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Student Name: _______________________________ Date: ______________________ Class: _______ Energy Transformations- Graphic Organizer S8P2. Students will be familiar with the forms and transformations of energy. a. Explain energy transformation in terms of the Law of Conservation of Energy. b. Explain the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. c. Compare and contrast the different forms of energy (heat, light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound) and their characteristics. d. Describe how heat can be transferred through matter by the collisions of atoms (conduction) or through space (radiation). In a liquid or gas, currents will facilitate the transfer of heat (convection). 1. Thermal energy or heat moves from an object at a ___________ _________________to an object at a ____________ __________________. 2. Remember…..the ________________ of the ________________ of an object determines how hot or how cold something is. (In other words, how much heat is there.) 3. The ______________ the particles move, the greater the thermal energy or _________. 4. __________________ is the transfer of thermal energy from one substance to another through _____________ ______________. 5. ________________ is the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of a __________ or a _______. 6. List 3 examples of convection: a. _________________________ b. _________________________ c. _________________________ 7. Heat always _________ which is a great contributor to the way our weather works. 8. _________________ ________________ are the vertical movement of air or liquid currents due to temperature variations. 9. ___________________ is the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves, such as ____________ ____________ and infrared waves. 10. Not all light energy or radiant energy is _______________. 11. The _______________________ __________________ shows the small amount of light waves that eyes are able to see naturally