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Propaganda Project
Salvete! Welcome to your first day of work at the Veni Vidi Vici Advertising
Agency. You will be creating a marketing campaign to either:
Support Caesar
as leader of Rome
(Hooray Caesar!)
Support the Conspiracy
Trying to overthrow
(Boo Caesar!)
You will be working with two other people on your advertising campaign, unless the Magistra
grants you special permission. Your goal is to create a campaign poster using one of the
propaganda techniques we discussed in class. As a reminder, those techniques are:
Bandwagon – belief that “everyone is doing it” and you don’t want to be left out
Testimonial – using an expert or a famous person to support your product/belief
Patriotism – suggesting that supporting a cause/belief shows your love for your
country, and opposing a cause/belief makes you a traitor to your country
Bribery – giving away something “extra” to those who support your cause/belief
Transfer – using positive words, images, and emotions to suggest that your position
is also positive, or the use of negative words, images, and emotions to suggest that your
position will help avoid those negative outcomes
Plain Folks – an appeal to the economic or ordinary; your cause or belief is a good
idea for regular people
Snob Appeal – the suggestion that supporting a belief or cause makes you part of an
elite group with a luxurious and glamorous lifestyle
Name Calling – the use of derogatory language or words that carry a negative
connotation when describing an enemy
Card Stacking – purposefully omitting facts to make one side look favorable
Glittering Generalities - words that have different positive meaning for different
people, but are linked to highly valued concepts. These are words like “love”, “freedom,”
“honor,” “glory,” etc.
Create a poster that represents the propaganda technique assigned to your
need it.
Roman history and the play Julius Caesar.
poster. Any poster
with your English names on it will be disqualified from the contest portion of
this project.
o Campaign posters will be voted on by a different class. Latin names must be
used for anonymity.
o The winning poster will be displayed on the bulletin board, and the winning
team will receive five extra points, first place medals, and a prize
You will also write an explanation describing how you utilized your propaganda
technique, how you incorporated Roman history/the play, and how your
campaign fits which side your team is on (“Hooray Caesar”/ “Boo Caesar”).
Due Date:
Your campaign poster and written explanation will be due at the end of class on Tuesday,
February 23 (A)/Wednesday, February 24 (B).
Grading Breakdown and Rubric:
This project is worth 100
points in the project category of your grade.
50 points come from your group’s poster
25 points come from your group’s write-up
25 points come from your personal written reflection
Propaganda Poster Rubric
Team Members:
9-10 points
8 points
7 points
6 or Below
Use of
technique assigned is
instantly obvious and
is used correctly. The
poster effectively
campaigns for one
side (Caesar/
technique is fairly
obvious, but could be
confused with
another technique;
technique is used
correctly. The poster
campaigns for one
side (Caesar/
Use of Roman
Use of Roman history
and content from the
play is instantly
Some Roman history
and content from the
play was utilized.
It is difficult to
discern which
technique was
assigned and/or the
technique was used
incorrectly. It is
difficult to discern
which side the poster
campaigns for
There is little
connection between
Roman history/the
play and your poster.
There is no
technique used. The
poster does not
campaign for one of
the sides (Caesar/
Poster Creation
The poster is
aestheticallypleasing; it is
balanced, easy to
read, and visually
The poster looks
professional. There
are no pencil marks,
glue marks, or
mistakes apparent.
Time and care were
obviously spent on
the poster.
The poster is mostly
pleasing to look at; it
is balanced, fairly
easy to read, and is
Effort/Use of
Class Time
The team members
were on-task all of
class time. The group
did not have to be
reminded to work.
The poster appears
to be somewhat
professional. There
may be a few stray
pencil marks, glue
marks, or mistakes
apparent. Some time
and care were spent
on the poster.
The team members
were on-task most of
class time. The group
had to be reminded
to work once or
The poster is
somewhat pleasing
to look at, though it
may lack in balance,
readability, or
The poster does not
look very
professional. There
are many stray pencil
lines, glue marks, or
mistakes apparent.
The poster looks like
it was rushed.
The team members
were on-task some of
class time, though
they had to be
reminded to work
Points from the Rubric: ______________/ 50
Wait! This had to be
related to Julius
Caesar in some sort
of way? When did
this happen!?
The poster is a mess.
It may be
unbalanced, difficult
to read, or just allaround boring to
look at.
The poster looks like
it fought in the
Roman civil war
between Caesar and
Pompey, and was
obviously on
Pompey’s side
because it has been
The team members
were seldom or
never on-task; Class
time was used to
sleep/ do geometry
“Angry Birds,” etc.
Propaganda Project Write-Up
Your campaign is responsible for explaining your advertising choices to the
executives at the Veni Vidi Vici Advertising Agency. Imagine you are going to
pitch these executives your campaign idea. You’ll want to explain yourselves in
enough detail that the caesar will give you a thumbs up – a thumbs down and
you’ll be fed to the lions!
Your finished write-up should be typed, and follow MLA formatting.
Remember, that means:
-point serif font (Times New Roman, Cambria, Garamond, Century, Palatino, etc.)
o Latin Names (i.e., Rufia Smith, Brutus Jones, and Tiberius Grant)
o Magistra Augusta Savell
o English 10
o 26 Feb 2013
Here’s what you’ll want to answer, in detail:
1. How did you choose which side to support? Why?
2. How did you incorporate your propaganda technique into your poster?
3. What Roman history or information from the play did you use to create your poster?
4. How did you decide on:
a. What color poster (construction paper) to use?
b. What images to use? Why did you use them?
c. What else did you put on your poster? Why?
d. How did you make your design choices? (Where things go, how large they are, what color you
made them, etc.)
e. How did you divide the work in your group? (Who did what? Why did they have that task?)
Propaganda Write-Up Rubric
Team Members:
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 or Below
MLA Formatting
The write-up
employs all MLA
correctly, as listed on
the assignment
The write-up
employs some MLA
requirements, but
others are missing or
are done incorrectly.
(Points x2)
The write-up
explains, in detail, all
of the thought
processes which
went into planning
out and completing
the campaign poster.
It is obvious that
time and thought
went into creating
the project, and each
choice was made for
a reason.
The typed write-up
contains NO spelling
or grammatical
The write-up
employs almost all
MLA formatting
requirements, or
employs all of the
requirements, but
one or two of them
are done incorrectly.
The write-up
explains, in some
detail, some of the
thought processes
which went into
planning out and
completing the
campaign poster. It is
apparent that some
time and some
thought were spent
creating the project,
and some of the
choices were made
for a reason.
The typed write-up
contains 1-2 spelling
or grammatical
The write-up does
not employ MLA
Effort/Use of Class
The team members
were on-task all of
class time. The group
did not have to be
reminded to work.
The team members
were on-task most of
class time. The group
had to be reminded
to work once or
The team members
were on-task some of
class time, though
they had to be
reminded to work
The write-up
explains, without
detail, the choices
the team made, but
does not expose the
thought processes
which went into the
choices. The
executive board is
left to wonder why
choices were made.
The write-up is
missing, incomplete,
or has already been
fed to the lions.
The typed write-up
contains 3-4 spelling
or grammatical
The typed write-up
(if there is one) has
many, many errors.
It’s beginning to look
like Greek to me.
The team members
were seldom or
never on-task; Class
time was used to
sleep/ do geometry
“Angry Birds,” etc.
Points from the Rubric: ______________/ 25
Personal Reflection
Name: ___________________________________
Please answer, in complete sentences and to the best of your ability, the
questions below regarding your Propaganda Project. These questions are your
own personal answers, and do not reflect the ideas of your entire group. You
will be graded on using complete sentences and the depth of your reflections.
1. What did you think of the propaganda mini-unit and our project? Please
2. What was your favorite part of the mini-unit and our project? Please
3. What are the benefits of learning about propaganda? Relate your response
to life in general and the reading (Julius Caesar).