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World History Unit Guide – Spring 2015
Unit 1: Early Civilizations (10 days)
State Standards
o WH 2.1 Compare how different geographic issues of the ancient period influenced settlement, trading
networks and the sustainability of various ancient civilizations
o WH 2.2 Analyze the governments of ancient civilizations in terms of their development, structure and
function within various societies
o WH 2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the needs of ancient societies
o WH 2.4 Analyze the rise and spread of various empires in terms of influence, achievements and lasting
o WH 2.5 Analyze the development and growth of major Eastern and Western religions
o WH 2.7 Analyze the relationship between trade routes and the development and decline of major
o WH 2.8 Compare the conditions, racial composition, and status of social classes, castes, and slaves in
ancient societies and analyze changes in those elements.
o WH 2.9 Evaluate the achievements of ancient civilizations in terms of their enduring cultural impact.
● Pre-Quiz
o Early Man (2 days)
▪ Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources to compare views, trace themes, and
detect bias.
▪ Summarize how the use of primary and secondary sources enables understanding of prehistory
o Four Early Civilizations (2 days)
▪ Analyze the importance of geography on the development of the Four Early Civilizations
▪ Compare and contrast Hammurabi’s Code with other codes of law found throughout history
o Early India (1 day)
▪ Describe the growth and regional impact of early South Asian religions
● Post Quiz
o Early China (1 day)
▪ Analyze the growth of Chinese Dynasties and their philosophies.
o Greece (2 days)
▪ Compare the growth and development of Sparta and Athens as competing city-states
▪ Analyze the achievements of the Ancient Greeks
o Rome (2 days)
▪ Compare and contrast the Law of 12 Tables with other codes of law found throughout history
OR describe the intricacies of the Roman Republic.
▪ Analyze the achievements, society, and fall of the Roman Empire
Unit 2: Religion and the Middle Ages (10 days)
State Standards
o WH 2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the needs of ancient societies
o WH 2.4 Analyze the rise and spread of various empires in terms of influence, achievements and lasting
o WH 2.5 Analyze the development and growth of major Eastern and Western religions
o WH 2.6 Analyze the interaction between the Islamic world and Europe and Asia in terms of increased
trade, enhanced technology innovation, and an impact on scientific thought and the arts.
o WH 2.7 Analyze the relationship between trade routes and the development and decline of major
WH 2.8 Compare the conditions, racial composition, and status of social classes, castes, and slaves in
ancient societies and analyze changes in those elements.
o WH 2.9 Evaluate the achievements of ancient civilizations in terms of their enduring cultural impact.
o WH 3.1 Explain how religion influenced political power and cultural unity in various regions of the
Europe, Asia and Africa
o WH 3.2 Explain how religious and secular struggles for authority impacted the structure of government
and society in Europe, Asia, and Africa
o WH 3.3 Analyze how innovations in agriculture, trade and business impacted the economic and social
development of various medieval societies
o WH 3.4 Analyze how the desire for farmable land created conflict and impacted the physical
environments of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas
o WH 4.1 Explain how interest in classical learning and religious reform contributed to increased global
o WH 4.3 Explain how agricultural and technological improvements transformed daily life socially and
o WH 4.4 Analyze the effects of increased global trade on the interactions between nations in Europe,
Southwest Asia, the Americas and Africa
o Monotheistic Religions (2 days)
▪ Compare and contrast the essential characteristics of monotheistic religions
▪ Identify the five pillars of Islam and their overall impact on modern society
o Africa (1 day)
▪ Compare the importance of the major early African Kingdoms.
o Middle Ages (3 days)
▪ Analyze the characteristics and impact of the Byzantine Empire
▪ Explain the impact of the Crusades on Europe
▪ Examine the changes in society during the High Middle Ages
o Renaissance (2 days)
▪ Describe the causes of the Italian Renaissance
▪ Analyze the characteristics of Renaissance Art.
Reformation (2 days)
▪ Analyze the causes of the Reformation in Europe
▪ Compare and contrast the stages of the Protestant Reformation
Unit 3: Americas and Asia (10)
State Standards
o WH 3.1 Explain how religion influenced political power and cultural unity in various regions of the
Europe, Asia and Africa
o WH 3.2 Explain how religious and secular struggles for authority impacted the structure of government
and society in Europe, Asia, and Africa
o WH 3.4 Analyze how the desire for farmable land created conflict and impacted the physical
environments of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas
o WH 4.2 Explain the political, social and economic reasons for the rise of powerful centralized nationstates and empires
o WH 4.4 Analyze the effects of increased global trade on the interactions between nations in Europe,
Southwest Asia, the Americas and Africa
WH 5.1 Explain how and why the motivations for exploration and conquest resulted in increased global
interactions, differing patterns of trade, colonization, and conflict among nations
o WH 5.2 Explain the causes and effects of exploration and expansion
o WH 5.3 Analyze colonization in terms of the desire for access to resources and markets as well as the
consequences on indigenous cultures, population, and environment
o WH 5.4 Analyze the role of investment in global exploration in terms of its implications for international
o Aztecs/Incas (1 day)
▪ Analyze the achievements of the Aztecs and Incas
o Exploration and Conquest (2 days)
▪ Describe the impact of European explorers and Conquistadors
▪ Analyze the impact of the Columbian Exchange and Triangular trade.
o Colonial Systems/Slave Trade (2 days)
▪ Identify the effects of the Triangular Trade System
o Islamic Empires (2 days)
▪ Analyze the achievements of the Islamic Empires.
▪ Compare the characteristics of three major Islamic Empires
o Chinese Dynasties (2 days)
▪ Describe the lasting achievements of the major Chinese dynasties.
▪ Analyze the rise and fall of the Ming and Qing dynasties
o Japan (1 day)
▪ Compare the Japanese feudal system to the European feudal system
Unit 4 (10 days): Age of Revolutions
State Standards
o WH 4.2 Explain the political, social and economic reasons for the rise of powerful centralized nationstates and empires
o WH 4.3 Explain how agricultural and technological improvements transformed daily life socially and
o WH 4.4 Analyze the effects of increased global trade on the interactions between nations in Europe,
Southwest Asia, the Americas and Africa
o WH 6.1 Explain how new ideas and theories of the universe altered political thought and affected
economic and social conditions
o WH 6.2 Analyze political revolutions in terms of their causes and impact on independence, governing
bodies and church-state relations.
o Absolutism (2 days)
▪ Describe the role of religion in Absolute monarchies
▪ Compare and contrast accomplishments of monarchs during Absolutism
o Scientific Revolution (1 day)
▪ Assess your understanding early American societies, European Exploration, and Asian
▪ Analyze the impact of the Scientific Revolution
Enlightenment (2 days)
▪ Apply knowledge from previous goals to create a product.
▪ Compare the Enlightenment philosophers’ views on government
▪ Analyze the Enlightenment through music.
o Independence in the Latin America (1 day)
▪ Describe the causes of the revolutions in the Americas
● Pre-Quiz
o American Revolution (1 day)
▪ Analyze the causes of the American Revolution
o French Revolution (3 days)
▪ Describe the causes of the French Revolution
▪ Analyze the impact of the French Revolution through visual aids
▪ Analyze the lasting impact of the French Revolution
● Post-Quiz
Unit 5: Nationalism and Industrialization (10 days)
State Standards
o WH 6.2 Analyze political revolutions in terms of their causes and impact on independence,
governing bodies and church-state relations.
o WH 6.3 Explain how physical geography and natural resources influenced industrialism and changes
in the environment
o WH 6.4 Analyze the effects of industrialism and urbanization on social and economic reform
o WH 7.1 Evaluate key turning points of the modern era in terms of their lasting impact
o WH 7.2 Analyze the increase in economic and military competition among nations in terms of the
influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and industrialization
o WH 7.3 Analyze economic and political rivalries, ethnic and regional conflicts, and nationalism and
imperialism as underlying causes of war
o WH 7.5 Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to
it from various nations and groups
o WH 7.6 Explain how economic crisis contributed to the growth of various political and economic
● Pre-assessment
o Napoleon (2 days)
▪ Analyze Napoleon's rise to power
▪ Describe Napoleon’s fall from power
o Industrial Revolution (6 days) (Quiz halfway through)
▪ Describe the four factors of production
▪ Analyze the impact of the factory system on Europe
▪ Explain the ways in which new technologies changed society
▪ Discover the differences between Capitalism and Socialism
▪ Examine the reforms that took place during the IR
o Nationalism (2 days)
▪ Describe the conflicts that arise with nations and states
▪ Describe how Italy and Germany became unified
Unit 6: Imperialism to Interwar (8 days)
State Standards
o WH 7.1 Evaluate key turning points of the modern era in terms of their lasting impact
o WH 7.2 Analyze the increase in economic and military competition among nations in terms of the
influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and industrialization
o WH 7.3 Analyze economic and political rivalries, ethnic and regional conflicts, and nationalism and
imperialism as underlying causes of war
WH 7.4 Explain how social and economic conditions of colonial rule contributed to the rise of
nationalistic movements
o WH 7.5 Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it
from various nations and groups
o WH 7.6 Explain how economic crisis contributed to the growth of various political and economic
o WH 8.1 Evaluate global wars in terms of how they challenged political and economic power structures
and gave rise to new balances of power
o WH 8.2 Explain how international crisis has impacted international politics
o Imperialism (3 days)
▪ Identify the relationship between Europe and Asia during Imperialism.
▪ Analyze the reactions to imperialism by Japan and China
▪ Explain how social darwinism gave reason to imperialism in Africa
o WWI/Russian Revolution (3 days)
▪ Analyze the MAIN (get it?) causes of WWI
▪ Analyze the impact of WWI on the participating countries
▪ Describe the effects of the Treaty of Versailles
Interwar (2 days)
▪ Describe the political and economic instability in the interwar period
▪ Describe the impact of dictators in Japan, Italy, and Japan
Unit 7 (8 days): Imperialism to Interwar
State Standards
o WH 7.1 Evaluate key turning points of the modern era in terms of their lasting impact
o WH 7.2 Analyze the increase in economic and military competition among nations in terms of the
influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and industrialization
o WH 7.3 Analyze economic and political rivalries, ethnic and regional conflicts, and nationalism and
imperialism as underlying causes of war
o WH 7.4 Explain how social and economic conditions of colonial rule contributed to the rise of
nationalistic movements
o WH 7.5 Analyze the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it
from various nations and groups
o WH 7.6 Explain how economic crisis contributed to the growth of various political and economic
o WH 8.1 Evaluate global wars in terms of how they challenged political and economic power structures
and gave rise to new balances of power
o WH 8.2 Explain how international crisis has impacted international politics
o WWII ( 3 days)
▪ Describe how the failure of appeasement led to WWII
▪ Exhibit the paths of Hitler’s aggression in the European theatre
▪ Identify the factors that led to America’s entrance into WWII
▪ Describe how WWII ended
o Cold War (5 days)
Identify the effects of the division of Europe after WWII
Analyze the impact of communism in Asia
Explain the political and economic challenges faced by third world countries during the Cold War
Identify the lasting impact of the creation of the state of Israel
Analyze the effects of the conflicts between Democracy and Communism
Examine the events that led to the end of the Cold War
Unit 8 (5 days)
State Standards
o WH 8.1 Evaluate global wars in terms of how they challenged political and economic power structures
and gave rise to new balances of power
o WH 8.2 Explain how international crisis has impacted international politics
o WH 8.3 Analyze the “new” balance of power and the search for peace and stability in terms of how each
has influenced global interactions since the last half of the twentieth century
o WH 8.4 Analyze scientific, technological and medical innovations of postwar decades in terms of their
impact on systems of production, global trade and standards of living
o WH 8.5 Explain how population growth, urbanization, industrialization, warfare and the global market
economy have contributed to changes in the environment
o WH 8.6 Explain how liberal democracy, private enterprise and human rights movements have reshaped
political, economic and social life in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, the Soviet Union and the United
o WH 8.7 Explain why terrorist groups and movements have proliferated and the extent of their impact on
politics and society in various countries
o Modern Era (6 days)
▪ Explain worldwide reactions to the spread of democracy after the Cold War
▪ Analyze the lasting impact of humans on the environment
▪ Examine the costs and benefits of globalization on the world today
▪ Identify modern terrorist organizations and their focus
▪ Identify problems faced by Developing Countries in the modern world
▪ Analyze the impact of technology in shaping the modern world