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Chapter 18
Endocrine & Reproductive Systems
Endocrine System
• Endocrine glands – are ductless
or tubeless organs or group of
cells that secrete hormones
directly into the bloodstream
• Hormones – are chemical
substances that are produced
in glands and help regulate
many of the body’s functions
Endocrine System
• Thyroid – produces hormones
that regulate metabolism,
body heat, and bone growth.
The thyroid produces thyroxin,
which regulates the way cells
release energy from nutrients
• Testes – are the male
reproductive glands
Endocrine System
• Parathyroid glands – produce a
hormone that regulates the
body’s calcium and phosphorus
• Hypothalamus – links the
endocrine system with the
nervous system and stimulates
the pituitary gland to secrete
Endocrine System
• Pineal Gland – secretes melatonin,
which regulates sleep cycles and is
thought to affect the onset of
• Pituitary Gland – regulates and
controls the activities of other
endocrine glands also known as the
“master gland”
• Ovaries – the female reproductive
Endocrine System
• Thymus Gland – regulates
development of the immune system
• Adrenal Glands – produce hormones
that regulate the body’s salt and
water balance. Secretion from the
adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
control the body’s emergency
Endocrine System
• Pancreas – is a gland that
serves both the digestive and
endocrine systems. As an
endocrine gland, the pancreas
secrete two hormones that
regulate the level of glucose in
the blood – glucagon and
Pituitary Gland
• Pituitary Gland – regulates and
controls the activities of all
the other endocrine glands
• Also known as the “master
• Has 3 sections Anterior lobe,
intermediate, & posterior
Adrenal Glands
• Adrenal Glands – are glands
that help the body recover
from the stress and respond to
• Adrenal Cortex – secretes a
hormone that inhibits the
amount of sodium excreted in
urine and serves to maintain
blood volume and pressure
Adrenal Glands
• Adrenal medulla – secretes the
hormones epinephrine
(Adrenaline) and
Problems of the Endocrine
• Diabetes Mellitus – a disorder
in which the pancreas
produces too little or no
insulin, resulting in high blood
glucose levels.
Problems of the Endocrine
• Graves disease – a disorder in
which an overactive and
enlarged thyroid gland
produces excessive amounts of
• Cushing's disease – results from
the overproduction of adrenal
Problems of the Endocrine
• Goiter – an enlargement of the
thyroid gland, is caused mainly
by lack of iodine in the diet
• Growth disorders – are caused
by abnormal amounts of
growth hormone
The Male Reproductive
Lesson 2
• Reproductive system – the
system of organs involved in
producing offspring
Structure & function of the
male reproductive system
• Sperm – the male reproductive
• Testosterone – the male sex
hormone, produced in the
pituitary gland
External male reproductive
• Testes – or testicles are two
small glands that produce
• Testes are located in the
scrotum an external skin sac
• Penis – a tube-shaped organ
that extends from the trunk of
the body just above the testes
External male reproductive
• The penis releases semen a
thick fluid containing sperm
and other secretions from the
male reproductive system
• Fertilization – the joining of
the sperm and egg cells
Internal male reproductive
• Urethra – the passageway
through which both semen and
urine leave the male body
• Vas Deferens – are the tubes
that extend from each
epididymis to the urethra
Internal male reproductive
• Seminal Vesicle – as sperm
move through the vas
deferens, they are combined
with a nourishing fluid
produced by the seminal
Internal male reproductive
• Prostate Gland & Cowper’s
Gland – secretions from the
prostate gland and Cowper's
gland combine with the spermcontaining fluid to form semen
• Testes – where sperm is formed
Internal male reproductive
• Epididymis – the tubes in each
testis join the epididymis, a
larger coiled tube where
sperm mature & are stored
Care of the Male
Reproductive System
Get regular checkups
Bathe regularly
Wear protective equipment
Perform regular selfexaminations
• Practice abstinence
Problems of the Male
Reproductive System
• Inguinal Hernia – is a
separation of tissue that
allows part of the intestine to
push into the abdominal wall
near the top of the scrotum
• Sterility – the inability to
Testicular Cancer
• Testicular cancer can affect
males of any age but occurs
more commonly between the
ages of 14-40.
• Increase risk factors include –
undescended testicle,
abnormal testicular
development, & family history
The Female Reproductive
Lesson 3
• Uterus – a hollow, muscular
pear-shaped organ inside a
female’s body
Structure & Function of the
female reproductive system
• Ovaries – the female sex
glands that store the ova &
produce female sex hormones
• Ovulation – the process of
releasing a mature ovum into
the fallopian tube each month
Female Reproductive Organs
• Fallopian tubes – a pair of
tubes with fingerlike
projections that draw in the
• Vagina – a muscular, elastic
passageway that extends from
the uterus to the outside of
the body
Female Reproductive Organs
• Cervix – is the opening of the
• Uterus – protects and nourishes a
developing fetus
• Ovaries – contain the ova and
produce hormones
• Fallopian tubes – ova, or eggs,
travel from the ovaries to the
uterus through the fallopian tubes
Female Reproductive Organs
• Endometrium – tissue lines the
• Menstruation – is the shedding
of the uterus lining
Care of the female
reproductive system
• Bathe regularly
• Practice abstinence
Breast Self-exam
• Breast cancer is the most common
cancer and the second leading
cause of death, after lung cancer
for women in the United States
• The American Cancer Society
recommends that females examine
their breasts once a month, right
after the menstrual period
Problems of the female
reproductive system
• Menstrual cramps – occur at the
beginning of a menstrual period.
• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) – a
disorder caused by hormonal
• Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) – a rare
but serious bacterial infection that
affects the immune system and the
liver, and can be fatal
Problems related to
• Endometriosis – a painful,
chronic disease occurs when
tissue that lines the uterus
migrates and grows in the
ovaries, fallopian tubes, the
uterus, or the lining of the
pelvic cavity
Problems related to
• Pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID) – an infection of the
fallopian tubes, ovaries, and
the surrounding areas of the
• Sexually transmitted disease –
the most common causes of
infertility and other disorders
of the reproductive system
Female reproductive
• Vaginitis – caused by bacterial
vaginosis, the most common
vaginal infection in women of
childbearing age
• Blocked fallopian tubes – the
leading cause of infertility,
may result from PID
Female reproductive
• Cervical, uterine, & ovarian
cancer – occur in the female
reproductive system