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Name:_______________________________ Date:___________________ Period:______
Chapter 12 Study Guide
Honors Science
1. _Energy_ is the ability to cause change.
2. What happens when you add heat to matter? When you take it away?
_When you add heat to matter the atoms move faster. Kinetic energy and
temperature both increase. When you take away the heat the atoms will move
slower, kinetic energy and temperature will both decrease.
3. What is kinetic energy? What is an example?
Kinetic energy is energy due to motion. Examples: moving car, person running,
4. What two things does kinetic energy depend upon?
Mass and speed
5. What is potential energy?
Energy that is stored due to the interaction between objects or particles.
Examples: water behind a dam, a kite up in a tree, a rubber band being
6. If an object is on top of a hill or in a position off the ground, what type of energy
does it have?
Gravitational potential energy
7. What two things does gravitational potential energy depend on?
The mass of the objects and the distance the object is from Earth
8. What is thermal energy? Give an example.
the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the particles that make up the
object. Example: boiling water, rubbing your hands together to warm them,
hugging someone
9. What is mechanical energy? Examples?
The sum of the kinetic and potential energy in a system. Examples: ball being
tossed up into the air, weight lifted above your head, pistons in an engine, walking
10. What does the Law of Conservation of Energy state?
Energy can be transformed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or
11. __Thermal__ energy is transformed in every energy transformation.
12. What is radiant energy and give an example.
Energy carried by electromagnetic waves. Examples: microwave heating food,
fluorescent light bulb
13. What are renewable energy resources? Examples?
an energy resource that is replaced as fast as, or faster than it is used; Examples:
solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass
14. What are non-renewable energy resources and list some examples?
An energy resource that is available in limited amounts or that is used faster than
it can be replaced in nature. Examples: Fossil fuels (petroleum, natural gas,
propane, and coal) Nuclear energy
15. Swimmers have to eat well before a meet because the food has which type of
energy? Chemical energy
16. What is an open system? Closed system?
Open system is a system that exchanges matter or energy with the environment.
A closed system is a system that does not exchange matter or energy with the
17. If you ride on an escalator that moves upward at a constant speed, as you rise
what happens to your gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy?
Your gravitational potential energy would increase and your kinetic energy
would remain the same.
18. As a sled slides down a hill, the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of
the sled will remain the same.
19. When there is a change in the environment, you know that energy has been
20. What kind of energy does a door that uses a coiled spring to help it close have
when the door is open? Elastic potential energy
1. Sunlight is absorbed by a solar panel on a house. The energy collected by the
solar panel is used to run a blender that chops apples. The apples are part of a
recipe that is cooked in the oven. Explain the forms of energy that are used and
how they are used.
Sunlight is radiant energy, it is transformed into electric energy in the solar panel.
The blender transforms that electrical energy into mechanical energy to chop
the apples. The oven transfers thermal energy to the apples.
2. Define kinetic and potential energy. Explain why an airplane flying from Newark
to Los Angeles has both kinetic and potential energy.
Kinetic energy is energy an object has due to its motion. Potential energy is
energy that is stored due to an object’s position. An airplane flying has both
because it is in motion and it has height above the Earth’s surface so it also has
gravitational potential energy.
3. Explain two energy transfers and two energy transformations when a student is
sitting at their desks writing notes.
One energy transfer would be mechanical energy in their hand is transferred to
their pen/pencil. The mechanical energy from the pen/pencil is transferred to
the piece of paper. An example of the energy transformation is the chemical
energy stored in their muscles from food is transformed into mechanical energy
when they move their hand. Another energy transformation is some of the
mechanical energy in the pencil is transformed into sound energy when the
pencil is used on the paper.