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Biological control is gaining prominence in the management of both soil borne and aerial plant
diseases. Soil borne pathogens cause serious diseases in tomatoes. In nature microbial interaction
involve competition, hyper parasitism, or antibiosis and these phenomena play an important role
in striking ecological balance and keeping several plant pathogens in check. Biological control of
plant pathogenic fungi has received considerable attention as it has several advantages such as
possibility of multiple pathogen suppression, low cost and promotion of soil fertility. Three
fungal pathogens were obtained from naturally infected plants. The aim of the study was to
evaluate the ability of biocontrol agents in suppressing the growth of Alternaria species, the
cause agent for early blight, Pythium species causing damping off of seedlings and Fusarium
oxysporum that is responsible for Fusarium wilt. In vitro studies were carried out by employing
the paired culture technique. Trichoderma sp and Bacillus subtilis inhibited the growth of all the
three pathogens. Bacillus subtilis showed a higher percentage inhibition compared to
Trichoderma sp. Biological control is highly recommended as it offers a more sustainable
method for effective pest management.
KEY WORDS: Biological control, Trichoderma sp, Bacillus subtilis, Pythium sp, Trichoderma
sp, Alternaria sp, Tomato.