to pork).
When using ground beef, always use the 90% fat free
or higher. Also look for “choice” or “select” on the label
rather than “prime”, as the latter has more fat. Remember:
chicken, turkey, and fish are always much healthier choices,
so when choosing beef, especially a fattier cut, make it an
occasional treat instead of a regular staple. That includes
bacon and sausage!
4. Cook it Right:
a. Trim the Fat: This includes the skin. When roasting
poultry, it is totally fine to leave the skin on, but remove
this fatty layer before you put it on the plate.
b. Low Fat Cooking Methods: Steaming, grilling,
poaching, baking and broiling keeps the fat off, while
sautéing or frying in oil (even olive oil) dramatically
increases the fat content, suddenly making a healthy meal
the calorie equivalent of fast food.
c. Use marinades: This will tenderize the meat and add any
flavor that may have been lost by removing the fat
d. Skim and drain: If marinating or cooking meat in liquid
(such as soups or stews,) let the meat soak for a day or
so, then skim off the fat prior to cooking. After cooking,
drain or blot off the fat to reduce the calories even more.
e. Use your Spice Rack: Lightly seasoning lean meats
with rosemary, sage, thyme or any of your favorite spices
enhances flavor while keeping fat, salts, and carbs to a
5. Don’t forget about other sources of protein: Beans, nuts,
tofu, seitan, tempeh and whole grains such as quinoa can be
great sources of protein and aren’t just for vegetarians! There
are some great brands of meatless “chicken” nuggets, patties,
meatballs, and ground meat substitutes. These products have
come a long way, and with an open mind, you and your
family will be pleasantly surprised. The calorie reduction is
6. Check out our lean meat recipe section for some
yummy ideas.