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• Aerobic capacity refers to the maximum amount of oxygen
that the body can utilize in an exercise session
• It is possible to improve aerobic capacity over time, and it is
also possible to see a decline in aerobic capacity in
response to a variety of factors, including declines in
physical activity, chronic illness, and aging.
• For athletes, aerobic capacity, sometimes known as VO2
max, is an important aspect of their physical health.
• Cardiovascular exercise is used to improve aerobic
capacity by strengthening the heart muscle and
developing the rest of the cardiorespiratory system.
• As an individuals fitness program continues, their
aerobic capacity improves, allowing them to exercise
more vigorously and for longer periods of time.
• Muscular strength is the amount of force that your
muscles can exert against resistance.
• The endocrine system, not physical activity, helps
determine muscles size.
• When lifting heavy weight, you increase strength,
muscle size and connective tissues such as ligaments
and tendons.
Type of Muscle Fiber
One of the most influential factors is muscle fiber type. We have two basic types of
muscle fibers, often referred to as "slow twitch" and "fast twitch." Slow twitch
muscle fibers are best used for cardiovascular (aerobic) activities. They
produce small levels of force for long periods of time and thus are better suited
for endurance activities. Fast twitch fibers are best used for anaerobic
activities. They produce high levels of force for short periods of time and are
best suited for power activities such as weightlifting.
Most men and women have an equal combination of both slow twitch and fast
twitch fibers. However, some people inherit a high percentage of slow twitch
fibers that enhance their performance in endurance activities, such as long
distance runners. Most world class marathon runners have a very high amount
of slow twitch fibers. World class sprinters or football players, for example, have
relatively more fast twitch muscle fibers. Although both fiber types respond
positively to strength training exercises, the fast twitch types experience greater
increases in muscle size and strength, and thus may obtain greater and/or
faster results from a strength training program.
Another factor over which we have little control is age.
Studies show that people of all ages can increase
their muscle size and strength as a result of a safe
and effective strength training program. However, the
rate of strength and muscle gain appears to be
greater from age 10-20, the years of rapid growth and
development. After reaching normal physical maturity,
muscular improvements usually don't come as quickly.
Gender does not affect the quality of our muscle, but
does influence the quantity. Although men's and
women's muscle tissue are characteristically the
same, men generally have more muscle tissue
than women do because muscle size is increased
by the presence of testosterone, the male sex
hormone. The larger the muscles, the stronger the
person; this is why most men are stronger than
most women.
Limb and Muscle Length
Another strength factor that is naturally determined is limb
length. Persons with short limbs tend to be able to lift more
weight because of advantageous leverage factors (arms
and legs). Similarly, differences in strength development
may come about because of variation in muscle length.
Some people have long muscles, and some people have
short muscles. Persons with relatively long muscles have
greater potential for developing size and strength than
persons with relatively short muscles.
Point of Tendon Insertion
Muscle strength is also influenced by the point of tendon
insertion. For example, let's say Jim and John both
have the same arm and muscle length. However, Jim's
biceps tendon attaches to his forearm farther from his
elbow joint than John's does. This gives Jim a
biomechanical advantage: he is able to lift more
weight than John in biceps exercises such as the
Biceps Curl.
• Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group
of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a
resistance for an extended period of time
• Muscular endurance is very important for people
playing sports and who have to sustain an activity for
long periods of time
Muscle Glycogen
Regular endurance training can increase the muscle glycogen stores,
thus providing more energy to complete the activity. Muscle
glycogen is the glucose that is stored in the muscles and are used
for energy. These glycogen levels can improve or decline overt ime.
After four weeks of detraining, competitive swimmers had a
decrease in muscle glycogen by 40 percent, according to Jack H.
Wilmore and David L. Costill, authors of the "Physiology of Sport and
Exercise." Regular strength training can maintain and improve
glycogen stores, resulting in improve muscular endurance.
Lactate Threshold
Lactic acid build-up is a common reason for muscular fatigue.
Regular endurance training increases your lactate threshold.
By training at a higher rate of work, over time your body will
increase its lactate threshold by improving its ability to
remove lactate produced by muscle. It will also produce less
lactate at the same work rate, Wilmore and Costill write. This
long-term adaptation will improve overall muscular endurance
by allowing you to perform more repetitions at the same load.
• flexibility has been defined as the range of motion
about a joint and its surrounding muscles during a
passive movement
• By increasing this joint range of motion, performance
may be enhanced and the risk of injury reduced.
• The rationale for this is that a limb can move further
before an injury occurs.
1. Dynamic flexibility -- the ability to perform
dynamic movements within the full range of
motion in the joint. Common examples
include twisting from side to side or kicking
an imaginary ball. Dynamic flexibility is
generally more sport-specific than other
forms of mobility.
2. Static Active flexibility -- this refers to the
ability to stretch an antagonist muscle using
only the tension in the agonist muscle. An
example is holding one leg out in front of you
as high as possible. The hamstring
(antagonist) is being stretched while the
quadriceps and hip flexors (agonists) are
holding the leg up.
3. Static Passive flexibility -- the ability to
hold a stretch using body weight or
some other external force. Using the
example above, holding your leg out in
font of you and resting it on a chair. The
quadriceps are not required to hold the
extended position.
• Body composition is the body’s relative amount of fat to fat-free
• Body fat includes essential fats, such as lipids, and nonessential
body fats, these fats make up around five percent of total body
weight for men, and up to 12 percent for women. Nonessential fat
is found mainly within fat cells and adipose tissue, below the skin
and surrounding major organs.
• Assessing body mass index (BMI) is a commonly-used method of
measuring body fat. While BMI does not measure body fat directly,
it helps to assess health risks related to body mass. Ways to assess
your body composition, and body fat percentage, more directly
include measurement with calipers and tests such as underwater
body fat test, the BodPod, DEXA Scan, and Bioletrical Impedence.
• Ability to contact muscles with speed and force in one
explosive act
• Muscular power is the relative strength of the
muscles. However, there is more to power than just
strength. Other factors include balance (muscles are
more powerful when balanced), flexibility (large,
inflexible muscles aren't very powerful), and
endurance (smaller, weaker muscles can be more
powerful if they can last longer).
Once a plateau in strength has been reached, more sport-specific types
of power training are required. One of these training methods is a
variation of traditional resistance training. As mentioned earlier,
maximal power production occurs when moderate loads of about 30%
1-RM are used.
During a ballistic action, the force far outweighs the resistance so movement is of a high
velocity. The resistance is accelerated and projected. Examples include a medicine ball
throw and a jump squat. The aim is to reach peak acceleration at the moment of release
projecting the object or body as far as possible.
• Plyometric drills involve a quick, powerful
movement using a pre-stretch or countermovement that involves the stretch shortening
cycle (1). Classical plyometric exercises include
various types of jump training and upper body
drills using medicine balls.
• Speed is the quickness of movement of a limb,
whether this is the legs of a runner or the arm of
the shot putter. Speed is an integral part of every
sport and can be expressed as any one of, or
combination of, the following: maximum speed,
elastic strength (power) and speed endurance.
• Speed is influenced by the athlete's mobility,
special strength, strength endurance and
• Energy or absolute speed is supplied by the anaerobic
alactic pathway. The anaerobic (without oxygen)
alactic (without lactate) energy system is best
challenged as an athlete approaches top speed
between 30 and 60 metres while running at 95% to
100% of maximum. This speed component of
anaerobic metabolism lasts for approximately eight
seconds and should be trained when no muscle
fatigue is present (usually after 24 to 36 hours of rest)
The technique of sprinting must be rehearsed at slow
speeds and then transferred to runs at maximum speed.
The stimulation, excitation and correct firing order of the
motor units, composed of a motor nerve (Neuron) and
the group of muscles that it supplies, makes it possible
for high frequency movements to occur. The whole
process is not very clear but the complex coordination
and timing of the motor units and muscles most
certainly must be rehearsed at high speeds to implant
the correct patterns.
Flexibility and a correct warm up will affect stride length and frequency
(strike rate). Stride length can be improved by developing muscular
strength, power, strength endurance and running technique. The
development of speed is highly specific and to achieve it we should
ensure that:
Flexibility is developed and maintained all year round
Strength and speed are developed in parallel
Skill development (technique) is pre-learned, rehearsed and perfected
before it is done at high speed levels
Speed training is performed by using high velocity for brief intervals.
This will ultimately bring into play the correct neuromuscular
pathways and energy sources used
Basic training to develop all qualities of movement to a level that will provide a solid base on
which to build each successive step. This includes programs to increase body control,
strength, muscle endurance, and sustained effort (muscular and cardiovascular,
anaerobic and aerobic)
Functional strength and explosive movements against medium to heavy resistance.
Maximum power is trained by working in an intensity range of 55 to 85% of your
maximum intensity (1 RM)
Ballistics to develop high-speed sending and receiving movements
Plyometrics to develop explosive hopping, jumping, bounding, hitting, and kicking
Sprinting form and speed endurance to develop sprinting technique and improving the
length of time you are able to maintain your speed
Sport loading to develop specific speed. The intensity is 85 to 100% of maximum speed
Over speed training. This involves systematic application of sporting speed that exceeds
maximum speed by 5 to 10% through the use of various over speed training techniques
• Agility is the ability to move and change
direction and position of the body
quickly and effectively while under
Agility can be significantly improved if we understand and apply some basic
Skill - Open skill occurs when the movement goal is unknown. In a closed skill the
movement is pre-programmed. The progression in agility training usually proceeds
from closed to open skills.
Reaction versus reflex - Reaction is the response to a stimulus to initiate movement. It is a
conscious act that can be improved through training. Reflex, on the other hand, occurs
at the sub cortical level and cannot be trained.
Speed as a motor task - A motor task can be learned; therefore speed can be taught if the
motor tasks involved are clearly defined.
 Massed - the skill is practiced until learnt without taking a break. These sessions are
good for athletes with high level of fitness and experience and are most suited to fixed
 Distributed - practice is interspersed with breaks which can either be rest or another skill.
The following table shows the relationship of the
strength qualities to the components of agility.
Basic Strength
Speed Strength &
Power Endurance
Maximum Strength
Balance, Body Control and
Starting and Acceleration Speed
Angles & Vectors
Complex Footwork
Change of Direction, Stopping
• Motor coordination is the combination of body
movements created with the kinematic (such
as spatial direction) and kinetic (force)
parameters that result in intended actions.
Such movements usually smoothly and
efficiently work together
• Coordination is a complex skill that requires
good levels of other fitness components such
as balance, strength and agility
Multi-directional forms of running, jumping and skipping
• Single leg balancing games
• Mirror games (mirroring each other’s movements)
• Known exercises starting or finishing in new positions (start sprints from belly
or one knee; end with hands up or on all fours)
• Opposite arm circles (right hand circles forward, left backwards)
• Simultaneous arm and leg circles
• Jump in place with 180 or 360 turns while in flight
• Balance exercises on a low balance beam
• Cross step-over running or carioca
• Somersault to balance (somersault to standing one legged balance)
• Skipping A, B and C’s
• Obstacle running (place hurdles directly on floor and have athlete run over
A biological system that enables us to know where our bodies are in the environment and
to maintain a desired position. Normal balance depends on information from the inner
ear, other senses (such as sight and touch) and muscle movement.
Our sense of balance is specifically regulated by a complex interaction between the
following parts of the nervous system:
The inner ears (also called the labyrinth) monitor the directions of motion, such as turning
or forward-backward, side-to-side, and up-and-down motions.
The eyes observe where the body is in space (i.e., upside down, right side up, etc.) and
also the directions of motion.
Skin pressure receptors such as those located in the feet and seat sense what part of the
body is down and touching the ground.
Muscle and joint sensory receptors report what parts of the body are moving.
The central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) processes all the bits of information
from the four other systems to make some coordinated sense out of it all.