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Chapter 3
Biomes/ Pollution
• Describe how water is a limiting
factor in various
• Planet Earth Series
BIOMES• Large areas that have a dominant plant
type (climax community) and a certain
Climate (pattern of moisture and
temperature due to the position of the
Limiting Factor
• An abiotic or biotic factor that
restricts populations.
• Water limits types of plants that
grow in a biome.
• 1st: Lichens/Bacteria are pioneer species.
These will create soil in a rocky area.
• 2nd: Mosses may grow
• 3rd: Grass, then shrubs, then bushes
• 4th: Finally pines and oak trees.
– Shade will kill off smaller species. Acid from needles kills some
types of plants. Beech or Maple or bigger trees or conifers take
over, depending on the climate. This is called succession and
happens over hundreds of years.
Primary Succession
Plants take over a place where no soil was before
Mount Saint Helens
Late 1980s
Secondary Succession
• Fire, flood, windstorm disrupt a
community and new plants grow
where soil existed before.
Desert• Dominant plant is a cactus (prickly, Joshua
tree, shrub and low growing grasses. Few
trees if any- Juniper, Cedar
– less than 25 cm of moisture, 0-40 C
• Seasonal desert: (Utah) Rainy season, Cold desert
(Gobi in China)
• Hot desert (Sahara (size of cont US, Kalihari
in Africa, Southern Utah)
• Common widespread animals include
rattlesnake, Kangaroo, kangaroo rat,
tortoise, bat, tarantula, tarantula wasp, Gila
monster, Anole can undergo asexual
reproduction in Arizona during droughts.
Show video Desert (Jeroboa, Phennig, Camel, Lizard, Scorpion) and
Report on Tuareg of Sahara, Navajo and Hopi Indians, San of Kalarahi
desert, Aborigene of Australia.
Sahara Desert
Mojave Desert
Escalante Desert
Chaparral• Mediterranean, California, South
Australia, and Chile
• May-oct: 1 cm, Nov-Apr rainy. 10-30 C temps.
• Chamise, manzanita, scrub oak, olive tree, sage
(flammable oils), bay.
– Leaves have leathery coating to resist water
• Quail, Chipmunks, Lizards, Coyote, Mule deer, Birds
(scrub jay), Insects , include the Cicada hissing.
San Diego Chaparral
• Cold: -30 c to 10 c, like
desert in precip.
Permafrost, thin soil.
• Tough Mosses, Lichens,
Grasses with tiny
flowers. Bogs and
• Insects, mollusks,
worms, caribou, Polar
Bear, Arctic Fox, Musk
Ox, Reindeer
– Research oil exploration in
Tundra- North of
Arctic Circle.
Alaska Tundra
Utah Tundra
Taiga/Conifer Forest/
Boreal Forest
-20 to 15 C, mostly snow, less than 20 cm precip/year
50-60 day growing season, Long winters, dark in winter, more than 12
hours of sun in summer
Leaves modified to needles to protect against low temperature and
evaporation of water. Cone shape sheds snow. Needles are acidic so
when they fall they kill other plants.
Conifer Forest
• Redwood, Pine- Ponderosa, Scotch,
Bristlecone, Hemlock, Spruce,
FirBlueberries, few ferns and mosses
• Bear, Grizzly, Wolf, Moose, Elk,
Voles, Grouse, Pika, Wolverines,
Lynx, Snowshoe Hare. 1,000,000
lakes in Canada and Siberia provide
habitat for fish, insects. Birds
migrate 5,000 kilometers from South
America to breed in summer. Salt
Lake is a stop-over for Canada
Geese, Pelicans, Sand Piper.
Video: Boreal Forest
Boreal Forest
• Savannah Precip: dec-apr 16 cm, may-nov 86 cm Tropical
• Temperate Grassland: -10 to 40 C, most fertile soil.
• Not enough water to support trees (25-75 cm), although few
are found.
• Acacia trees, Baobab. Corn, Wheat, Soybean.
• Giraffe, Lion, Cheetah, Buffalo, Hawks, Antelope, Lubber
grasshoppers, burrowing owls commensalistic with prairie dog.
Cows overgraze.
Deciduous Forest
• Four seasons, leaves fall in fall. (videodisc
• Abundant rainfall and snowfall. Four seasons. Precip
70-250 cm/yr Show
• Climatogram. Summer 30 C and Winter 5 C.
• Oak, Maple, Beech, Birch. Doesn’t filter much light so
abundant plants on forest floor.
• Bear, Deer, Moose, Fox, Wolf, Mice, Squirrel, Racoon,
Opossum, Birds
Deciduous Forest
Tropical Rain Forest
• 200-400 cm of rain every year, 28 C +10 year round (overhead sun)
• More species than all other places
combined (90% life) 1 hectare has
100 species of trees. High
biodiversity. Low soil fertility from
rain leaching, acidic soil (low pH)
• Matter decays very rapidly due to plentiful
fungi,bacteria and moisture
Rain forest
Rain Forest continued
• Winds flow from Africa to South America (easterly)
• Canopy, Upper story, understory,
• Very specific niches to avoid competition.
Some bats pollinate only one flower.
• Vines, Tall trees, Low ferns, Epiphytes (bromeliads),
rotten smelly flower.
• Black panther, Tiger, Gorilla, Monkeys, Beetles, Poison
dart frog,
• Nocturnal and Diurnal creatures.
Marine (salty)
• Intertidal Zone- pounding waves, clingy plants, hard shelled
invertebrates, air & water respiration
• Neritic Zone- from tidal to open sea. Kelp, algae, fish of all kinds
• Open Sea Photic Zone- 30 to 200 meters below surface. Kelp,
• (75%photosynthesis of earth) Protists, diatoms, fish,
whale, dophin, sea otter, walrus
• Deep Sea- high pressure, cold, dark, Giant squid, Huge mouth
fish with fangs, zooplankton, Detritus feeders.
Marine zones
Abyssal creatures
Estuary (brackish)
• Where freshwater combines with
salty water
• 2ndor 3rd most diverse biome on
• Mangroves, Swamp, Lagoon
• Sunlight, many fish and invertebrates,
birds, Crocodiles and Alligators
• Swamp-trees
• Marsh- reeds, fish, migratory birds like
duck, geese, pelican
• - near rivers and streams.