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Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
. Period: Later Judan Ministry
Lesson Title: Jesus' Teachings in Jerusalem Brought Hatred
Week 1
Memory Work: "If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall
know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31-32
Jesus' final departure from Galilee
A. Jesus' ministry in Judea was probably from the Feast of Tabernacles to the
Feast of Dedication, about three months.
B. Jesus refused to go with his brothers to the Feast of Tabemacles in Jerusalem because the Jews there sought to kill him. John 7:1-9.
C. Later, Jesus secretly went through Samaria to the feast with his disciples.
Johnl7: 10-13, Luke 9:51-62.
Jesus taught openly in the temple.
A. He defended his teachings and Sabbath healings. John 7:14-24.
B. Many believed on Him but the chief priests tried to take him. John 7:25-32.
C. Jesus began foretelling His death and departure. John 7:33-36
The Jews became divided over Jesus as a man or God.
A. Many Jews divided over whether or not He was the Christ. John 7:37-43.
B. The officers of the Council's soldiers refused to arrest Him. John 7:44-52.
C. The next day, the religious ruler attempted to trap Jesus into making an
illegal decision. Under Roman rule, they were not permitted to invoke
the death penalty for adultery. John 7:53-8: 11.
In the temple, Jesus continued teaching that He was from the Father.
A. Jesus taught that He was the light of the world and the Pharisees denied it.
John 8:12-20
B. Jesus again referred to his death. He also declared to the multitudes that he
was from above and unless they believed on Him, they would die in
their sins. John 8:21-30.
Jews attempted to kill Him.
A. Jesus said His words would free them from sin, but they did not accept His
words. John 8:31-40.
B. The Jews claimed God as their Father. Jesus said their desires made the
devil their father. John 9:41-47.
C. The Jews claimed He was a "Samartitan with a demon." Jesus told them
He was from the Father and existed before Abraham. At this, they
attempted to stone him. John 8:48-59.
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: Later Judean Ministry
Lesson Title: Jesus and His Disciples Preach Throughout
Week 2
Memory"Work:'*"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,:and with!alltyouJ:
soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27.
A blind man healed ably defends Jesus as good.
A. The blind man is healed on the Sabbath. John 9:1-12
B. The Pharisees questioned the healed man and his parents about Jesus, who
ably defends Jesus and is put out of their fellowship. John 9:13-14.
C. Jesus revealed his identity to the healed man. John 9:35-41
Jesus taught that He was the good shepherd.
A. Jesus declared true worshippers of God would recognize and follow him.
John 10:1-6
B. He claimed to be the only door for the flock. John 10:7-10
C. He taught that as the good shepherd, He would lay down His life for His
sheep; thus foretelling His death. John 10:11-21
Jesus sent seventy disciples out to teach.
A. Seventy appointed disciples were sent out to every city where He intended
to go, healing and teaching. Luke 10-1-6
B. They returned with joy at their work and Jesus rejoiced greatly also. Luke
Jesus continued to teach His followers in Judea.
A. Jesus answered a lawyer's question as to inheriting etema1life, giving the
parable of the good Samaritan. Luke 10:25-37
B. Jesus was the guest of Martha in Bethany. Luke 10:38-42
C. Jesus again taught His disciples how to pray and encouraged them to do so.
Luke 11: 1-13. Note: Jesus repeated in Judea, some of his previous
teaching in Galilee.
Though the Jews contended with Jesus, He would continue to teach.
A. The charge that Jesus did His miracles by the power of Beelzebub ("King
of Flies" - Satan) continued to be made among the multitudes He
taught. Luke 11: 14-26
B. Not satisfied with his miracles, the crowds wanted a further sign from
heaven. Luke 11:27-32
C. Jesus taught no man having a light should hide it, and He intended to
continue speaking out, letting the light of God's word be seen. Luke
Week 3
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: Later Judean Ministry
Lesson Title: The Hatred For Jesus Intensified in Judea
that I came to.grant peaceomthedearth~v
ralIlerdivision:" Luke 12:51
While eating lunch with a Pharisee, Jesus severely denounced the Pharisees and lawyers, drawing their hatred.
A. Jesus strongly rebuked their evil hearts. Luke 11:37-41
B. He exposed their hypocrisy and pride. Luke 11:42-52
C. After He left, they plotted against Him. Luke 11;53-54
Jesus spoke about the sins common to the religious rulers ..
A. Jesus warned His disciples among the multitudes against the hypocrisy and
persecution of the Pharisees. He explained their fear should not be of
men, but God, and therefore urged them to publicly confess His name.
Luke 12:1-12
B. Jesus warned of covetousness in the parable of the rich man who owned
land. Luke 12:13-21
Jesus taught his disciples to trust and be watchful for His return.
A. He taught we should not be anxious, but trust in the Father for our physical
need. Luke 12:22-34
B. His parables about watchfulness for His return. Luke 12:35-48
Jesus warned of the world's hatred and that all must repent.
A. Jesus warned that His disciples would not find peace with the world, but
rather with God, their judge. Luke 12:49-59
B. He told all must repent or perish and used the parable of the barren fig tree.
Luke 13:1-9
The strong urging of Jesus for the Jews in Jerusalem to repent caused them to attempt
to kill Him.
A. Jesus healed in a synagogue on the Sabbath and defended His action. Luke
B. He also taught them how the kingdom would grow. Luke 13:18-21
C. At the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, Jesus would not openly say
that He was the Messiah. The Jews attempted to stone him. John
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: The Perean Ministry
Lesson Title: Jesus Taught His Disciples in Perea.
Week 4
Jesus traveled to Perea to teach.
A. Jesus withdrew from Judea to east of the Jordan River in Perea where He
taught for about three months, from the Feast of Dedication to the
B. Many of John's disciples believed on Jesus. John 10:40-42
C. The question whether few or many will be saved. Luke 13:22-30
D. Jesus warned against Herod Antipas. Luke 13:31-35
_ Jesus taught while a dinner guest in the home of a chief Pharisee.
A. While dining in the home of a chief Pharisee on the Sabbath, Jesus healed a
man of dropsy. Luke 14:1-6
B. Jesus taught the guests a parable about exalting oneself. Luke 14:7-11
C. He taught who should be invited to dine. Luke 14:13-14
D. He pointed out that many of those invited would refuse to come to His
great supper, showing that the Jews would refuse to enter His
kingdom. Luke 14:15-24
Jesus warned to count the cost of discipleship.
A. Great multitudes followed Jesus. Luke 14:25-35
B. In Galilee, He taught the same. Matthew 10:34-39, 16:24-26
Jesus defended receiving sinners.
A. The Pharisees complained that Jesus allowed sinners to be near Him. He
defended His action. Luke 15:1-2
B. Parable of the lost sheep. Luke 15:3-7
C. Parable ofthe lost silver coin. Luke 15:8-10
D. Parable of the prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32.
Jesus taught stewardship.
A. The parable of the unfaithful steward, teaching us to use our material
possessions to make friends that we may influence them in the gospel.
Luke 16:1-15
B. Jesus taught the Pharisees the fate of a rich man who loves his money.
Luke 16:19-31
C. He spoke on our forgiving, faith, and duty. Luke 17:1-10
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: the Perean Ministry
Lesson Title: Priests plan to kill Jesus after his short visit to Judea
Week 5
"Truly I;,say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a.,child
shall not enter it at all." Mark 10:15
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
A. Jesus traveled several days from Perea to Bethany, a suburb of Jerusalem,
when Mary and Martha sent to him about Lazarus. He delayed leaving
two days so He would have opportunity to demonstrate His power
over death by raising Lazarus. John 11: 1-16
B. Jesus raised Lazarus from the tomb. John 11: 17-44
The chief Priest planned to kill Jesus at first opportunity.
A. They felt Jesus threatened their positions. Jesus left for Ephraim, north of
Jerusalem about 15 miles. John 11:45-54
B. Jesus continued north through Samaria into Galilee, then crossed Jordan
through Perea to Jerusalem for Passover. This route could be
100 miles, but kept Jesus from the priests until Passover. Luke
C. Jesus healed lepers on the way. Luke 17:12-19
Jesus explained when the kingdom of God would come.
A. The kingdom would arrive unseen, after His death. Luke 17:20-25
B. The day He returns to judge will be as in the days of Noah and Lot. Luke
C. He alluded to the end of Jerusalem and the Jewish system. Luke 17:31
D. On the final day, He will gather the faithful to Himself for their receiving
the kingdom of heaven. Luke 17:32-37
Jesus taught to be persistent and humble in prayer.
A. He used the parable of the unrighteous judge and persistent widow to teach
perseverance in prayer. Luke 18: 1-8
B. Parable of a Pharisee and publican warns the self-righteous. Luke 18:9-14
Jesus passed through Galilee back to Perea.
A. Large crowds were following Him as He started toward Jerusalem through
Perea. Matthew 19: 1-2
B. He spoke on marriage and divorce as it would be in the kingdom. Matthew
19:3-12, Mark 10:11-12
C. Jesus pointed out the kingdom must be received by us with the joyous,
grateful, thankful, and wondrous attitude of a child. Mark 10:13-16.
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: The Perean Ministry
Lesson Title: Jesus returned through Perea to Jerusalem
Week 6
:'MfD:i9EY~~5¥k:,0"Truly! say to~you,Wis<hardTor a rich manIto enter,the\kingdo~0o:t,F
AndcagaihI saytoyou,it'is easier fora ,~ameft()~go'througIU;the~ey
needle, thaniforaHch~mam~to'enter the kingdom ofeodWj~Mattlie'
Teaching on wealth ansd sacrifices.
A. A rich young ruler rejects discipleship under Jesus for his riches. Matthew
19: 16-22
B. Jesus taught how difficult the rich find it to enter the kingdom of God.
Matthew 19:23-26
C. He explained the rewards of those who sacrifice to serve in the kingdom,
including the twelve as apostles functioning as judges of the New
Covenant. Matthew 19:27-30
Jesus taught that the reward of heaven is given to all, no matter what their length of
service. Matthew 20: 1-16
Jesus again foretold His disciples of His death and resurrection.
A. Jesus explained to His disciples that the prophecies must be accomplished
in Him. Mark 10:31-34
B. They did not understand because they misunderstood the nature of the
kingdom. Luke 18:31-34
C. James and John were rebuked because they sought to have the highest
authority next to Jesus when His kingdom came. Mark 10:35-45
Jesus at Jericho crossing from Perea to Judea on his way to the Passover at Jerusalem.
A. He healed a blind beggar sitting beside the road, who believed on Him.
Luke 18:35-43
B. Jesus visited in the home of a tax collector (publican) named Zaccheus.
Luke 19:1-10
Jesus taught the necessity of being a faithful steward of God.
A. The parable of the "talents" of "minas," which is money equal to about 100
days wages. Luke 19:11-27.
B. Jesus left the Jericho area and began ascending the mountain road to
Jerusalem. Luke 19:28.
Week 7
Friday before the Passover.
A. Jesus waited for the Passover week in Bethany at the home of Lazarus.
Many Jews sought Jesus and Lazarus out of curiosity. John 11:56,
B. On Sunday, Jesus made preparations to enter into Jerusalem as a king.
Luke 19:28-48, John 12:12-19
Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Sunday, and return Monday.
A. Jesus entered Jerusalem amid the acclaim of the people. Mark 11: 1-11
B. Monday morning, on His way to Jerusalem, He cursed a barren fig tree.
Mark 11:12-14
C. He cleansed the temple the second time. Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:45-48
Jesus in Jerusalem on Monday.
A. Spoke of His coming death and glorification. John 12:20-36
B. Many did not believe, partly because of the rulers. John 12:37-50
The authority of Jesus was challenged Tuesday in the Temple.
A. The withered fig tree found Tuesday morning. Mark 11 :20-24
B. In the temple area, the rulers of the Sanhedrin formally challenge the
authority of Jesus. Matthew 21 :23-46
Jesus continued to be opposed by the rulers.
A. Jesus related the unbelieving Jews to unfaithful wedding guests in a parable. Matthew 22:1-14
B. The Pharisees and Herodians (those religious leaders who gave allegiance
to King Herod) attempted to trick Jesus into making a statement on
taxes that would give them an excuse to discredit and arrest Him.
Matthew 22:15-22
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: The Last Week
Lesson Title: The Last Public Discourse
Week 8
Jesus and the religious rulers question each other.
A. The Sadducees attempt trickery with a puzzle. Mark 12: 18-27
B. The most important command. Mark 12:28-34
C. Jesus asked the Pharisees a question they were unable to answer, thus
stopping their trick questions to Him. Matthew 22:41-46
D. Jesus commended the poor widow's gift. Mark 12:41-44
In His last public teaching, Jesus denounces the scribes and Pharisees.
A. Jesus denounced them as unmerciful, self-righteous. Matthew 23:1-14
B. He denounced them for using oaths improperly. Matthew 23:15-22
C. They hypocritically practiced mechanical rules. Matthew 23:23-28
D. Jesus told of their condemnation for obstructing the Father's prophets and
teachings. Matthew 23:29-39
Jesus privately taught His disciples about the end of the temple.
A. Jesus' disciples inquired about the destruction of the temple, the second
coming and the end of the world. Matthew 24:1-3
B. He warned against false Christs. Matthew 24:4-14
C. Fall of the temple prophesied by Daniel. Matthew 24:15-22
D. Warned again of false Christs. Matthew 24:23-28
Jesus continued and taught about the end of the world.
A. More on the destruction of Jerusalem. Matthew 24:29-31
B. He warned of signs of Jerusalem's fall. Matthew 24:32-35
C. In contrast, the time of Jesus' return and the end of the world is unknown.
Matthew 24:36-42
D. Two parables taught His disciples the need to always be prepared for that
last day. Matthew 24:43-51
Jesus encouraged His disciples to remain faithful until that last day.
A. He used the parable of the ten virgins to teach preparedness for the last day.
Matthew 25:1-13
B. The parable of the talents was used to teach faithful stewardship while we
wait for that day. Matthew 25:14-30
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: The Last Week
Lesson Title: Passover and Farewell to His Disciples
Week 9
Jesus spent Tuesday evening with His disciples. Matthew 26:1-4
A. He pictured the judgment with a parable. Matthew 25:31-46
B. Told the disciples when He would be killed. The Jewish leaders plotted
His death. Matthew 26:1-5
C. Mary anointed Jesus and Judas is rebuffed. John 12:2-8
D. Later that night, Judas made an agreement with the Chief Priests to deliver
Jesus to them when no crowd was present. Matthew 26:14-16
The events that occured during the Feast.
A. Jesus exposed Judas as the betrayer. John 13:21-30
B. After Judas left, Jesus encouraged His disciples to love each other after He
was gone, as he loved them. John 13:31-38
C. He instructed them in His Supper. Matthew 26:26-30
Jesus' farewell discussion in the upper room after the Passover.
A. Jesus encouraged them to believe on Him and keep His word. John 14:1-3
B. He promised the Holy Spirit would bring aid after He left. John 14:25-31
He continued
A. He
B. He
C. He
Jesus prepared to observe the Passover Feast.
Note: There is no record of Wednesday.
Jesus instructs the preparation for Passover. Luke 22:7-13
Jesus rebuked the disciple's jealousy and that they would each be given a
throne in the kingdom from which to judge. Luke 22:14-16, 24-30.
This role was like our Supreme Court judges who define and teach the
law but pass no sentence.
D. He then washed their feet as a lesson in humility. John 13:1-20
His farewell message on the way to Gethsemane Thursday night.
repeated the need for their continuing in His words. John 15:1-11
again gave them the command to love each other. John 15:12-17
told them they would be persecuted as His witnesses. John 15:18-27
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: The Last Week
Week 10
Lesson Title: Arrest and first trial
"~~rk~ '~rnhen they s~at in His face and beat Him with,tKeH' fists;tayd1froth'1fsfSj~«:l'kt~
Him, and "said, 'Prophesy'to US, youChrist;kwlioyis;thefOnetW}lOmi
The discussion of Jesus on His way to Gethsemane continued.
A. Jesus further explained the purpose of the coming ofthe Holy Spirit. John
16: 1-24
B. He said that His time of departure had now come and told them to take
courage. John 16:25-33
Jesus prayed in behalf
A. Just outside
Late Thursday night, Jesus prayed privately before His arrest. Mark 14:32-42
Friday, before dawn, Jesus was arrested and His disciples fled.
A. Judas led a band of soldiers to Jesus where He could be arrested privately.
John 18:2-12
B. Jesus rebuked the disciples for trying to defend Him. Matthew 26:48-56
Jesus hurriedly was tried in the dark of Friday morning.
A. Jesus was examined for trial by Annas. John 18:12-14, 19-23
B. He was then hurriedly tried by the council at the house of Caiaphas, the
High Priest. Mark 14:53-65
C. At this trial, Peter denied being a disciple of Jesus. Mark 14:54. 66-72
of His disciples on the way Thursday evening.
Jerusalem, before they ascended to the garden on the Mount of
Jesus prayed for the success of His work and teaching of the
John 17:2-26
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: The Last Week
. Lesson Title: Death on the cross
Week 11
The council officially sentenced Jesus to die and sought Roman approval.
A. They met just after dawn on Friday to condemn Him. Luke 22:66-71
B. Remorse and suicide of Judas the betrayer. Matthew 27:3-10
C. The council took Jesus before Pilate to get permission to kill Him, charging
Jesus with treason by setting Himself up as King ofthe Jews. John
18:28-38, Matthew 27:12-14
Pilate reluctantly gave permission for Jesus to be crucified.
A. Pilate sent Jesus to Herod Antipas for questioning. Luke 23:6-12
B. Jesus was returned to Pilate who sought to release Him but gave in to the
council's demand for death. Luke 23:13-25, Matthew 27:15-26
C. Pilate had Jesus whipped and for the third time tried to release Him, but
gave Him up to the demand for death. John 19:1-16
Jesus was crucified upon the cross he had been forced to carry.
A. After sentencing, Roman soldiers again mocked Jesus. Matthew 27:27-30
B. He was then taken to be crucified. John 19:16-17, Luke 23:26-33
Jesus suffered on the cross for six hours.
A. The first three hours, 9 a.m. till noon, Jesus was mocked by those of the
council. Matthew 27:35-40, Mark 15:25-32
B. Jesus promised one ofthe dying criminals he would be with Him that day
in Paradise. Luke 23:39-43
C. John was asked by Jesus to care for His mother. John 19:25-27
D. The last three hours darkness fell over the whole land, from noon till 3
p.m., then Jesus died. Matthew 27:45-50
The events immediately following Jesus' death.
A. The veil in the temple was tom in two at Jesus' death. Mark 15:38-39
B. The soldiers pierced His side to insure His death. John 19:31-37
C. Jesus was removed from the cross and buried before 6 p.m. Mark 15:42-46
D. Watch of the women and an official guard by the tomb all day Saturday.
Matthew 27:61-66
Week 12
Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Period: The last forty days
Lesson Title: Resurrection, appearances and ascension
'~And He.said to them, 'Gointo all theworld!andpreacbJtbe;~ospel~to~aU~J;'~~
~ .. andliaslibeen b;ptiZ~d ~i1~fiYb~sav~
, ....
he.wbo has,disbelievedsball tJe condemned;~' Mark~16:15~1
Sunday at dawn, the disciples discovered the tomb empty.
A. Before dawn on Sunday, an angel opened the tomb. Luke 23:56-24:3
B. The women visit the tomb about daybreak and are told by the angel to tell
the disciples ofthe resurrection. Luke 24:4-11
C. Peter and John ran to the empty tomb, still not understanding that Jesus had
been raised from the dead. John 20:2-10
D. After the resurrection of Jesus, others were resurrected. Matthew 27:52-53
Jesus made His first appearance Sunday morning.
A. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene first at the tomb and she returned to tell
the disciples. John 20:11-18
B. The appearance of Jesus to other women. Matthew 28:9-10
C. The tomb guards reported to the Jewish rulers. Matthew 28:11-15
D. Jesus appeared on the road to two disciples. Luke 24:1, 13-35
Jesus appeared twice to His disciples.
A. Jesus made His first appearance to the disciples, except Thomas, Sunday
evening as they ate. John 20:19-25, Luke 24:36-43
B. Eight days later, the next Sunday evening, all eleven disciples were present
and Jesus convinced Thomas He had risen. John 20:26-29
Jesus appeared a third time as some of the disciples fished.
A. Jesus appeared the third time to seven disciples as they fished in the Sea of
Galilee. John 21:1-14
B. Jesus told Peter that when he was old, he would have to suffer for his faith.
John 21 :15-24
C. Jesus also appeared to 500 brethren at one time. I Corinthians 15:6
The last appearance of Jesus and His ascension (40 days after his death.
A. Jesus took the eleven to a mountain in Galilee where he commanded them
to go out into the world and preach the gospel. Matthew 28:16-20,
Mark 16:15-18
B. From the mount of Olives, Jesus told the eleven to go to Jerusalem and
wait for the kingdom to begin. Luke 24:44-49, Acts 1:3-8
C. He then ascended into heaven and the disciples waited in Jerusalem. Luke
24:50-53, Acts 1:9-11
· Series Title: The Life of Christ, Part Two
Lesson Title: Review
Week 13
1. During the later Judea Ministry, what was the response of the people? The reli
gious rulers? Week 1: Day 2, Day 5.
2. In what way did Jesus say He was the good shepherd? Week 2: Day 2.
3. In what was the mission of the 70 disciples? Was it successful? Week 2: Day 3.
4. What did Jesus teach about the character of the religious rulers? What was their
reaction? Week 3: Day 1, Day 2.
1. What did the Jewish rulers think of Jesus' healing on the Sabbath day? What was
the reaction of Jesus? Week 3: Day 5. Week 4: Day 2.
2. Did Jesus say it would cost to be a disciple? Week 4: Day 3.
3. Why did Jesus raise Lazarus? Week 5: Day 1.
4. What lesson did Jesus teach when He took the children to Himself and blessed
them? Week 5: Day 5.
1. What did Jesus teach about being rich and about those who sacrifice for the
kingdom's sake? Week 6: Day 1.
2. Who was Zaccheus? Why was Jesus pleased with him? Week 6: Day 4.
3. In what manner did Jesus enter Jerusalem at the beginning of His last week?
Week 7: Day 1-2.
4. What was the subject of Jesus' last public speech? Week 8: Day 2.
1. When did Jesus teach His disciples the temple would be destroyed, His second
coming, the end of the world? Week 8: Day 3-4, Week 5: Day 3.
2. What agreement did Judas make with the rulers? Did Judas keep his agreement
and was he happy with the results? Week 9: Day 1, Week 10: Day 4, Week
11: Day 1.
3. What did Jesus do with the bread and grape juice at the Passover Feast? Week 9:
Day 3.
4. For what purpose did Jesus tell the disciples the Holy Spirit would be given to
them? Week 9: Day 4-5, Week 10: Day 1.
1. What did Jesus pray for on the way to Gethsemane? Week 10: Day 2.
2. List the examinations Jesus underwent. Week 10: Day 5, Week 11: Day 1-2.
3. What happened while Jesus was on the cross the first three hours? The second
three hours? Week 11: Day 4.
4. What events occurred on the Sunday Jesus was resurrected? Week 12: Day 1,3.