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APES Chapter 16 –
Part 1 Geology and Nonrenewable Resources Power Point Guided Notes
1.Geology is the science devoted to the study of dynamic processes occurring on the earth’s _________________and in its
_______________. A geologist – a scientist that studies the processes and ______________ of the earth.
2. The Continental Drift theory was proposed by Alfred Wagner in ________. He theorized that all the present day continents
formed __________landmass (called Pangaea) about 200 million years ago and that the landmass broke apart into smaller
continents over time.
3. Sea Floor Spreading occurs along an ocean basin where magma deep in the earth creates new ground – new _______ is made.
(The sea floor is spreading under the Atlantic Ocean.)
4. The Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago, is the third terrestrial planet from the sun, supports life and is part of the
solar system. The Earth is divided into three sections:
• Biosphere (forms of ________________), the hydrosphere( fresh and salt _________________) and the internal
structure (crust, mantle and core).
5. The Earth’s crust makes up ___________ of Earth’s total mass and is divided into two parts: oceanic crust and continental
• Oceanic crust is found under the ocean floor, is made of dense rocks such as ________. 7km (4 miles) thick.
• Continental crust, found under land masses, is made of less dense rocks such as______________. Its thickness varies
between 10 and 75 kilometers (6 to 47 miles). FYI: We lie on the North American plate found on a Continental Crust.
6. Earth's crust is divided into ________ major tectonic plates. North American, Caribbean, Eurasian, Nazca,
South American, Scotia, Antarctic, Arabian, African, Indian, Philippine, Australian, Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos,
7. The MOHO or Mohorovičić discontinuity, lies between ___________________________ . Seismic waves speed up here.
8. The Mantle lies between the core and crust; it is comprised of ________, magnesium, aluminum, and silicon-oxygen
 The Upper Mantle closest to the Crust is a hard rigid layer. (This layer and the Crust together make up the Lithosphere)
 Under this is a flowing partly melted Mantle layer (known as the Asthenosphere)
 The Lower Mantle, closest to the core, is semi rigid and very hot.
9.The Core: consists of a solid inner core of pure _____ and is approximately the size of the Moon. The inner core is surrounded
by an outer liquid core rich in iron and nickel roughly the size of Mars. Scientific knowledge of the deep earth comes from
studying how ___________________ waves travel through the earth.
10.Use this information, the definitions below and the powerpoint to label the drawing with the words below.
Continental Crust - the thick parts of the Earth's crust, not located under the ocean.
Lithosphere - the crust plus the rigid, upper mantle.
Lower Mantle (semi-rigid) - the deepest parts of the mantle, just above the core.
Mohorovicic discontinuity - separates the crust and the upper mantle.
Ocean - large bodies of water sitting atop oceanic crust.
Oceanic Crust - thin parts of the Earth's crust located under the oceans.
Upper Mantle (rigid) - the uppermost part of the mantle, part of the Lithosphere.
Upper Mantle (flowing) = Asthenosphere - the lower part of the upper mantle that exhibits plastic (flowing) properties. It is located below
the lithosphere (the crust and upper mantle).
11. The Earth has internal processes: which alter and change the _______________________. The processes are a result of what
is happening deep within the Earth’s interior. The core heat causes the mantle to move in two ways:
1. Convection Cells: large volumes of heated rock ________________ (like a wax blob in a lava lamp)
2. Mantle Plumes: mantle rock flows _____________________ in a column (like smoke from a chimney)
Decay of radioactive elements in the crust adds to heat within the mantle.
12. Super heated rock or Convection cells and mantle plumes both move upward as heated material is displaced by cooler, sinking
material. (The most dense sink) These flows of energy cause movement of “___________________ plates” that lie on the crust.
Plates are about 60 miles thick and are composed of continental and oceanic crust, and the outer most part of the mantle. ( a
combo called the Lithosphere).
13. Plates move constantly on the planet’s surface. Identical _____________________ found on more than one plate suggest
they were once connected.
14. Types of Tectonic Plate Boundaries:
Divergent Plate Boundaries
____________ Plate Boundaries
Transform Boundaries (Faults)
Use Arrows to show direction
Plates move in opposite directions
Plates are sliding toward each other. The
denser (oceanic) will go under the less
dense (continental). Creates trenches and
mountain ranges.
Occur when plates slide past one
another. The friction and release of
energy cause ___________________ –
like those that occur near the San
Andreas Fault in California.
15 Earthquakes occur when ____________________________ move on an existing faults, along plate boundaries and along the
mid-oceanic ridges where the sea floor is spreading.
16 The point of movement underground is called the focus of the ________________________.
• From the focus- seismic waves travel outward in _________________ directions.
• Directly above the focus on the surface is called the epicenter.
17. There are two different kinds of seismic or body _____________: P waves and S waves. P waves travel through Earth and
are caused by expansion and contraction of _________________. S waves are produced by vertical and horizontal movement
near the upper surface layers. Surface waves produce rolling and swaying motions and are slower than P and S waves.
18. There are two types of ways to measure Earthquakes – by magnitude and intensity. The Richter Scale measure the
________________ in a scale from 1 to ___________. The Mercalli Scale measures the ____________________of an
earthquake in a scale from 1 to __________________measures the damage the earthquake caused to property.
19. We can reduce the effects of earthquakes by making __________ of high risk areas, establishing strict building codes and
examine historical records and make measurements to locate active fault zones and predict future zones.
Case Studies Notes:
Haiti 2010 Earthquake :
San Andeas Fault:
20. Volcanoes: Occurs where magma (molten rock) reaches the Earth’s _____________ through a crack.
Volcanic activity can release: pyroclastic flow of debris, ejecta (hot lava rock and ash), molten lava, and dangerous gases.
These gases may become concentrated in the atmosphere and become concentrated into sulfuric acid.
Volcanoes can be: active, intermittent, dormant or extinct volcanoes - ________% of all Volcanoes occur at subduction zones.
Case Study Notes:
Mt Saint Helens:
Mt Pinatubo:
21. Minerals, Rocks and Soils
• Earth’s crust is composed of mineral, rocks and a variety of _____________.
• Elements make up minerals and minerals make up ________________.
• Through the processes of weathering and erosion, rocks change, break, and move. Minerals mix with organic material,
forming the soil on which plants and animals rely.
22. Minerals are an element or inorganic compound that occurs ___________________________ and is a solid (gold, silver,
salt, quartz are all minerals found in the Earth).
23. The Three Types of Rocks are :
Igneous Rock: formed below or on Earth’s surface when _____________ (molten rock) wells up, cools, and hardens into rock
(granite, lava rock)
Sedimentary Rock: formed from sediment when rocks are ______________, transported to another place, and deposited in water
Metamorphic Rock: rock is subjected to ____________ temperature, high pressure, or chemically active fluids (coal, slate,
24. Soil scientists describe soil _________________ by how much sand, silt and clay are present. This is called texture.
Soil Texture Triangles help figure out soil type. On the back of this sheet are practice Soil Texture Triangles – there is always
one on the APES exam.
25. Erosion: material is dissolved, loosened, or worn away from one part of the Earth’s surface and THEN deposited in other
• Wind can cause _________________ as soil is blown from one area to another
• Human activities accelerate erosion.
25. Weathering: is a process that loosens material that can be eroded
Two Types of Weathering:
1. Mechanical Weathering: large rock mass is _____________ into smaller fragments;
Frost Wedging (water collects in pores of rocks, expands, and splits rock)
2. Chemical Weathering: chemical reactions decompose the rock and dissolve it away.
26. The Rock Cycle – the slow process that changes one ____________ type to another.