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Energy and Ecosystems
What is biogeography?
Ecological and historical biogeography: what are they?
What does “ecology” mean?
What are the abiotic components of an ecosystem?
Know definitions of habitat, community, niche
What are the relative amounts of energy following the organic and the heat paths?
What is a food chain? A trophic level?
What are the differences between a terrestrial and an aquatic food chain?
What is an autotroph? A heterotroph?
What is the difference between the detritus and the grazing food chains?
What’s the concept of an energy pyramid?
How do terrestrial and marine biomass pyramids differ?
How is energy transferred in photosynthesis and respiration?
Know the equations for both.
What kind of reaction is decomposition?
What is the difference between net and gross primary productivity?
Why is the omnivorous human diet wasteful?
What is bioaccumulation?
Biogeochemical Cycles
What does the term “biogeochemical cycles” mean?
What are active pools? Storage pools?
What are examples of active and storage pools in the carbon cycle?
What are the two main pathways in the carbon cycle that cycles carbon between the atmosphere
and biosphere?
What are the organic and inorganic forms of carbon in the carbon cycle?
What is nitrogen fixation? Why is it important?
What are the biological and industrial forms of nitrogen fixation?
What are legumes? What is their role in the nitrogen cycle?]
How are bacteria symbiotic with legumes?
What is denitrification and how is it accomplished in the nitrogen cycle?
What is outgassing?
Explanations for Plant and Animal Distributions
What are some xerophytic plant adaptations?
What are some tropophytic plant adaptations?
What are some hydrophytic plant adaptations?
Be able to define aerenchyma and adventitious.
What are adaptations to temperature for cold and warm blooded animals?
What is a bioclimatic frontier? How does it explain plant distributions?
Be able to define all of the following: competition, predation, parasitism, symbiosis, commensalism,
What is ecological succession?
What is the difference between primary and secondary succession? Know examples of each.
What is a climax community?
Know the basics of evolutionary theory.
What is variation?
How does natural selection operate?
What are the two key mechanisms for variation?
What is speciation? Extinction? Dispersal?
Global Biomes
Definition of biome
For the following biomes, know:
The associated climate characteristics, some plant and animal adaptations, the distribution of that
biome on the map
1. Tropical rainforest
2. Monsoon Forest
3. Subtropical Broadleaf (and Southern Pine) Forest
4. Midlatitude Deciduous Forest
5. Needleleaf (Boreal) Forest
6. Sclerophyll Forest
7. Tropical Savanna
8. Grassland
9. Desert
10. Tundra
Additional terms and concepts to know about biomes:
Arroyo, wash, wadi
Stomata, ephemeral plants, phreatophytes (wet toes), hydraulic lift
Prairie vs. steppe
Why do grasslands survive fire and why is fire necessary to preserve grasslands?
Alpine vs. arctic tundra
Know the relative net primary productivities of the biomes (the highest and lowest biomes)
What is it composed of by % volume, and what are the % volumes of the components?
What is a mineral? What is parent material?
How does the soil air compare to the atmosphere?
Why is water a polar molecule?
Wilting point, storage capacity
What are the five CLORPT factors of soil formation?
What is soil texture? Know the size categories for sand, silt, clay.
What are colloids?
Be able to use the soil texture triangle.
What is surface area per unit volume and how us it related to soil particle size?(remember the loaf
of bread!)
What are the following soil structures: platelike, prismlike, blocky, spheroidal, structureless
What is a ped? A profile? A horizon?
Know the basic characteristics of the main soil horizons: O, A, E, B, C and R
For each of the following Great Soil Orders, know: where it is found, what kind of climate it is
associated with, the basic characteristics of soil in this order (Here is the Soil Order Song to help you
remember some basics: click here.) (Table 10.1 in your textbook is also helpful for studying Soil
1. Entisols
2. Inceptisols
3. Andisols
4. Vertisols
5. Aridisols
6. Mollisols
7. Spodosols
8. Alfisols
9. Ultisols
10. Oxisols
11. Histosols
12. Gelisols
Textbook Chapters. Material from the book not covered in lecture class:
Chapter 8:
Net production and climate,
human impact on carbon cycle,
geomorphic and edaphic factors,
example of dune succession,
succession, change, equilibrium,
genetic drift and gene flow,
geographic isolation,
adaptive radiation,
endemic species,
dispersal and disjunction,
read the discussion about biodiversity and endangered species on pp. 296‐298.
Figures 8.7, 8.9, 8.10, 8.11, 8.23
Chapter 9:
What is a savanna?
What is a sclerophyll forest?
Where do they occur?
What are some of the important differences between deciduous and needleleaf forests?
What are epiphytes?
What are buttress roots?
What are lianas?
What are emergent canopies?
Figures 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, 9.9, 9.34
Chapter 10:
soil bases, acidity and alkalinity,
biological processes in soil,
Figures 10.5, 10.7, 10.10, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14;10.15,
Table 10.1 is a good summary of soil orders,