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(1) What is the age of earth.
Ans.: About 4,500 million years.
(2) What is ratio of land in the earth’s surface.
Ans.: About 29 percent.
(3) What is the role of oceans in the global climatic pattern.
Ans.: (i) Oceans are the main source of moisture for precipitation.
(ii) Oceans reserve heat.
(iii) Oceans influence pollution scenario of the globe.
(4) What is the face of the earth as viewed from the space.
Ans.: The earth surface is divided in to several rigid segments, or
tectonic plates, that gradually migrate across the earth
surface over periods of millions of years. The boundaries of
oceans and continents provide a natural way to divide the
(5) What are factors responsible for changes in the earth surface.
Ans.: Nature and humans.
What are the natural factors for the changes in the earth surface.
Ans.: (i) Folding or sanlting of earth’s crust due to folding or
faulting of rock strata by earth quake by volcanic activity.
(ii) Weathering, erosion.
(iii) Climate affects earth’s surface.
(iv) Water plants and animals affects to weathering and erosion.
(7) What are the external factors of changing the earth surface.
Ans.: (i) Weathering.
(ii) Erosion
(iii) Deposion
(8) What are the factors affecting weathering and erosion.
Ans.: (i) Temperature and rainfall of the place.
(ii) Vegetation cover.
(iii) Change in land use.
(iv) Type of soil.
(v) Slope of the land.
What do you mean by denudation?
Ans.: When two forces weathering and erosion are acting together,
are jointly called as denudation.
(10) Why maximum erosion takes place in hilly areas.
Ans.: Mountains and hills have deep slopes. As a result rivers rush
with a high and great force. Hence maximum erosion takes
place in these parts.
(11) How delta is formed?
Ans.: Near the sea the rivers became unable to carry the eroded
materials. At the mouth of the river delta is created due to
deposits of sediments or alluvium.
(12) What is delta?
Ans.: Delta is a triangular piece of land of alluvium.
(13) What is Glacier?
Ans.: A Glacier is a river of ice which moves down hill with a very
slow speed.
(14) Why wind is considered as an agent of denudation?
Ans.: Wind moves small particles specially in desert and coastal areas. In coastal
areas sea waves shape the land. The waves pound or rocks and reduce then is small
pieces which are deposited along the wastes or carried down to the sea floor. The rock
sediments deposited or the sea be when are uplifted by the forces at work inside the
earth become mountains
(15) What are roles played by human being in changing the earth’s
Ans. Humans have cut down forests and have destroyed pasture to bring more and
more agricultural level. As a result the disturbances
in the ecological balance of nature and environment has taken place. Constructions of
roads, buildings over urbanization, unplanned industrial growth are some activities
performed by human beings which have changed the face of the earth.
(16) What is soil?
Ans.: A layer of loose materials which covers the earth surface is called soil. Soil is a
mixture of organic and inorganic materials.
(17) What are the types of soil found in India?
Ans.: In India there are four major types of soils – alluvial soil, regular or black soil,
red soil and laterite soil.
(18) Why the earth has life?
Ans. :The earth provides the requisite conditions of liquid water, an environment
where complex organic molecules can assemble and sufficient energy to maintain
(15) What are roles played by human being in changing the earth’s
Ans. Humans have cut down forests and have destroyed pasture to bring more and
more agricultural level. As a result the disturbances
in the ecological balance of nature and environment has taken place. Constructions of
roads, buildings over urbanization, unplanned industrial growth are some activities
performed by human beings which have changed the face of the earth.
(16) What is soil?
Ans.: A layer of loose materials which covers the earth surface is called soil. Soil is a
mixture of organic and inorganic materials.
(17) What are the types of soil found in India?
Ans.: In India there are four major types of soils – alluvial soil, regular or black soil,
red soil and laterite soil.
(18) Why the earth has life?
Ans. :The earth provides the requisite conditions of liquid water, an environment
where complex organic molecules can assemble and sufficient energy to maintain