* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Vertical Articulation of CLAIM 1 Targets K Counting and Cardinality 1 2 3 4 5 Target A: Know number names and the count sequence. (*K.CC.1-3) Target B: Count to tell the number of objects. (*K.CC.4-5) Target C: Compare Numbers (*K.CC.6-7) Target D: Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. (*K.OA.1-5) Target E: Work with Numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value. (*K.NBT.1) Target A: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. (*1.OA.1-2) Target B: understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. (*1.OA.3-4) Target C: Add and subtract within 20. (*1.OA.5-6) Target D: Work with addition and subtraction equations. (*1.OA.7-8) Target E: Extend the counting sequence. (*1.NBT.1) Target F: Understand Place Value (*1.NBT.2-3) Target G: Use place-value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (*1.NBT.4-6) Operations and Algebraic Thinking Target A: Represent and Target A: Represent and solve problems involving solve problems involving addition and subtraction. multiplication and division. (*2.OA.1) (*3.OA.1-4) Target B: Add and subtract Target B: Understand within 20. (*2.OA.2) properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. (*3.OA.5-6) Target C: Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. (2.OA.3-4) Target C: Multiply and divide within 100. (*3.OA.7) Target D: Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. (*3.OA.8-9) Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Target D: Understand place Target E: Use place value value. (*2.NBT.1-4) understanding and properties of arithmetic to perform multi-digit arithmetic. (3.NBT.1-3) Target E: Use place-value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (*2.NBT.5-9) Target A: Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. (*4.OA.1-3) Target B: Gain familiarity with factors and multiples. (4.OA.4) Target A: Write and interpret numerical expressions. (5.OA.1-2) Target B: Analyze patterns and relationships. (5.OA.3) Target C: Generate and analyze patterns. (4.OA.5) Target D: Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. (*4.NBT.1-3) Target E: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. (*4.NBT.4-6) Target C: Understand the place value system. (*5.NBT.1-4) Target D: Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.(*5.NBT.5-7) Target F: Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. (*3.NF.1-3) Target F: Describe and compare measurable attributes. (K.MD.1-2) Target G: Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category. (K.MD.3) Target H: Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. (*1.MD.1-2) Target I: Tell and write time.(1.MD.3) Target J: Represent and interpret data. (1.MD.4) Measurement and Data Target F: Measure and Target G: Solve problems estimate lengths in standard involving measurement and units. (*2.MD.1-4) estimation of intervals of . time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. (*3.MD.1-2) Target G: Relate addition and subtraction to length. (*2.MD. 5-6) Target H: Work with time and money. (2.MD.7-8) Target I: Represent and interpret data. (2.MD.9-10) Target H: Identify and describe shapes. (K.G.1-3) Target I: Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. (K.G.4-6) Target K: Reason with shapes and their attributes. (1.G.1-3) Target H: Represent and interpret data. (3.MD.3-4) Target I: Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. (*3.MD.5-7) Numbers and Operations-Fractions Target F: Extend understanding Target E: Use equivalent of fraction equivalence and fractions as a strategy to add ordering. (*4.NF.1-2) and subtract fractions. (*5.NF.1-2) Target G: Build fractions from Target F: Apply and extend unit fractions by applying and previous understandings of extending previous multiplication and division to understandings of operations multiply and divide fractions. on whole numbers. (*4.NF.3-4) (*5.NF.3-7) Target H: Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions. (*4.NF.5-7) Target I: Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. (4.MD.1-3) Target G: Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system. (5.MD.1) Target J: Represent and interpret data. (4.MD.4) Target K: Geometric measurement: understand concepts of angle and measure angles. (4.MD.5-7) Target H: Represent and interpret data. (5.MD.2) Target I: Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition. (*5.MD.3-5) Target L: Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles. (4.G.1-3) Target J: Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. (5.G.1-2) Target J: Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. (3.MD.8) Geometry Target J: Reason with shapes Target K: Reason with shapes and their attributes. and their attributes. (3.G.1-2) (2.G.1-3) Target K: Classify twodimensional figures into categories based on their properties. (5.G.3-4) 6 7 8 Ratios & Proportional Relationships Target A: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. (*6.RP.1-3) Target A: Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems. (*7.RP.1-3) Target B: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. (*6.NS.1) Target B: Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. (*7.NS.1-3) The Number System Target A: Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers. (8.NS.1-2) Target C: Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples. (6.NS.2-4) Target D: Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers. (*6.NS.5-8) Expressions and Equations Target E: Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions. (*6.EE.1-4) Target F: Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities. (*6.EE.5-8) Target G: Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables. (*6.EE.9) Target C: Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. (*7.EE.1-2) Target D: Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. (*7.EE.3-4) Target B: Work with radicals and integer exponents. (*8.EE.1-4) Target C: Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations. (*8.EE.5-6) Target D: Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations. (*8.EE.7-8) Functions Target E: Define, evaluate, and compare functions. (*8.F.1-3) Target F: Use functions to model relationships between quantities. (8.F.4-5) Geometry Target H: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. (6.G.1-4) Target E: Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them. (7.G.1-3) Target G: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software. (*8.G.1-5) Target F: Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume. (7.G.4-6) Target H: Understand and apply the Pythagorean theorem. (*8.G.6-8) Target I: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres. (8.G.9) Statistics and Probability Target I: Develop understanding of statistical variability. (6.SP.1-3) Target J: Summarize and describe distributions. (6.SP.4-5) Target G: Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population. (7.SP.1-2) Target H: Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. (7.SP.3-4) Target I: Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models. (7.SP.5-8) Target J: Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data. (8.SP.1-4)