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Lesson 01 – An introduction to Java and the Java Programming Environment
background on the Java programming language
a. JDK – Java Development Kit. Necesssary to create a Java class
 JDK provides a compiler – javac.exe
b. JRE – Java Runtime Environment. Also referred to as the JVM – Java Virtual Machine
 JRE provides an interpreter – java.exe
c. A Java program must first be successfully compiled, then it can be interpreted to run the program
Java program types:
a. application
b. servlet
c. applet
command line / GUI
runs on a web server
application that runs inside a web browser
introduction to Java Programming Concepts
 class
 global variables (aka fields or instance and class variables)
 method(s)
 method main – where execution always begins
 method main header: public static void main(String args[])
 statement(s)
special keywords used in Java are: class, public, static, void, import, throws
punctuation: ( ) [ ] { } , ; " " (String literal) ' ' (character literal)
frequently used classes: System, Math, String, Scanner, PrintWriter, JOptionPane
a. global
b. local
not declared inside of a method (must be outside of all methods)
local variables are declared within a method (method level).
Java Development
a. code a source file
a source file is a file with an extension of .java that contains a class declaration
b. compile a source file to produce a class file
a class file is a file with an extension of .class that contains compiled Java source code
the JDK (Java Development Kit) is required to do this
c. a class file with a prescribed method main can be considered to be a program
the program must be run within the Java virtual machine (it is NOT the same as an executable program).
a. compiling
JDK command javac
b. Interpreting JRE command java
example: java HelloWorld
[ the JDK contains the Java compiler ]
[ produces HelloWorld.class ]
[ the JRE contains the Java interpreter ]
[ runs HelloWorld.class ]
a successful compile in Java produces a .class file which contains "bytecodes"
10. platform independence ( "write once, run anywhere…" )
11. Using the command line to compile/run programs
a. javac [ used to invoke the compiler ]
b. Java [ used to invoke the JVM to run a program ]
java CarpentersCustomDesks
12. Check the version of your Java compiler (JDK) and interpreter (JRE)
a. Run cmd to bring up a command prompt
b. Enter the command “javac –version” to check the version of the compiler
c. Enter the command “java –version” to check the version of the interpreter