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SPH 4U0 mock exam – This exam is representative of the course and may or may not reflect certain aspects
of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 1of 13
Mr. Gustin
Exam Format
SHORT ANSWER - Communication
FULL SOLUTION – Application
Each section of the exam will be weighted to be worth the following percentages of the exam.
Instructions to Students:
1. Scientific calculators may be used but should have their memory cleared.
2. A Formula sheet may be used that has been previously submitted to your teacher. It will be
provided to you at the beginning of the exam.
3. Place all answers for multiple choice on the SCANTRON card, answer all other questions on this
exam paper. If you need more space for your answer, use the back of the sheet and indicate
that you have done so. PLACE YOUR NAME ON THE SCANTRON CARD.
SPH 4U0 mock exam – This exam is representative of the course and may or may not reflect certain aspects
of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 2of 13
Fill in the most correct answer on the SCANTRON card provided.
Of the following situations, which one is impossible?
a) A body having velocity east and acceleration east
b) A body having velocity west and acceleration west
c) A body having zero velocity and non-zero acceleration
d) A body having constant acceleration and variable velocity
e) A body having constant velocity and variable acceleration
Which is true about Alpha () particles?
a) They are positively charged nuclei of helium
b) They are positively charged Hydrogen nuclei
c) They have no neutrons
d) They cannot be stopped by a thick sheet of lead
e) They have excess Beta radiation
Which of the following must be true if an object maintains constant velocity?
a) The force due to gravity must be greater than the force of friction.
b) The applied force must be greater than the force of friction.
c) The force of friction must be greater than the applied force.
d) The forces acting on the object must be balanced.
e) The net unbalanced force must be in the direction of the velocity.
A student rolls a marble across a table. At the instant that the marble leaves the edge, the
student drops a second marble from the edge of the table. Consider the following statements
regarding the subsequent motions of the two marbles:
The marbles will have equal accelerations.
Both marbles will strike the floor at the same time.
Both marbles will have equal velocities as they strike the floor.
Which of the above statements will correctly describe the subsequent motions? (neglect air
I only
II only
III only
I and II only
I, II, and III
A ferris wheel at a carnival has a diameter of 10 m. It rotates at a rate of one revolution per
minute. The magnitude of the centripetal acceleration on a student sitting in one of the ferris
wheel chairs is:
a) 0 m/s2
b) 0.055 m/s2
c) 0.11 m/s2
d) 7 m/s2
e) 385 m/s2
What impulse will give a 2.0 kg mass a momentum change of +50 kgm/s?
a) +25 Ns
b) -25 Ns
c) +50 Ns
d) -50 Ns
e) +100 Ns
SPH 4U0 mock exam – This exam is representative of the course and may or may not reflect certain aspects
of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 3of 13
A 1 kg mass and a 3 kg mass joined by a thread of negligible mass travel together in a straight
line at constant speed v over a frictionless surface. The string is suddenly cut, after which the
speeds of the 1 kg mass and the 3 kg mass are designated v1’ and v2’ respectively. The final
speeds are given by:
a) v1’ = v/3, v2’= 2v/3
b) v1’ = 2v/3, v2’= v/3
c) v1’ = 3v/4, v2’= v/4
d) v1’ = v/4, v2’= 3v/4
e) v1’ = v,
v2’= v
A 10 N force is compressing a spring which has force constant of 20 N/m. The potential
energy stored in the spring is:
a) 0.5 J
b) 2.5 J
c) 5.0 J
d) 10 J
e) 200 J
As used in the definition of electric field, a "test charge":
a) has zero charge
b) has charge of magnitude 1 C
c) has charge of magnitude + 1.6x10 -19 C
d) must be an electron
e) none of the above
In the photoelectric effect, increasing the intensity of the light incident on a metal surface
a) decreases the threshold frequency for the emission of photoelectrons.
b) decreases the number of photoelectrons emitted.
c) increases the threshold frequency for the emission of photoelectrons.
d) increases the number of photoelectrons emitted.
e) increases the kinetic energy of the most energetic photoelectrons.
The electric field of a positive point charge may be correctly represented by:
a) equally spaced clockwise concentric circles.
b) equally spaced counterclockwise concentric circles.
c) equally spaced parallel lines.
d) symmetrical lines radiating away from the point charge.
e) symmetrical lines radiating toward the point charge.
Which of the following speed-time graphs best illustrates a car braking to a stop?
How can diffraction by a single slit in a ripple tank be decreased?
Decrease the wavelength of the waves.
Increase the amplitude of the waves.
Decrease the width of the slit.
Decrease the distance between the wave generator and the slit.
Use a longer wavelength.
Two similar charges q1 and q2 exert a force of 24 N on each other when they are 10 cm apart.
If the charges remain the same and the distance is reduced to 5.0 cm, the force exerted will be
a) 6.0 N
b) 12 N
c) 36 N
d) 48 N
e) 96 N
SPH 4U0 mock exam – This exam is representative of the course and may or may not reflect certain aspects
of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 4of 13
A feather and a lead ball are dropped from rest in vacuum on the moon. The acceleration of
the feather is:
a) more than that of the lead ball
b) the same as that of the lead ball
c) less than that of the lead ball
d) 9.8 m/s2
e) zero since it floats in a vacuum
An airplane makes a gradual 90° turn while flying horizontally at a constant speed of 200 m/s.
The process takes 20.0 seconds to complete. For this turn the magnitude of the average
acceleration of the plane is:
a) zero
b) 40 m/s2
c) 20 m/s2
d) 14 m/s2
e) 10 m/s2
Which of the following factors will increase the coefficient of friction acting on a student
wearing slick dress shoes while standing on an inclined icy driveway.
a) removing your heavy overcoat.
b) decreasing the surface contact of your shoes by lifting onto your toes.
c) asking a friend to toss you a heavy briefcase.
d) calling for help.
e) none of the above will increase the coefficient of friction.
The area under a force vs. distance graph represents:
a) acceleration
b) work done
c) the change in energy
d) both b and c
e) none of the above
The Balmer series of hydrogen is important because:
a) it is the only one for which the Bohr theory can be used
b) it is the only series which occurs for hydrogen
c) it is in the visible region
d) it is ultraviolet emissions of Hydrogen
e) it represents infrared emissions
On a distance – time graph, a straight horizontal line corresponds to motion at:
a) zero speed
b) constant speed
c) increasing speed
d) decreasing speed
e) constant velocity
A hockey puck and a curling stone are at rest on a sheet of ice. If you apply equal impulses to
each of them with a hockey stick
a) they will have the same momentum change but different velocities
b) the forces applied will be equal
c) they apply equal reaction forces to the hockey stick
d) they will have the same velocity, but different momentum
e) they will have the same acceleration.
An astronaut in an orbiting spacecraft is said to be weightless because
a) no force of gravity is exerted on the astronaut
b) the spacecraft exerts a force opposite to Earth’s gravity to suspend the astronaut
c) the astronaut and spacecraft are both in free fall
d) the astronaut wears a special gravity-resistant spacesuit
e) there is no air resistance in the region where the astronaut is orbiting
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of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 5of 13
23. A rocket launched with a velocity equal to the escape velocity of a planet has
a) zero total energy
b) positive total energy
c) negative total energy
d) a total energy that depends on its distance from the planet
e) a constantly changing total energy
Two parallel oppositely charged metal plates have an electric field between them.
magnitude is
a) greatest near the positive plate
b) greatest near the negative plate
c) zero
d) uniform throughout the region
e) greatest in the middle of the region
An electron moves horizontally to the east through a magnetic field that is downward. The
force on the electron is toward the
a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West
e) Upward direction
The electric and magnetic forces in a velocity selector are directed
a) at 90° to each other
b) parallel to each other, in the same direction
c) parallel to each other, in opposite directions
d) in such a way as to repel unwanted particles in the field
e) none of the above
Which of the following phenomena leads to the interpretation that electromagnetic radiation is
a transverse wave?
a) polarization
b) momentum
c) linear propagation
d) dispersion
e) reflection
When an object with rest mass of 2.0 kg approaches the speed of light, its mass approaches.
a) 0
b) 1.0 kg
c) 0.5 kg
d) c2
e) infinity
If you direct light at a metal surface, the energies of the emitted electrons
a) are directly related to the angle at which the light hits the surface
b) vary with the speed of light
c) vary with the intensity of the light
d) vary with the frequency of the light
e) are constant
In the Bohr model of the atom, an electron emits energy when it
a) jumps from a higher energy level to a lower energy level
b) jumps from a lower energy level to a higher energy level
c) is in its ground state
d) accelerates in orbit
e) decelerates in orbit
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of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 6of 13
SHORT ANSWER – Communication
Answer the following questions on this exam paper only. If you need extra space, use the back of the
sheet and indicate that you have done so. Marks as indicated in brackets.
1. Imagine you are standing, at rest, in the middle of a pond on perfectly frictionless ice. Describe a
possible method that you could use to start moving to reach the shore.
2. You drop a dish from the table. Explain whether the impulse will be greater, less, or the same as if
the dish lands on a carpet instead of a bare floor.
3. Describe the operation of and significance to twentieth-century physics of the Millikan oil-drop
4. Both sound and light waves diffract on passing through an open doorway. Why does a sound
wave diffract much more than a light wave? In other words, why can you hear around corners, but
not see around corners?
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of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 7of 13
FULL SOLUTION – Application
Answer the following questions on this exam paper only. If you need extra space, use the back of the
sheet and indicate that you have done so. Marks as indicated in brackets.
1. A golfer hits the golf ball off the tee, giving it an initial velocity of 32.6 m/s at an angle of 65°
above the horizontal. The green where the golf ball lands is 6.30 m higher than the tee, and the
golfer watches the ball rise to a maximum height and drop down on the green.
a) time of flight from when it is hit to when it lands
b) the horizontal distance the golf ball traveled when it hit the green.
c) the final velocity with which the ball lands.
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Page 8of 13
A box of books weighing 300 N is shoved across the floor of an apartment by a force of 400 N
exerted downward at an angle of 35.2 below the horizontal. If the coefficient of kinetic friction
between box and floor is 0.570,
(a) the acceleration of the box across the floor
(b) the time it takes to move the box 4.00 m, starting from rest?
(c) how much work is done by the 400 N force?
3. Determine the acceleration of the system and the tension in the string for the following pulley
apparatus. All surfaces are frictionless.
5 kg
25 kg
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of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 9of 13
4. An 1800 kg BMW sedan stopped at a traffic light is struck by from the rear by a Smart car with a
mass of 900 kg travelling at 20 m/s [E].
(a) Calculate the velocity of the cars if the collision is elastic.
(b) Calculate the velocity of the cars if the collision is inelastic.
5. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the net electric force experienced by the  4 nC point
charge by the +5 nC and +3 nC point charges.
0.5 m
-4 n C
0.8 m
5 nC
3 nC
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Page 10of 13
6. An alpha particle (q=2e) is fired at a stationary boron nucleus (q=5e) with a velocity of 7 x 10 5
m/s. Calculate the distance of closest approach to the boron nucleus it will reach.
7. A proton is put into a parallel plate apparatus as shown. Calculate
2.0 cm
700 V
(a) force acting on the proton.
(b) the acceleration it will experience
(c) the time it will take to cover the distance to the negative plate
(d) its final velocity at the negative plate
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of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 11of 13
8. A screen is placed 2.1 m from a diffraction grating of 5555 lines/cm. The second-order bright
fringe is measured to be 1.9 m from the central bright. Determine
(a) the wavelength of the light
(b) the distance from the central bright to the first bright fringe
9. A satellite of mass 4 x 103 kg is in orbit 300 000 m above the surface of a planet. The radius of
the planet is 2 x 106 m. If the period of the satellite is 20 earth hours, find the mass of the planet
(draw a diagram with dimensions on it).
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Page 12of 13
Answer the following questions on this exam paper only. If you need extra space, use the back of the
sheet and indicate that you have done so. Marks as indicated in brackets.
1. You want to design a pogo stick for a 7 year old child. Determine a spring constant, length of stick,
size of the spring, and range of the distances that the child will be able to depress the spring.
Include a sketch of your design.
Estimated mass of 7 year old child. _________________________
Estimated height of 7 year old child. _______________________
Length of spring on pogo stick. ____________________________
Amount of compression of pogo stick. ____________________
Find the spring constant of the pogo stick.
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of your exam. Use as study tool only!
Page 13of 13
2. You often hear that the Moon's gravity, as opposed to the Sun's gravity, is responsible for the
a) Calculate the force of the Moon's gravity on 1.000 × 10 4 kg of water at the surface of an ocean
on the side of the Earth closest to the Moon.
b) Calculate the force of the Moon's gravity on 1.000 × 10 4 kg of water at the surface of an ocean
on the side of the Earth farthest from the Moon.
c) Calculate the force of the Sun's gravity on 1.000 × 10 4 kg of water at the surface of an ocean on
the side of the Earth closest to the Sun.
d) Calculate the force of the Sun's gravity on 1.000 × 104 kg of water at the surface of an ocean on
the side of the Earth farthest from the Sun.
e) Examine your results from a) through d) and use them to justify the claim that the Moon's
gravity is responsible for tides. (hint: consider % that gravity varies in each case)
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