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Note: Not all components of this template are required for every lesson.
Teachers: Bullock, Farmer, Motley, Talley
Date(s): April 20, 2015
Content: Science: Electricity
Documents can be downloaded : Science PSWD 5thgrade: 4th grade Review
Unit Title: Plants
Focus of the Day: 4.4
SOL # Learning Objective:
Specific Objective: (Setting A Purpose)
Materials Needed: interactive notebook pages:
BrainPop : seedless Plants , “ Plant Anatomy: I-notes, Plant
Using Graphic organizer, “ What part of the plant do we
eat”, StudyJams: Plants with seeds:
Essential Questions for the Week:
What are some examples of wild and domesticated animals?
What are some of the reasons that forests are important to
Virginia? What is plant anatomy? What are the basic nonreproductive parts of a plant?
How do the processes work together to ensure plant’s
I can analyze a common plant: identify the roots, stems, leaves, and
flowers, and explain the function of each. I can explain that ferns and
mosses reproduce with spores rather than seeds
Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced during this lesson?)
anatomy, embryo, fertilization, leaves, ovary, petal, pistil, pollen,
pollination, reproduce, roots, seed, sepal, spore, stamen, stems, stigma
Essential Question of the Day:
Describe quantitative and qualitative measurements we
can make about seeds.
How does the ______ help the plant survive?
Which function do you think is most important?
How are vascular plants different than nonvascular?
Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?)
Show picture of orange tree, moss, and fern: explain that plants can reproduce in two main ways by spores or seeds. Review Vascular and
Nonvascular plants.
View: BrainPop : seedless Plants
Observe different types of seeds. Students will make 3 Quantitative and quantitative observations about the seeds. (Review 5.1)
Hand Students a baggie, seeds, and paper towel students will place seed water and paper towel in bag to watch it grow over the remainder of
the year. You can tape to windows, place one in closet. Go through Scientific Method and dependent, independent variables, consonants as a
Procedure: Input What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?
Read annotate “ Plant Anatomy: I-notes
Using Graphic organizer: students will label the parts of a seed producing plant and explain the functions of the roots, stems, leaves, and
Students will analyze foods we eat and identify them as a root, stem, leaf, etc. use “ What part of the plant do we eat” students will describe
their favorite fruit or vegetable and describe it in terms of vascular- nonvascular and as stem, leaf, root, fruit, etc.
Journal: Have students draw a four square of an apple tree: label the parts of the apple tree, and illustrate what happens during each season,
define the term dormancy.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Used:
(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?)
What students are expected to do breakdown of SOL 4.4
Note: Students should be intro
Analyze a common plant: identify the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, and explain the function of each.
 Create a model/diagram illustrating the parts of a flower and its reproductive processes. Explain the model/diagram
using the following terminology: pollination, stamen, stigma, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore, seed.
 Compare and contrast different ways plants are pollinated.
 Explain that ferns and mosses reproduce with spores rather than seeds.
 Explain the process of photosynthesis, using the following terminology: sunlight, chlorophyll, water, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, and sugar.
 Explain the role of adaptations of common plants to include dormancy, response to light, and response to moisture.
Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
☐Similarities and Differences
☐Summarizing and Note Taking
☐Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
☐Homework and Practice
☐Nonlinguistic Representations
☐Cooperative Learning
☐Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
☐Generating and Testing Hypotheses
☐Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers
Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min
Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?) 15-20 min
Read annotate “ Plant Anatomy: I-notes
Using Graphic organizer: students will label the parts of a seed producing plant and explain the functions of the roots, stems, leaves, and
Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill?)
Essential QuestionsIndependent Practice –(What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?)
Students will analyze foods we eat and identify them as a root, stem, leaf, etc. use “ What part of the plant do we eat” students will describe
their favorite fruit or vegetable and describe it in terms of vascular- nonvascular and as stem, leaf, root, fruit, etc.
Closure-: Students will view StudyJams: Plants with seeds: and complete quiz as whole class
Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the student’s success?)
Send Home SOL Formatted Questions Due: Friday
Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning throughout the
Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
Period 1
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Accommodations Based on Data for Each Period
Period 2
Period 3
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Click here to enter text.
Period 4
Click here to enter text.
Note: Not all components of this template are required for every lesson.
Teachers: Bullock, Farmer, Motley, Talley
Date(s): April 21, 2015
Content: Science: Electricity
Documents can be downloaded : Science PSWD 5thgrade: 4th grade Review
Unit Title: Plants
Focus of the Day: 4.4
SOL # Learning Objective:
Specific Objective: (Setting A Purpose)
I can diagram by illustrating the parts of a flower and its reproductive
Materials Needed: interactive notebook pages:
Pollination I notes, Flowers by StudyJams, flower
illustration sheet Parts of a Flower graphic organizer,
Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced during this lesson?)
anatomy, embryo, fertilization, leaves, ovary, petal, pistil, pollen,
pollination, reproduce, roots, seed, sepal, spore, stamen, stems, stigma
Essential Questions for the Week:
Essential Question of the Day:
How does pollination occur?
How is the stamen an important part of the flower?
How do sepals protect the bud of a flower?
What are some examples of wild and domesticated animals?
What are some of the reasons that forests are important to
Virginia? What is plant anatomy? What are the basic non-
processes. Explain the model/diagram using the following
terminology: pollination, stamen, stigma, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore,
reproductive parts of a plant?
How do the processes work together to ensure plant’s
If we were to pull the leaves off of a plant what most
likely happen to the plant?
Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?)
Define and describe: Vascular Plants, Nonvascular Plants
Vascular/ nonvascular sort of plants. :
View Vascular nonvascular flipper. Students will identify plants as vascular or nonvascular
Procedure: Input What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?
Read and Annotate “Pollination:: I-notes”.
Using I notes “flower graphic organizer” students will describe the parts of the flower guided by teacher and students.
View: Flowers by StudyJams: Take Quiz on flower parts
Students will use flower illustration sheet to label and identify: stamen, stigma, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore, roots, stem, petal, seed. and
color the parts of a flower.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Used:
(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?)
What students are expected to do breakdown of SOL 4.3
Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
☐Similarities and Differences
☐Summarizing and Note Taking
☐Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
☐Homework and Practice
☐Nonlinguistic Representations
☐Cooperative Learning
☐Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
☐Generating and Testing Hypotheses
☐Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers
Analyze a common plant: identify the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, and explain the function of each.
 Create a model/diagram illustrating the parts of a flower and its reproductive processes. Explain the model/diagram
using the following terminology: pollination, stamen, stigma, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore, seed.
 Compare and contrast different ways plants are pollinated.
 Explain that ferns and mosses reproduce with spores rather than seeds.
 Explain the process of photosynthesis, using the following terminology: sunlight, chlorophyll, water, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, and sugar.
 Explain the role of adaptations of common plants to include dormancy, response to light, and response to moisture.
Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min
Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?) 15-20 min
Read and Annotate “Pollination:: I-notes”.
Using I notes “flower graphic organizer” students will describe the parts of the flower guided by teacher and students.
View: Flowers by StudyJams: Take Quiz on flower parts
Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill?)
Essential QuestionsIndependent Practice –(What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?)
Students will use flower illustration sheet to label and identify: stamen, stigma, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore, roots, stem, petal, seed. and
color the parts of a flower.
Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the student’s success?)
Send Home SOL Formatted Questions
Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning throughout the
Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
Period 1
Accommodations Based on Data for Each Period
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
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Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Note: Not all components of this template are required for every lesson.
Teachers: Bullock, Farmer, Motley, Talley
Date(s): April 22, 2015
Content: Science: Electricity
Documents can be downloaded : Science PSWD 5thgrade: 4th grade Review
Unit Title: Plants
Focus of the Day: 4.4
SOL # Learning Objective:
Specific Objective: (Setting A Purpose)
Materials Needed: Visual Curriculum PowerPoint,
“Photosynthesis” I notes, Photosynthesis Recipe,
Photosynthesis review
Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced during this lesson?)
anatomy, embryo, fertilization, leaves, ovary, petal, pistil, pollen,
pollination, reproduce, roots, seed, sepal, spore, stamen, stems, stigma
Essential Questions for the Week:
Essential Question of the Day:
How do plants benefit humans?
Why would I say that plants and animals are dependent
upon one another?
How does photosynthesis help a plant? Why don’t
animals go through the process of photosynthesis?
What are some examples of wild and domesticated animals?
What are some of the reasons that forests are important to
Virginia? What is plant anatomy? What are the basic nonreproductive parts of a plant?
How do the processes work together to ensure plant’s
I can explain the process of photosynthesis,
using the following terminology: sunlight,
chlorophyll, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen,
and sugar.
Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?)
Visual Curriculum PowerPoint, students will review parts of plant, flowers and the process of photosynthesis by responding to question on
Procedure: Input What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?
Read and annotate “Photosynthesis” I notes
Notes on board draw and describe the formula for photosynthesis and how it helps the plant get the energy
it needs.
Students will use I-notes to create and describe a recipe of Photosynthesis
Complete Photosynthesis Review Sheet using notes
Bloom’s Taxonomy Used: Remembering Understanding
(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?)
What students are expected to do breakdown of SOL 4.4
Analyze a common plant: identify the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, and explain the function of each.
 Create a model/diagram illustrating the parts of a flower and its reproductive processes. Explain the model/diagram
using the following terminology: pollination, stamen, stigma, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore, seed.
 Compare and contrast different ways plants are pollinated.
 Explain that ferns and mosses reproduce with spores rather than seeds.
 Explain the process of photosynthesis, using the following terminology: sunlight, chlorophyll, water, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, and sugar.
 Explain the role of adaptations of common plants to include dormancy, response to light, and response to moisture.
Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
☐Similarities and Differences
☐Summarizing and Note Taking
☐Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
☐Homework and Practice
☐Nonlinguistic Representations
☐Cooperative Learning
☐Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
☐Generating and Testing Hypotheses
☐Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers
Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min
Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?) 15-20 min
Read and annotate “Photosynthesis” I notes
Notes on board draw and describe the formula for photosynthesis and how it helps the plant get the energy
it needs.
Students will use I-notes to create and describe a recipe of Photosynthesis
Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill?)
Essential QuestionsIndependent Practice –(What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?)
Complete Photosynthesis Review Sheet using notes
Closure-: View Photosynthesis video: ask students to identify what is needed to preform photosynthesis:
what are the products of photosynthesis: If a plant could not perform the process of photosynthesis what
might happen?
Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the student’s success?)
Send Home SOL Formatted Questions
Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning throughout the
Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
Period 1
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Accommodations Based on Data for Each Period
Period 2
Period 3
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Click here to enter text.
Period 4
Click here to enter text.
Note: Not all components of this template are required for every lesson.
Teachers: Bullock, Farmer, Motley, Talley
Date(s): April 23, 2015
Content: Science: Electricity
Documents can be downloaded : Science PSWD 5thgrade: 4th grade Review
Unit Title: Plants
Focus of the Day: 4.4
SOL # Learning Objective:
Specific Objective: (Setting A Purpose)
I can create a model of a flower labeling reproductive
and it’s basic parts.
I can explain the process of photosynthesis, using the
following terminology: sunlight, chlorophyll, water, carbon
dioxide, oxygen, and sugar.
Materials Needed: video: task cards: Flowering
Plants: Various materials and construction paper
to create flower model
Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced during this lesson?)
anatomy, embryo, fertilization, leaves, ovary, petal, pistil, pollen,
pollination, reproduce, roots, seed, sepal, spore, stamen, stems, stigma
Essential Questions for the Week:
Essential Question of the Day:
How do plants benefit humans?
Why would I say that plants and animals are dependent
upon one another?
How does photosynthesis help a plant? Why don’t
animals go through the process of photosynthesis?
How are plants different than animals?
How are the plants parts important to the process of
What are some examples of wild and domesticated animals?
What are some of the reasons that forests are important to
Virginia? What is plant anatomy? What are the basic nonreproductive parts of a plant?
How do the processes work together to ensure plant’s
Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?)
Test released question: Test taking strategies: students will use Whiteboards to answer and strategies questions from science release test.
Procedure: Input What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?
Students will review Flowering plants through video.
Student will work on Task Cards: Dealing with 4.4 using I-notes and peers: Download Plants
Extra time students will create a model of the flower and the reproductive parts using construction paper and other materials they can pull
Bloom’s Taxonomy Used:
(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?)
What students are expected to do breakdown of SOL 4.4
Analyze a common plant: identify the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, and explain the function of each.
 Create a model/diagram illustrating the parts of a flower and its reproductive processes. Explain the model/diagram
using the following terminology: pollination, stamen, stigma, pistil, sepal, embryo, spore, seed.
 Compare and contrast different ways plants are pollinated.
 Explain that ferns and mosses reproduce with spores rather than seeds.
 Explain the process of photosynthesis, using the following terminology: sunlight, chlorophyll, water, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, and sugar.
 Explain the role of adaptations of common plants to include dormancy, response to light, and response to moisture.
Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
☐Similarities and Differences
☐Summarizing and Note Taking
☐Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition
☐Homework and Practice
☐Nonlinguistic Representations
☐Cooperative Learning
☐Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback
☐Generating and Testing Hypotheses
☐Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers
Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min
Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?) 15-20 min
Students will review Flowering plants through video.
Student will work on Task Cards: Dealing with 4.4 using I-notes and peers: Download Plants
Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill?)
Essential Questions- Task Cards
Independent Practice –(What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?)
Model of Flower
Review Task cards confirm answers
Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the student’s success?)
Send Home SOL Formatted Questions
Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning throughout the
Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
Period 1
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April 24, 2015
Accommodations Based on Data for Each Period
Period 2
Period 3
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Friday: Interactive Achievement electricity and Plants Combined test
Extra time : Sol Pass Test release Questions
Period 4
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