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Biological indices of toxicity in tropical legumes grown in oil-contaminated soil Facultad de ingeniería en Sistemas de Producción Agropecuaria, Universidad Veracruzana. [email protected] Ecological Indicators 53 (2015) 43-48 Dinora Vázquez-Luna Context Context Context Introduction • The oil industry has altered the natural resources (García-Cuellar et al., 2004) • Crotalaria incana and Leucaena leucocephala can grow in oil-contaminated soil (Rivera-Cruz and Trujillo-Narcia, 2004; Vázquez-Luna, 2014). Vázquez-Luna (2014) Introduction • In Mexico, current environmental regulations establish the maximum permissible limits of hydrocarbons in soil and specify characterization and remediation of hydrocarbon contamination (SEMARNAT-SS, 2003); however, these standards do not include criteria for: – Assessing chronic effects of contamination on soil microorganisms and plants – Human health. – The use of bioindicators in assessments. Introduction • The aim of this study was to generate user-friendly indicators of soil contamination to measure the toxic effects of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) on growth of the legumes C. incana L. and L. leucocephala Lam., and on the development of nitrogen-fixing soil microorganisms (rhizobial and freeliving). Materials and methods Materials and methods • where ot symbolizes petroleum treatment in relation to variable(y); i represents the ith variable; Xct denotes the average value of each variable for the control treatment; n = the number of variables measured in plants; N = the number of nitrogen-fixing bacterial species examined; and r represents treatment replicate number. Materials and methods • where oc = oil concentration (mg kg−1) and cc = concentration of the control treatment (mg kg−1); t = exposure time (days); and r represents treatment replicate number. Results Results Results Proposal Toxicology Approaches 3 Equitable development in the social, economic and environmental context. Statistical evidence to indicate relationship between pollution and the presence of diseases 2 Statistics Medicine Density of oil installations Edaphology Statistic Mathematics Ecology Edaphology Physics Economy Social conflicts Toxicology Medicine Geography Biochemistry Deterioration of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soils Epidemiology 1 Evidence of social inequalities Chronic effects on soils Gender Biochemistry Chemistry Ecology Biology Economy Sociology Anthropology Based on "Fundamentals of Transdisciplinarity" by Max-Neef July 22, 2012 1) Scientific and conceptual basis, 2) research results and 3) the ideal. 15 3 Equitable development in the social, economic and environmental context Statistical evidence to indicate relationship between pollution and the presence of diseases 2 33% of asthma cases 66.6% of allergies Chronic effects on soils Allergic diseases diminish the quality of life Density of oil installations 10,000 mg kg-1 de TPH affects soil fertility Altered biochemical processes in the habitat of the organisms Deterioration of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soils High incidence of allergic diseases 1 Environmental emergencies (100% population affected) Synergistic effects of treatment and comorbidities Stationary and mobile sources Evidence of social inequalities Frequent environmental emergencies Economic dependence on the industrial sector Social conflicts Inequities Toxicology Environmental degradation Abandonment of food production Economic dependence Effect on finances family Social conflicts July 22, 2012 16 Acknowledgments