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Lecture PowerPoint to accompany
Molecular Biology
Fourth Edition
Robert F. Weaver
Chapter 18
The Mechanism of
Translation II:
Elongation and
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
18.1 Direction of Polypeptide
Synthesis and mRNA Translation
• Messenger RNAs are read in the 5’3’
• This is the same direction in which they
are synthesized
• Proteins are made in the aminocarboxyl
• This means that the amino terminal amino
acid is added first
Strategy to Determine Direction
of Translation
18.2 The Genetic Code
• The term genetic code refers to the set of
3-base code words (codons) in mRNA that
represent the 20 amino acids in proteins
• Basic questions were answered about
translation in the process of “breaking” the
genetic code
Nonoverlapping Codons
• Each base is part of at most one codon in
nonoverlapping codons
• In an overlapping code, one base may be
part of two or even three codones
No Gaps in the Code
• If the code contained untranslated gaps or
“commas”, mutations adding or subtracting
a base from the message might change a
few codons
• Would still expect ribosome to be back “on
track” after the next such comma
• Mutations might frequently be lethal
– Many cases of mutations should occur just
before a comma and have little, if any, effect
Frameshift Mutations
Frameshift mutations
• Translation starts
• Insert an extra base
– Extra base changes not only the codon in which is
appears, but every codon from that point on
– The reading frame has shifted one base to the left
Code with commas
• Each codon is flanked by one or more
untranslated bases
– Commas would serve to set off each codon so that
ribosomes recognize it
• Translation starts
• Insert an extra base
– First codon wrong, all others separated by Z, translated
Frameshift Mutation Sequences
The Triplet Code
• The genetic code is a set of three-base
code words, or codons
– In mRNA, codons instruct the ribosome to
incorporate specific amino acids into a
• Code is nonoverlapping
– Each base is part of only one codon
• Devoid of gaps or commas
– Each base in the coding region of an mRNA is
part of a codon
Coding Properties of Synthetic
Breaking the Code
• The genetic code was broken
– Using:
• Synthetic messengers
• Synthetic trinucleotides
– Then observing:
• Polypeptides synthesized
• Aminoacyl-tRNAs bound to ribosomes
• There are 64 codons
– 3 are stop signals
– Remainder code for amino acids
– The genetic code is highly degenerate
The Genetic Code
Unusual Base Pairs Between
Codon and Anticodon
Degeneracy of genetic code is
accommodated by:
– Isoaccepting species of tRNA: bind same
amino acid, but recognize different codons
– Wobble, the 3rd base of a codon is allowed to
move slightly from its normal position to form a
non-Watson-Crick base pair with the anticodon
– Wobble allows same aminoacyl-tRNA to pair
with more than one codon
Wobble Base Pairs
• Compare standard
Watson-Crick base
pairing with wobble
base pairs
• Wobble pairs are:
– G-U
– I-A
Wobble Position
Almost Universal Code
• Genetic code is NOT strictly universal
• Certain eukaryotic nuclei and mitochondria
along with at least one bacterium
– Codons cause termination in standard genetic code
can code for amino acids Trp, Glu
– Mitochondrial genomes and nuclei of at least one
yeast have sense of codon changed from one amino
acid to another
• Deviant codes are still closely related to
standard one from which they evolved
• Genetic code a frozen accident or the product of
– Ability to cope with mutations evolution
Deviations from “Universal”
Genetic Code
18.3 The Elongation Mechanism
Elongation takes place in three steps:
1. EF-Tu with GTP binds aminoacyl-tRNA to
the ribosomal A site
2. Peptidyl transferase forms a peptide bond
between peptide in P site and newly arrived
aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site
Lengthens peptide by one amino acid and
shifts it to the A site
3. EF-G with GTP translocates the growing
peptidyl-tRNA with its mRNA codon to the P
Elongation in Translation
A Three-Site Model of the
• Puromycin
Resembles an aminoacyl-tRNA
Can bind to the A site
Couple with the peptide in the P site
Release it as peptidyl puromycin
• If peptidyl-tRNA is in the A site, puromycin will
not bind to ribosome, peptide will not be
• Two sites are defined on the ribosome:
– Puromycin-reactive site (P)
– Puromycin unreactive site (A)
• 3rd site (E) for deacylated tRNA bind to E site as
exits ribosome
Puromycin Structure and
Protein Factors and Peptide
Bond Formation
• One factor is T, transfer
– It transfers aminoacyl-tRNAs to the ribosome
– Actually 2 different proteins
• Tu, u stands for unstable
• Ts, s stands for stable
• Second factor is G, GTPase activity
• Factors EF-Tu and EF-Ts are involved in
the first elongation step
• Factor EF-g participates in the third step
Elongation Step 1
Binding aminoacyl-tRNA to A site of ribosome
• Ternary complex formed from:
• Delivers aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosome A
site without hydrolysis of GTP
• Next step:
EF-Tu hydrolyzes GTP
Ribosome-dependent GTPase activity
EF-Tu-GDP complex dissociates from ribosome
• Addition of aminoacyl-tRNA reconstitutes ternary
complex for another round of translation
Aminoacyl-tRNA Binding to
Ribosome A Site
• Protein synthesis accuracy comes from
charging tRNAs with correct amino acids
• Proofreading is correcting translation by
rejecting an incorrect aminoacyl-tRNA
before it can donate its amino acid
• Protein-synthesizing machinery achieves
accuracy during elongation in two steps
Protein-Synthesizing Machinery
• Two steps achieve accuracy:
– Gets rid of ternary complexes bearing wrong
aminoacyl-tRNA before GTP hydrolysis
– If this screen fails, still eliminate incorrect aminoacyltRNA in the proofreading step before wrong amino
acid is incorporated into growing protein chain
• Steps rely on weakness of incorrect codonanticodon base pairing to ensure dissociation
occurs more rapidly than either GTP hydrolysis
or peptide bond formation
Proofreading Balance
• Balance between speed and accuracy of
translation is delicate
– If peptide bond formation goes too fast
• Incorrect aminoacyl-tRNAs do not have enough
time to leave the ribosome
• Incorrect amino acids are incorporated into
– If translation goes too slowly
• Proteins are not made fast enough for the
organism to grow successfully
• Actual error rate, ~0.01% per amino acid is
a good balance between speed and
Elongation Step 2
• One the initiation factors and EF-Tu have
done their jobs, the ribosome has fMettRNA in the P site and aminoacyl-tRNA in
the A site
• Now form the first peptide bond
• No new elongation factors participate in
this event
• Ribosome contains the enzymatic activity,
peptidyl transferase, that forms peptide
Assay for Peptidyl Transferase
Peptide Bond Formation
• The peptidyl transferase resides on the
50S ribosomal particle
• Minimum components necessary for
activity are 23S rRNA and proteins L2 and
• 23S rRNA is at the catalytic center of
peptidyl transferase
Elongation Step 3
• When peptidyl transferase has worked:
– Ribosome has peptidyl-tRNA in the A site
– Deacylated tRNA in the P site
• Translocation, next step, moves mRNA
and peptidyl-tRNA one codon’s length
through the ribosome
– Places peptidyl-tRNA in the P site
– Ejects the deacylated tRNA
– Process requires elongation factor EF-G
which hydrolyzes GTP after translocation is
Three-Nucleotide Movement
Each translocation
event moves the mRNA
on codon length, or 3 nt
through the ribosome
Role of GTP and EF-G
• GTP and EF-G are necessary for
– Translocation activity appears to be inherent
in the ribosome
– This activity can be expressed without EF-G
and GTP
• GTP hydrolysis
– Precedes translocation
– Significantly accelerate translocation
• New round of elongation occurs if:
– EF-G must be released from the ribosome
– Release depends on GTP hydrolysis
GTPases and Translation
• Some translation factors harness GTP
energy to catalyze molecular motions
• These factors belong to a large class of G
– Activated by GTP
– Have intrinsic GTPase activity activated by an
external factor (GAP)
– Inactivated when they cleave their own GTP
to GDP
– Reactivated by another external factor
(guanine nucleotide exchange protein) that
replaces GDP with GTP
G Protein Features
• Bind GTP and GDP
• Cycle among 3
conformational states
– Depends on whether
bound to:
• Neither
– Conformational state
determine activity
• Activated to carry out
functionality when
bound to GTP
• Intrinsic GTPase activity
More G Protein Features
• GTPase activity stimulated by GTPase
activator protein (GAP)
– When GAP stimulates GTPase cleave GTP to
– Results in self inactivation
• Reactivation by guanine nucleotide
exchange protein
– Removes GDP from inactive G protein
– Allows another molecule of GTP to bind
– Example of guanine nucleotide exchange
protein is EF-Ts
Structures of EF-Tu and EF-G
• Three-dimensional
shapes determined by
x-ray crystallography:
ternary complex
– EF-G-GDP binary
• As predicted, the
shapes are very
18.4 Termination
• Elongation cycle repeats over and over
– Adds amino acids one at a time
– Grows the polypeptide product
• Finally ribosome encounters a stop codon
– Stop codon signals time for last step
– Translation last step is termination
Termination Codons
• Three codons are the natural stop signals at the
ends of coding regions in mRNA
• Mutations can create termination codons within
an mRNA causing premature termination of
– Amber mutation creates UAG
– Ochre mutation creates UAA
– Opal mutation creates UGA
Amber Mutation Effects in a
Fused Gene
Termination Mutations
• Amber mutations are caused by mutagens
that give rise to missense mutations
• Ochre and opal mutations do not respond
to the same suppressors as do the amber
– Ochre mutations have their own suppressors
– Opal mutations also have unique suppressors
Termination Mutations
Stop Codon Suppression
• Most suppressor
tRNAs have altered
– Recognize stop
– Prevent termination by
inserting an amino
– Allow ribosome to
move on to the next
Release Factors
• Prokaryotic translation termination is
mediated by 3 factors:
– RF1 recognizes UAA and UAG
– RF2 recognizes UAA and UGA
– RF3 is a GTP-binding protein facilitating
binding of RF1 and RF2 to the ribosome
• Eukaryotes has 2 release factors:
– eRF1 recognizes all 3 termination codons
– eRF3 is a ribosome-dependent GTPase
helping eRF1 release the finished polypeptide 18-44
Release Factor Assays
Dealing with Aberrant
• Two kinds of aberrant mRNAs can lead to
aberrant termination
– Nonsense mutations can occur that cause premature
– Some mRNAs (non-stop mRNAs) lack termination
• Synthesis of mRNA was aborted upstream of termination
• Ribosomes translate through non-stop mRNAs and then stall
• Both events cause problems in the cell yielding
incomplete proteins with adverse effects on the
– Stalled ribosomes out of action
– Unable to participate in further protein synthesis
Non-Stop mRNAs
• Prokaryotes deal with non-stop mRNAs by tmRNAmediated ribosome rescue
– Alanyl-tmRNA resembles alanyl-tRNA
– Binds to vacant A site of a ribosome stalled on a non-stop
– Donates its alanine to the stalled polypeptide
• Ribosome shifts to translating an ORF on the
tmRNA (transfer-messenger RNA)
– Adds another 9 amino acids to the polypeptide before
– Extra amino acids target the polypeptide for destruction
– Nuclease destroys non-stop mRNA
Non-Stop mRNAs
• Prokaryotes deal with
non-stop mRNAs by
ribosome rescue
– tmRNA are about 300
nt long
– 5’- and 3’-ends come
together to form a
tRNA-like domain
(TLD) resembling a
Eukaryotic Aberrant Termination
• Eukaryotes do not have tmRNA
• Eukaryotic ribosomes stalled at the end of the
poly(A) tail contain 0 – 3 nt of poly(A) tail
– This stalled ribosome state is recognized by carboxylterminal domain of a protein called Ski7p
– Ski7p also associates tightly with cytoplasmic
exosome, cousin of nuclear exosome
– Non-stop mRNA recruit Ski7p-exosome complex to
the vacant A site
– Ski complex is recruited to the A site
• Exosome, positioned just at the end of non-stop
mRNA, degrades that RNA
• Aberrant polypeptide is presumably destroyed
Exosome-Mediated Degradation
• This stalled ribosome state is recognized by carboxylterminal domain of a protein called Ski7p
• Ski7p also associates tightly with cytoplasmic exosome,
cousin of nuclear exosome
• Non-stop mRNA recruit Ski7p-exosome complex to the
vacant A site
• Ski complex is recruited to the A site
Premature Termination
• Eukaryotes deal with premature
termination codons by 2 mechanisms:
– NMD (nonsense-mediated mRNA decay)
• Mammalian cells use a downstream destabilizing
• Yeast cells appear to recognize a premature stop
– NAS (nonsense-associated altered splicing)
• Senses a stop codon in the middle of a reading
• Changes the splicing pattern so premature stop
codon is spliced out of mature mRNA
– Both mechanisms require Upf1
Mammalian NMD
NMD in mammalian cells involves a
downstream destabilizing element
• Upf1
• Upf2
– Bind to mRNA at exon-exon junction that
measures distance to a stop codon
– Codon far enough upstream
• Looks like a stop codon
• Activates downstream destabilizing element to
degrade mRNA
Yeast NMD
• Yeast cells appear to recognize a
premature stop codon by the absence of a
normal 3’-UTR or poly (A) nearby
• Ribosome stopping at premature stop
codon moves to an upstream AUG
• This may mark the mRNA for destruction
NAS and NMD Models
Use of Stop Codons to Insert
Unusual Amino Acids
Unusual amino acids are incorporated into
growing polypeptides in response to
termination codons
– Selenocysteine uses a special tRNA
• Anticodon for UGA codon
• Charged with serine then converted to
• Selenocysteyl-tRNA escorted to ribosome by special
– Pyrrolysine uses a special tRNA synthetase
that joins preformed pyrrolysine with a special
tRNA having an anticodon recognizing UAG
18.5 Posttranslation
• Translation events do not end with
– Proteins must fold properly
– Ribosomes need to be released from mRNA
and engage in further translation rounds
• Folding is actually a cotranslational event
occurring as nascent polypeptide is being
Folding Nascent Proteins
• Most newly-made polypeptides do not fold
properly alone
– Polypeptides require folding help from
molecular chaperones
– E. coli cells use a trigger factor
• Associates with the large ribosomal subunit
• Catches the nascent polypeptide emerging from
ribosomal exit tunnel in a hydrophobic basket to
protect from water
– Archaea and eukaryotes lack trigger factor,
use freestanding chaperones
Release of Ribosomes from
• Ribosomes do not release from mRNA
spontaneously after termination
• Help is required from ribosome recycling
factor (RRF) and EF-G
– RRF resembles a tRNA
• Binds to ribosome A site
• Uses a position not normally taken by a tRNA
– Collaborates with EF-G in releasing either
50S ribosome subunit or whole ribosome