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Information Systems Engineering IS Research Group Rob Kelly Associate Chair, Computer Science 1 IS Research Projects Participating Faculty Computer Science – R. Kelly Stony Brook Health Science Center – A. Bicker, A. Singer, M. LoGuidice Marine Science – R. Wilson, S. Piontkovski In-Place Research Contract Support Emergency Medicine Foundation (through 12/2006) Millennium NYStar (through 2006) US HRSA (through 2007) Sea Grant, NY NSF Division of Environmental Biology (through 2006) 2 Projects Themes Health Science Systems Process reengineering Reduction in medical errors Knowledge representation Marine Science Systems Sensor systems Web data display Image processing Wireless applications 3 US Healthcare Issues Costs are enormous Quality is not consistent with cost Error rate is significant Adverse events in approximately 3% of hospital stays More than 50,000 fatalities per year 4 Anesthesiology Record Keeper Support – SB Hospital Problem Approach Improve accuracy of anesthesia data recording Reduce documentation requirement for anesthesiologists Analyze OR processes Automatic monitor data capture Integrate with hospital data Allow data overrides Status Now in use in all Stony Brook Hospital Operating Rooms (ORs) DB allows for case analysis and data mining 5 Monitor QA Support - NYStar/US HRSA Approach Record monitor data during surgery for a large data sample Develop techniques for analyzing and comparing these recorded data streams Build a flexible network of stream integration modules Build stream analyzers to identify potential harmful conditions that are otherwise unobservable Capture secondary patient outcomes Relate secondary outcomes to monitor patterns and drug administration Provide stream data analysis for clinical trial drug effectiveness studies 6 Emergency Room System Support – Emergency Medicine Foundation & NYStar/US HRSA Problem Warning indicators missed or received following discharge Patient candidates for clinical trials not identified Approach Include an automated rule base for discharge analysis and clinical trial candidates Automatically obtain patient clinical data Process electronic rules against patient clinical data Provide hospital alerts to previously unidentified conditions 7 Marine Data Display Problem Develop a real-time system for the capture, analysis, and display of water/air data Approach Provide a Web-based interface with images generated in response to user requests Integrate Google Maps data with marine charts and images Integrate historical marine data with realtime data 8 LI Sound Sensor Network Stony Brook has instrumented the P.T. Barnum vessel with air and water sensors Sensors connected to a shipboard server Transmission of sensor data to ground station approximately once per minute Additional sensors planned 9 LI Sound and Plankton Display Real-time for LI Sound Historical data for Europe and Asia Image combination Merge of chart and image data Data selection 10 Questions 11