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Name: ____________________________
Part I: Circle the letter of the expression that best completes each of the following statements.
1. By which life process does a plant convert food into energy?
a) respiration
b) excretion
c) metabolism
d) photosynthesis
2. Which of the following processes changes complex molecules into simple molecules?
a) digestion
b) synthesis
c) nutrition
d) excretion
1. The process by which a cell gets rid of wastes is known as:
a) synthesis
b) excretion
c) growth
d) digestion
2. The energy (ATP) stored in food molecules is released during:
a) photosynthesis
b) excretion
c) respiration
d) circulation
3. Before being transported in the body, food must be:
a) digested by enzymes
b) absorbed by alveoli
c) moved by cilia
d) egested by the large intestine
4. The production of insulin in the pancreas is an example of the life function called:
a) excretion
b) respiration
c) reproduction
d) synthesis
5. Which process takes place during digestion?
a) Large molecules are broken down into small molecules.
b) Small molecules join to form large molecules.
c) Large molecules are changed into different large molecules.
d) Small molecules are changed into different small molecules.
6. Rabbits have developed behavioral and physiological strategies to
sustain them through periods of environmental stress. Which of the
numbered life processes above could be sacrificed without
affecting an individual rabbit’s survival in periods of extremely poor
environmental conditions?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Plant Practice
Part 1: Using the cladogram below and your knowledge of plants to complete the chart to show how these four
groups of plants have changed over time: Put an X in each box if the statement is true!
Type of Plant
Needs water
1. Which group of plants is the most primitive (oldest)? _______________________
2. Which group of plants is the most derived (advanced)? ______________________
Uses flowers
and fruit to
enclose the
3. What two tissues make up “vascular tissue?” ________________&________________
4. Why do you think angiosperms have an advantage over the other types of plants? Explain your reasoning!
5. What is the purpose of having roots?
6. What is the purpose of having stems?
7. What is the purpose of having leaves?
8. What is the purpose of having flowers?
Part II: Plant classification. Place an X in the boxes under the plants that have the characteristics.
Vascular tissue
Swimming sperm
Part III: Angiosperms vs. Gymnosperms
Word Bank
“naked” seeds
Enclosed seeds
Part IV: What do these words mean?!
Part V: Stomata
1) Plants are able to use the energy from
the sun to make food. This means that
they are ”_____trophic”. What
bioenergetic process do they
Gas out:
2) Recall: What are the reactants
Place an X in the boxes under the animals that have the
(“ingredients”) for this reaction?
Animal classification
3) What gas does a plant expel? How is
that gas produced?
Gas in:
Label the GUARD CELLS and the STOMATA
in this picture of the underside of a leaf.
Part VI: EOC Practice
1. Which kingdoms contain photosynthetic organisms?
a. Fungi and plants
b. Fungi and protists
c. Protists and plants
d. Plants and animals
2. Which is the most likely function of a group of cells that contains a high number of chloroplasts?
a. Respiration
b. Transpiration
c. Fermentation
d. Photosynthesis
3. Plant cells that are specialized for cell division (mitosis) are most likely found in what part of the plant?
HINT: which part of the plant grows longer and longer over time?
a. Root tips
b. Leaves
c. Stems
d. Vascular tissue
Based on the chart below, which plant is most likely a gymnosperm?
Plant 1
Plant 2
Plant 3
Plant 4
Vascular Tissue
c. Plant 3
d. Plant 4
5. Which of the above plants is most likely a moss?
Plant 1 b. Plant 2
a. Plant 1 b. Plant 2 c. Plant 3 d. Plant 4
6. If the xylem in a young tree is damaged which process is first affected?
a. Performing photosynthesis
b. Transporting sugar to the roots
c. Transporting water to the leaves
d. Absorbing water from the soil
7. A plant species lives in an area with limited sunlight. Which physical adaptation would be MOST useful to
the plant?
a. Colorful leaves
b. Large leaves
c. Deep roots
d. Purple leaves
8. What is the main function of leaves?
a. Leaves provide support for growth and a place to store food
b. Leaves provide a place for photosynthesis to occur
c. Leaves absorb water and nutrients and transport materials to the stem
d. Leaves provide a barrier so that evaporation doesn’t occur
9. Which structure in the leaf controls the opening and closing of the stomata?
a. Guard cell
b. Cuticle
c. Epidermis
d. Spongy mesophyll
Animal Practice
Part I: Read the following paragraph about amphibians. Then answer the questions that follow.
Amphibians are vertebrates that include frogs, toads, newts and salamanders.
Amphibians have what is called a biophysical life cycle. The biophysical life cycle
means that amphibian larvae (eggs and tadpoles) live in water, but gradually
change (metamorphosis) to become better suited for the land. For instance, as
eggs and tadpoles they have gills and as an adult frog they have lungs.
The female amphibian can lay as many as 4,000 eggs. When the eggs
hatch, the tadpoles consume the soft egg jelly, called the egg sac.
After their egg sac is fully eaten, the developing tadpoles begin to eat drifting plant
matter and breathe through their gills at this stage. As they grow, their lungs develop, and they begin
making trips to the surface in order to breathe. Soon, they start to eat small invertebrates. From then on,
their diet becomes increasingly carnivorous, or meat-eating. As they continue to grow, they begin to
develop legs and their tails shrink.
Amphibians have smooth, moist, thin skin which is covered in mucus to retain water. Amphibians
are sometimes studied to determine the environmental health of an area. When pollutants are present,
amphibians are the first to be affected since their skin provides little protection. The widespread death of
amphibians in an area can indicate a high level of pollutants.
1. Would you classify amphibians as autotrophic or heterotrophic? Why?
2. What are the two structures that will help amphibians complete “Respiration” throughout their lifetime?
3. Amphibians perform external fertilization. Why do females need to lay so many eggs that undergo
external fertilization?