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Name: ________________________
Band: ___
What is Civilization?
The first civilizations started because of agriculture.
Agriculture, or farming, caused a dramatic change in
how people lived. Because they were now able to grow
food to support themselves, they started living in
larger, more organized communities, like villages and
then towns and cities. Every society that is considered a civilization has eight general
features in common:
1. Cities
2. Well-organized governments
3. Complex religions
4. Job specialization
5. Social classes
6. Arts and architecture
7. Public works
8. Writing
Directions: With your partner, read about the feature and answer the questions that
Feature # 1 – Cities
Cities were the places where the first civilizations were born. A city is more than just a
place with lots of people. The difference between a village and a city is that the city is a
center of trade. Ancient cities depended on trade between people who grew more food
than they could eat and decided to sell or trade it.
Why were cities important to the
growth of civilizations?
What are some examples of this
feature in today’s world?
Feature # 2 – Government
The large population of growing cities made it necessary for organized, effective
governments. Governments keep peace and make important decisions for large groups
of people. Governments protect their citizens and control public resources. In order
for this to be done, taxes are collected.
What role does government serve in
a civilization?
What are some examples of this
feature in today’s world?
Feature # 3 – Complex Religions
Most ancient people were polytheistic, meaning they believed in many gods. They
mostly worshipped forces of nature that strongly influenced their lives, such as sun
gods, river goddesses and other spirits. In order to please these gods, ancient people
sacrificed animals, built temples (religious buildings) and eventually, wrote down the
beliefs of religions in sacred books.
How did ancient people use religion
to improve their lives?
What are some examples of this
feature in today’s world?
Feature # 4 – Job Specialization
People living in cities developed many different kinds of jobs. We call this job
specialization. For example, some people became skilled craft workers, who
made pottery or objects out of wood. Some were bricklayers, who built walls, or
soldiers who defended the city, merchants who sold goods in the marketplace,
and so on.
What is job specialization?
What are some examples of this
feature in today’s world?
Feature # 5 – Social Classes
In cities, social organizations became complex. People were ranked according to
their jobs. This ranking led to the growth of social classes. Priests and nobles
were at the top of ancient society. Then, merchants, followed by craft workers
were lower in society. Finally, peasants and farmers lived in villages and grew
food for the city. In ancient societies, slaves were at the lowest level. People
became slaves due to family debt or because of war.
What social classes existed in
ancient civilizations?
How are people ranked in our
society today (from highest to
With your partner, decide which feature of civilization each example of civilization in NYC belongs
to. You can have more than one answer for each example.
Mayor Bloomberg of NYC controls the schools, collects taxes, and
does many other things that keep our city running.
In Edward R. Murrow High school, janitors clean up the building,
the nurse treats the sick students and the teachers educate the
In NYC, stockbrokers on Wall Street trade stocks and control the
money supply of businesses around the world.
On Flatbush Avenue, you can find a Catholic church, an Islamic
mosque, a Buddhist temple and a Jewish synagogue.
A new subway line in New York City that will benefit millions of
commuters daily.
The artwork displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the
Modern Museum of Art.
The New York City public library on 42nd street has floors and
floors of library books.
In your opinion, is New York City a “civilized” place? Explain your answer.
(Use 3-5 facts and details to support your claim.)
Completed task
Thorough and insightful
understanding of content
Insightful and well considered
ideas making multiple
Activity Rubric-Handout
Some Incomplete task elements
Complete understanding of content
Ideas are considered; more than one
thoughtful connection is made
Many incomplete task elelmets
Shows incomplete understanding of
Ideas are unclear few connections
Name: ______________________________
Band: _____
Video: “Ancient River Valley Civilizations”
Directions: Go to our class website:, click on video tab, watch video
“Ancient River Valley Civilizations. Complete the information below.
Label the 4 River Valley Civilizations.
Identify the river valley civilization and river where it started. Identify important facts.
Ancient River Valley
Describe the impact of geography on two river valley civilizations.
Video Rubric
complete understanding of the
concepts presented in the video.
content is accurate and complete
partial understanding of the
concepts presented in the video
content is accurate, but
response is inaccurate, confused,
and/or irrelevant, or the student
has failed to respond to the task.
content is incomplete and
Name: _________________________
Band: _____
Video: What was life like in Ancient Mesopotamia?
Directions: Watch the “Sumerians” Brain Pop Video. While watching the video, take notes
(record below) because you will need to take the “classic quiz” questions after the video and
email them to [email protected] or print the quiz.
Username: Murrow
Password: Murrow1
Short Response: How did geography influence the development of Mesopotamia? (Use
4-5 facts and details)
Video Rubric
complete understanding of the
concepts presented in the video.
content is accurate and complete
partial understanding of the
concepts presented in the video
content is accurate, but
response is inaccurate, confused,
and/or irrelevant, or the student
has failed to respond to the task.
content is incomplete and
Name: __________________________
Band: _____
Was Mesopotamia A Great Civilization?
The earliest civilization was called Mesopotamia. The people who lived in Mesopotamia
were called the Sumerians. Mesopotamia was located in an area (in present-day
Iraq) called the Fertile Crescent. Five thousand (5,000) years ago, the Sumerians
settled in villages in an area near the Persian Gulf (large body of water) where they
started farming and trading with nearby people. Then, as more and more people
started living there, the villages grew into cities. The Sumerians also had another
important invention – a form of writing called Cuneiform.
What was the earliest civilization called? Who were the people that lived
Civilization in Mesopotamia
A. Writing:
As people came together and began living in towns and cities, they
needed ways to keep records for business and government. People
needed ways to keep track of agreements, who owned what lands,
and who owed money. In Mesopotamia, the Sumerians started using
a system of writing using pictographs (a picture that represents a
word – for example, a picture of a man represents a man) to keep
track of records. But because it became too difficult to keep track of
the pictures, the Sumerians started writing in cuneiform, which is
made up of wedge-shaped marks that represent sounds and can be
combined to form words.
Why did people come up with a system of writing?
Does the English alphabet use pictographs or writing that represents sounds?
B. Religion:
Mesopotamia was a farming society – people needed good
weather and fertile soil in order to survive. Because of this,
people worshipped fertility gods, and asked them for fertile,
rich soil and good weather for their crops. Nature influenced
Mesopotamian society so much that people prayed to many
nature gods.
People worshipped many gods and goddesses, and they thought
that these gods controlled every part of life – war, weather,
disease. People thought that gods looked and behaved like
humans did, but had supernatural powers.
What kind of religion did the Sumerians have and why?
According to the Sumerians, what kinds of things did their gods control?
C. Architecture
Sumerians built Ziggurats, which were large pyramid-shaped
temples. At the top of each pyramid was a shrine where priests
honored their city’s main god or goddess.
What were Ziggurats? What were they used for?
D. City Life
In the Sumerian city of Ur, there are artisans, metal
workers, potters, and so on. They make and exchange
goods in return for barley, fish and other foods. In
another part of the city, there is the palace of the kings.
In the back of the city, towering above everything else
are the ziggurats, the “palaces of the gods.”
The land in Ur was partly by the temple – temple workers ran the government of
the city. The rest of the land was owned by farmers who paid tributes to the
temple by giving between 1/3 and 1/6 of their goods to the temple.
What aspects of civilization are shown in the above story about the Sumerian city of Ur?
What role did geography play in the development of Mesopotamia? (Use
three to five facts and details to support your ideas.)
Make ten flashcards that identify the most important ideas represented in the handout.
Activity Rubric-Handout/Flash Cards
Completed task/flashcards
Some Incomplete task/flash card elements
Thorough and insightful
Complete understanding of content
understanding of content
Insightful and well considered
Ideas are considered; more than one
ideas making multiple
thoughtful connection is made
Many incomplete task/flashcard elements
Shows incomplete understanding of
Ideas are unclear few connections
Name: _________________________
Band: _____
Mesopotamia Map
Directions: Using the Atlas or the computer, complete a detailed of Mesopotamia.
Map Rubric
Neatness /Color
Student always uses color appropriate for
features (e.g. blue for water; black for
labels, etc.) on map and accurately based
on the directions. All errors have been
neatly corrected
Student usually uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue
for water; black for labels, etc.). Accurately based on the. All
errors have been neatly corrected
Student does not use color appropriately.
Corrections have not been
Labels - Accuracy
At least 90% of the items are labeled and
located correctly.
70-89% of the items are labeled and located correctly.
Less than 70% of the items are labeled and
located correctly.
Name: ______________________
Band: _____
The Geography of China
Directions: As you read, use your Active Reading Marks to identify key parts of the reading.
Remember to respond to questions using facts and details to support your ideas.
Like other ancient civilizations, China's first civilization developed in a
river valley. China too, faced the dangers and destruction of flooding
rivers. But unlike the other river valley civilizations, China's natural
barriers somewhat isolated China from its neighbors. This isolation will
have had a deep effect on how early Chinese civilizations would develop.
The landforms of China help explain why early China developed in isolation. The
Himalayan mountains close off China to the southwest. To the east stretches the
Gobi desert. As a result of these geographic features, the Chinese developed a
civilization quite different from others. The Chinese considered that they were
special and believed that their land was the center of the world and called their
civilization the "The Middle Kingdom".
Why did the Chinese call their lands "The Middle Kingdom"?
Geographical barriers such as mountains and deserts isolated the Chinese people from
people in other parts of Asia. This made contact with other civilizations very limited.
However, when contact between foreigners and Chinese did occur it was usually
followed by conflict (fighting). The Chinese considered people who did not speak
Chinese to be barbarians (not like them/uncivilized).
How did the Chinese view foreigners to their land?
China's geographical isolation created another challenge for its people to overcome.
Since early China was isolated from most of the world because of geographical
barriers, early settlers had to make and supply their own materials because trading
with people in other parts of Asia would be made difficult by mountains and deserts
that almost surrounded China.
What challenge did China's isolation cause its people?
How did they overcome this challenge?
Chinese history began in the Huang He Valley. The Huang He River or Yellow River got
its name from the loess, which is a fine yellow soil that is carried by the wind. Long
ago the Yellow River earned a bitter nickname "River of Sorrow". As loess are blown
into the river the soil settles to the river bottom, which raises the water level. This
would cause flood waters to burst over the land. Such disasters destroyed villages,
crops and brought mass starvation.
What are loess? How do they contribute to the flooding of the Yellow
How did the Yellow River get the nickname "River of Sorrow?
China was ruled by many different dynasties or ruling families . The Chinese
believed that as long as a dynasty provided good government, their Gods would favor
them with good times. But as soon as a dynasty became corrupt (bad) or weak , the
gods would become angry and punish all of the Chinese citizens. Floods, famine or
other natural disasters were signs that a dynasty had made the gods angry and the only
way to make them happy again, was to overthrow the old dynasty and replace it with a
new dynasty. This would please their gods and the crops and weather would all go back
to normal.
How did natural disasters help decide who would rule China?
Directions: With a partner closely examine the map. Considering the geographical features on
this map as well as all of the other information on this sheet, where is the best location to live
in China? (Choose a letter)
What would be
the advantage and
disadvantage of
living in the
location you
In what ways has geography played a role in the development of Ancient China? (2-3 facts)
Completed task
Thorough and insightful
understanding of content
Insightful and well considered
ideas making multiple
Activity Rubric-Handout
Some Incomplete task elements
Complete understanding of content
Ideas are considered; more than one
thoughtful connection is made
Many incomplete task elelmets
Shows incomplete understanding of
Ideas are unclear few connections
Name: ___________________________________________________
Band: _____
Indus River Valley Listen and take notes on the lecture, India. Watch the video Ancient Indus
River Valley on our class website:
Complete the graphic organizer below with facts and details that will describe what you learned
from the video.
Answer the following questions below using facts and details from the video.
Describe the impact of geography on the Indus River Valley Civilization?
2. How did this influence the development of the Indus River Valley Civilization?
Video Rubric
complete understanding of the concepts
presented in the video.
content is accurate and complete
partial understanding of the concepts
presented in the video
content is accurate, but incomplete
response is inaccurate, confused, and/or
irrelevant, or the student has failed to respond
to the task.
content is incomplete and inaccurate
Name: _____________________________________
Band: _____
Directions : Answer questions using the maps on pages 23-24 of the Atlas.
1. The Indus River Valley civilization began almost 5000 years ago. According to the map key, what
color will it be? ________________________________.
2. The city of Harappa is located in the Indus River Valley. What is the name of the geographic feature
directly to the east? ________________________________.
3. What Continent is the Indus River Valley located on? __________________________________.
The Following questions are based on the map in the Atlas.
1. Name two cities located on the Indus River. ________________________ & ____________________
2. How many miles apart are those two cities? ___________________________.
3. What is the name of the mountains located to the north and west of the Indus River?
____________________________________ and _________________________________________________
4. How might those mountains help the people living in the Indus River Valley?
___ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
5. What body of water does the Indus River empty into? _______________________________________
6. What are the advantages of living near the Indus River? ____________________________________
What features do the Indus River Valley civilization, Mesopotamia, and the Nile River Valley all
share? How has if effected the development of their societies?
Activity Rubric
6-5 pts
Completes all elements of task
demonstrates an understanding of the
information presented in the task.
4-3 pts
Completes most elements of task
demonstrates some understanding the
information presented in task..
2-1 pts
Incomplete task.
Does not know what we the
activity was about and can't
write about it.
Name: __________________________
Band: _____
The Code of Hammurabi
Who Was King Hammurabi?
Hammurabi (Ha-moo-rah-bee) was the king of Babylon, a city in
Mesopotamia. (Remember, Mesopotamia was the first civilization in
human history!) King Hammurabi lived about three thousand years ago.
He was a ruler who wanted to be strict and fair with his people, so he wrote
down a list of 282 laws. It was the first time in history that
somebody wrote down a list of laws. This list is called the Code of
Hammurabi. The Code of Hammurabi was engraved (written) in stone and
copies of the law were placed all around the kingdom of Mesopotamia.
Fill in the blanks in the questions below according to the above
reading and your knowledge of social studies.
King Hammurabi was __________________________________
King Hammurabi lived in the first civilization in human history, called
The Code of Hammurabi was______________________________
Take a look at some of the laws in Hammurabi’s Code of Laws.
#1 – If a man accuses someone of a crime that is punishable by death and
cannot prove it, then that man will be executed.
#22 – If a man robs someone’s house and is caught, he will be put to death.
#25 - If a fire breaks out in a house, and someone comes to put out the fire
and steals something from that house, then he will be thrown in the same
# 195 – If a son hits his father, his fingers will be cut off.
# 196 – If a man destroys the eye of another man, they will destroy his eye
in return.
#200 – If a man knocks out a tooth of a man of his own social class, they
will knock out his tooth.
# 229 – If a man hires another man to build a house for a man, and the
house built is of a low quality, and the house collapses, then the builder
will be put to death.
Scenarios: How Should the Law Punish Wrongdoers?
1. John and his parents have a fight. Things get out of hand and John ends up hitting
his father in the eye and giving him a big black eye. How should John be punished
in your opinion?
How would the Code of Hammurabi punish John?
2. Your friend Mr. Jones builds a house for you. After he builds the house, you move in
with your family. While you are away on a business trip, your house collapses and kills
your family. How should Mr. Jones be punished?
How would the Code of Hammurabi punish Mr. Jones?
3. You need an operation and Dr. Sams, your family doctor, is happy to do it. But
something happens on the operating table and Dr. Sams kills you. How should Dr.
Sams be punished?
How do you think the Code of Hammurabi would punish Dr. Sams?
You and your partner have seen a lot of things around Murrow that you don’t quite
agree with. Now is your chance to make a new set of codes that everyone will follow.
With your partner, you must create TWO new codes.
The Code of __________________________ (Your TEAM names)
Rule# 1 _____________________________________________
Penalty for Rule # 1 ____________________________________
Rule# 2_____________________________________________
Penalty for Rule # 2____________________________________
Name: ________________________________
Band: _____
Video—China Mandate of Heaven: Watch the video about China on our class website: Fill in the graphic organizer below with at least 6 facts and details you
learned from the video.
How did Chinese Dynasties rule?
What can this tell us about society in ancient China?
Video Rubric
complete understanding of the concepts
presented in the video.
content is accurate and complete
partial understanding of the concepts
presented in the video
content is accurate, but incomplete
response is inaccurate, confused, and/or
irrelevant, or the student has failed to respond
to the task.
content is incomplete and inaccurate
Name: __________________________
Band: _____
The Caste System
Directions: Read the selection below carefully.
India had a social system called the caste system. The term originated with the early Portuguese settlers, who
described this system with their word caste, meaning breed, race, or kind. English visitors to India used the
name caste.
The caste system divided India's inhabitants into five groups:
1. The highest caste was the Brahmans, which included the Hindu priests and teachers.
2. The second highest caste was the Kshatriyas, which included soldiers, rulers, and other government officials.
3. The third caste was the Vaishyas, which included traders, shopkeepers, craftsmen, and independent farm
owners or landowners.
4. The fourth caste was the Shudras, made up of unskilled laborers, landless peasants, and hired hands.
5. The last group was the pariahs or Untouchables. (Also known as Outcasts or Harijans.) These people did
unclean work; such as taking care of pigs, handling dead animals, and sweeping streets. Because these people
handled dirt and blood, they were believed to be impure. The outcasts were responsible for the hard work
that allowed India's civilization to grow, yet they had no right to private property, paid high taxes, and suffered
severe penalties for even a minor crime.
This caste system was a central part of Hinduism, a main Indian religion, and began about 1500 B.C. The caste
system was developed by a group of invaders called the Aryans, who conquered the dark-skinned Harappans
who lived in northern India. The Aryans wanted to limit their contact with these people. Thus the caste
system was begun.
The caste system strictly governed daily life. A person's job was determined by the caste to which he or she
belonged. A man's son belonged to' the same caste as he did. A person rarely left one caste to enter another.
The caste a person was born in was usually the same caste in which the person died.
Indians who were Hindus faithfully followed the caste rules of Dharma because of their belief in reincarnation,
the rebirth of the soul in a new living form-human or animal. Their belief was that a soul would. Be reborn
again and again until spiritual perfection was reached. Hindus believe that the way a person lives in the
present determines his or her next life. This is called karma.
A person's caste was believed by the Hindus to be the reward or punishment for the way a person had lived in
a past life. If people were in a higher caste it was because they had lived a good and dutiful life. On the other
hand, if people were born into a lower caste, it was because they had lived a bad life in the past.
More than eighty percent of India's population today is Hindu, but the caste system has been outlawed by the
government. Many of the rules of the system -have disappeared due to urban migration, industrialization,
education, and the extension of the right to vote, but, according to some experts, -the caste system is still
practiced in India's political and social life-regardless of the law. The lower caste groups stay in the lower caste
because they still lack educational and economic opportunities, and they are not well-represented in
Directions: Answer each question on your own. Then in small groups discuss your responses to the questions.
1. What is the Caste System?
2. What are the 5 groups that make up the Caste System?
3. What are the characteristics of each group (ex. specific jobs of each caste)?
4. Who developed this system?
5. What things were determined by a person's caste?
6. Define reincarnation
7. Define Dharma __________________________________________________________________________
8. Define Karma ___________________________________________________________________________
9. What did a person's caste suggest about their previous life?
10. Is the Caste System still recognized in India today?
Summary: Choice
3-2-1 or Quick Write question using two-three details from your reading to support response
3-2-1 Rubric
6-5 pts
4-3 pts
2-1 pt
Covers a topic that was studied in
class today and explains what that
topic is.
Identifies the topic studied in class but does not
demonstrate a clear understanding of the
subject is.
Does not know what we did
in class and can't write
about it.
Restate Question
Use facts and details
Restated the question as
Restated the topic
the topic sentence
sentence but is vague
Uses 4-5 facts and
Uses 2-3 facts and
Did not restate the topic question and is not
Does not use facts and details
Name: ____________________________________________
Band: ____
Video: Watch the “Egyptian Pharaohs” Brain Pop Video. While watching the video, take
notes because you will need to answer the “classic quiz” questions after the video and email
them to [email protected] or print the quiz. *YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT
Username: Murrow
Password: Murrow1
Search Box: Egyptian Pharaohs
Video Rubric
complete understanding of the
concepts presented in the video.
content is accurate and complete
partial understanding of the
concepts presented in the video
Content is accurate, but
response is inaccurate, confused,
and/or irrelevant, or the student
has failed to respond to the task.
Content is incomplete and
Name: _________________________
Band: _____
Global World
Confucius is one of the most important and influential philosophers (thinkers)
in China. Confucius was born in 551 BC (2500 years ago) into a poor family
near Beijing (the capital of China). When he was growing up, China was in
chaos. There was much disorder and groups of people were fighting to get
power in the country. There were no good leaders around to calm China down
and to keep control.
For this reason, Confucius became interested in government at an early age. He
started to think about how to create a peaceful society with a good leader, where
everyone got along. He started advising the princes and other leaders of China and his beliefs on
keeping a peaceful society became written down in a book called The Analects. His beliefs on how
to create and maintain a peaceful society are called Confucianism.
What was happening in China
during Confucius’s childhood?
What is Confucianism?
Confucian Relationships
In his book, The Analects, Confucius talked about the different relationships people in
society should have with one another.
1. Fathers, show love to your sons. Sons, show respect in return.
2. Older brothers, look after your younger brothers. Younger brothers, be
kind to your older brothers and always thank them for taking care of you.
3. Husbands, treat your wives with respect. Wives listen to your husbands
and do everything they say.
4. Rulers, you must be good and kind towards your people. People who are
ruled, you must be loyal to your ruler.
5. Friends should be kind to one another.
Do you agree with all of these
“Confucian relationships?”
Pick one Confucian relationship
above. Can you give an example of
a time when you have followed this
advice in your life?
Share your responses with an elbow partner. (Someone next to you.)
The Golden Rule of Confucius
His student asked Confucius – “Confucius, can you give me one rule
that will help me live through life?”
Confucius said “Do not do to others that you wouldn’t want others to
do to you!”
According to Confucius, how should people treat one
Confucius on Government
1. Confucius said to a powerful ruler: “If you try to be good, your
people will also be good.”
2. Confucius said “In a good country, there must be three things:
enough food, enough military equipment and people’s faith in their
His student asked “If we couldn’t help it and one of these had to go,
which one would you get rid of first?” Confucius replied “The
military equipment.”
His student asked again, “If we couldn’t help it and one of
Confucius replied “Get rid of the food. It will hurt the people not to
have food but it will kill them if they don’t have faith in their ruler.”
Do you agree with Confucius’s ideas about government? Why/why not?
Scenarios: Can Confucius Create a Peaceful Society?
#1 – You’re sitting in the cafeteria and having lunch. You notice that a student is
gathering his things to go to his next class. You also notice that he’s walking away
without his I-Pod, which is on the bench next to you. You realize that he has no idea
that he left his I-Pod behind.
What would you do?
What would Confucius do? Why?
#2 – You’re walking in Manhattan during rush hour and someone bumps into you. He
spills some of his coffee on you and yells “WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? WHY
What would you do?
What would Confucius do? Explain.
#3 – You’ve been looking forward to your friend’s party for a long time. You picked out
what you were going to wear and you can’t wait to hang out with all your friends.
However, you failed two tests and your parents told you that you’re grounded and you
can’t go to the party.
What would you do?
What would Confucius do? Explain.