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Cost–benefit analysis
Cost–benefit analysis (CBA), sometimes called benefit–cost analysis (BCA), is a
systematic approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives (for
example in transactions, activities, and functional business requirements); it is used to
determine options that provide the best approach to achieve benefits while preserving
savings. The CBA is also defined as a systematic process for calculating and comparing
benefits and costs of a decision, policy (with particular regard to government policy) or (in
general) project.
Broadly, CBA has two main purposes:
1. To determine if an investment/decision is sound (justification/feasibility) – verifying
whether its benefits outweigh the costs, and by how much;
2. To provide a basis for comparing projects – which involves comparing the total
expected cost of each option against its total expected benefits.
Cost-benefit Evaluation Techniques
Net Profit
Difference between total cost and total income
 Easy to calculate
Does not show profit relative to size investment
 Does not consider timing of payments
Payback Period
Time taken to break even
Easy to calculate
Gives some idea of cash flow impact
Ignores overall profitability
Not very useful by itself, but a good measure for cash flow
Net Present Value
Calculation of present value = (value in year t)/(1+r)^t
In this you assume ‘discount rate’ r=10%
Then Rs. 100 next year = 100/(1.10)^1 = Rs. 91 now Sum of all incoming and
outgoing payments, discounted using an interest rate, to a fixed point in time (the
Present value is the value of which a future amount worth at present
It takes into account the profitability of a project and the timing of the cash flows
Discount rate is the annual rate by which we discount future earning
e.g. If discount rate is 10% and the return of an investment in a year is Rs. 110, the present
value of the investment is Rs. 100.
 Internal Rate of Return
 Net present value in reverse
 Calculate discount rate for which the net present value is 0
 Calculates figure which is easily comparable to interest rates
Difficult to calculate (iterative)
Standard way to compare projects.