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Ridin’ High Cowboy Church
8771 FM 35
Union Valley/Royse City, TX
Pastor: Steve Bishop
A good father encourages …
You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and
You listen to their cry
Psalm 10:17
The devil and the world will attempt to discourage his family through
trials, temptations, and tragedies. This father recognizes the spirit
of discouragement and relies on the leadings of the Holy Spirit to
share a comforting word at just the right time. Just as the heavenly
Father gives the Holy Spirit to comfort His people, these fathers offer
a different perspective to life’s dilemmas.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
How to Make Every Day Father’s Day …
Introduction: Sayings that catch our eye about Father’s Day…
Coffee cup: “Dad, no matter what life throws at you, at least you don’t have
ugly children”
Shirt: “World’s Greatest Farter, I mean Father”
Shirt: “You can’t scare me. I have daughters”
Socks-Bottom: “If you can read this, bring me a beer”
Card: “Dad, without me today you’re nothing your welcome”
“Dad you’ve always been like a Father to me”
“I hope this Father’s day is as fun as life was before kids”
Philippians 2:3-8
3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition (win at all cost competitiveness … for
me, everything in life is a competition) or vain conceit.
Rather, in humility, value others about yourselves, no human is better
than another intrinsically (act like and make decisions like the people in your
life are more valuable than you)
Illustration: Wedding – you are not the most important person, the bride is!
When Everson Walls came to the sporting goods store in Greenville, I got his
autograph, but he spelled my name wrong. I didn’t gripe him out and make
him redo it. You always defer to the important person, because of respect. The
best way to keep a relationship is to treat people as if they are more important
than you.
What if they take advantage? Not your problem.
Think about how you treat your most valued possession … new hat…Isn’t that
the way we treat each other when we first date? It just comes naturally, people
who stay in love keep doing that. This is a decision we make, a lifestyle choice.
4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of
others. This is hard cause I am mostly interested in the things that interest
me, and I’m not really into things that don’t interest me…movies, shopping,
Men, do you know what your wife and kids are interested in?
The idea of this verse is not that we put up with their interests but we find a
way to genuinely learn to express interest in their interests.
Think of the way you showed interest in their interests when you dated. You
did all kinds of things you did not care about just to be with them.
If at this point you think nobody does those things, Paul says you’re right, no
human is the example … Jesus is.
5 In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as
Christ Jesus: We are supposed to approach relationships like Jesus
approached us, this is a command.
6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God
something to be used to his own advantage; Jesus never played the God
card, to get a good seat (need a table for 13 and we don’t want to wait) or
change the weather, Jesus was always the most important person in the room
and he never leveraged that for his sake. We show up and say I am least 50%
of this relationship so I should be getting something out of this…I make all the
money … or I gave birth to the kids.
7 rather, he made himself nothing (literal-emptied himself) opposite he’s full
of himself like people we see today
by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself (he made
a decision to humble himself to Us, nobody made him do this.
How did he do this? …come home early for dinner, paying attention during
conversations, pick up the kids without being asked, go to movies and
shopping…no it was bigger than all that.
by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross! Jesus could have
maintained all he deserved and received all he was due, he was always right
and never have a relationship with mankind. But it was impossible to have it
both ways…Jesus could not hang on to his rights as God and die on a cross for
our sins …he put us first … our deal before his deal.
When Jesus died on the cross he put your forgiveness ahead of His glory.
If I want a relationship, I have to die to who I am and give up my rights, we
can’t have it both ways, you can’t hang on to your rights and have a
You have seen people who tried to have it both ways and they ended up with a
roommate, not a relationship.
Jesus did not come into the world to be right but to submit himself on our
behalf. Jesus could have nagged us to death and been right every time but he
did not do that.
That is what God created relationships to look like.
Give up your rights for the sake of relationship
People ask isn’t that hard? Yes, it is hard, but it’s easier than a bad marriage.
And it’s way cheaper than a divorce.
This is a decision you make and you have to make it whether or not the people
around you do.
When you do what we talked about today, Every day is Father’s Day, because
you have put your heavenly Father’s desire for your life ahead of your desire.
RHCC-06182017-How to Make Every Day Father’s Day