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Sentence Correction Practice Test 1
Question No: 1
Moose is the most important game animal in Alaska.
Moose is the most important game animal in Alaska
2. Moose are the most important game animal in Alaska
3. Moose, the most important game animal in Alaska
4. Mooses are the most important game animal in Alaska
5. Moose have the most important game animal in Alaska
Correct Answer: B
This sentence has an error I the verb that follows a plural noun (moose). Option A uses a singular verb
(is) in the place of a plural verb. Option C does not have any verb (Moose, the most important game)
in the sentence. Option D uses a wrong plural form of the noun (mooses). Option D uses an auxiliary
verb (have) without a main verb. Option B uses a plural verb (are) that is appropriate with the noun;
hence, option B is the correct answer.
Question No: 2
The brown bear, make famous in movies as man-hater, has evoked renewed interest among the
tourists in Alaska.
make famous in movies as man-hater
2. making famous in movies as man-hater
3. will make famous in movies as man-hater
4. made famous in movies as man-hater
5. to make famous in movies as man-hater
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error in the verb-time agreement. The main verb of the sentence is in the
present perfect tense so the subordinate verb is also must be the same for it says what has already
happened. Option A uses a present tense verb form (make). Option B uses a gerund form (making)
option C uses a verb form of future tense (will make). Option E uses an infinitive verb form (to make).
Whereas, option D uses the verb in the form participle (made famous in movies as man-hater) that is
Question No: 3
Some bears are attracted to human camping areas for food, which has led to some unfortunate
incidents, if in danger expert’s advice campers to act death.
if in danger experts advise campers to act death.
2. if in danger experts advise campers to act die.
3. if in danger experts advise campers to act dying.
4. if in danger experts advise campers to act dead.
5. if in danger experts advise campers to act deadly.
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error by using a noun (death) in the place of an adjective (dead). Option A uses
a noun form, option B uses a verb form (die), option C uses a gerund (dying) and option E uses an
adverb form of the word (deadly) that are in appropriate to the context. Option D uses an adjective
form (dead) that is more appropriate than the rest of the options; hence, option D is the correct
Question No: 4
The chena hot springs are almost 90 km from Fairbanks. They were discovered a century ago
by miners who used the water to soothe their aches and pains.
The chena hot spring are almost 90 km from Fairbanks
2. The chena hot springing are almost 90 km from Fairbanks
3. The chena hot springings are almost 90 km from Fairbanks
4. The chena hot springs are almost 90 km from Fairbanks
5. The chena hot springes are almost 90 km from Fairbanks
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error by using a plural verb for a singular noun. The options show that the error
is not in the verb (are) but subject (noun - The chena hot spring) that should be in the form of the
plural. Option A uses a singular noun to a plural verb. Option B uses a gerund (springing) that is
inappropriate. Options C and E use forms (springings/ springes) that never exist. Option D uses a
plural form of the noun (springs) that is correct. Option D is the correct answer.
Question No: 5
The oil is transported via a pipeline that runs north- south no Alaska to port of valdez.
that runs north- south on Alaska to port
2. that runs north- south in Alaska to port
3. that runs north- south to Alaska to port
4. that runs north- south into Alaska to port
5. that runs north- south across Alaska to port
Correct Answer: E
This sentence has an error by using an inappropriate preposition. It is the only possible notion that a
pipeline can run across land; there is no other possibility according to the context; so option E is the
correct answer. Whereas other options use inappropriate prepositions (on/in/to/into).
Question No: 6
One and half million barrels of oil flows every day through the pipeline, which stretches across
1,263 km of harsh terrain.
One and half million barrels of oil flows every
2. One and an half million barrels of oil flows every
3. One and the half million barrels of oil flows every
4. One and a half million barrels of oil flows every
5. One half million barrels of oil flows every
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error by lacking an article before a quantitative adjective (one and half). There
are two halves in one so an indefinite article must take place before the word ‘half’. Option A has no
article in it. Option B uses an indefinite article (an) that is used before a word that starts with vowel
sound. Option C uses the definite article (the). Option E uses an incorrect form of adjective (One half).
Option D uses the correct article that is used before the word (One and a half) that starts with a
consonant sound as ‘half’; hence, it the correct answer.
Question No: 7
That who dream of striking it rich can still try panning for gold in some of the mines and relive
the past on a guided tour.
That who dream of striking it rich can still
2. These who dream of striking it rich can still
3. This who dream of striking it rich can still
4. Those who dream of striking it rich can still
5. Them who dream of striking it rich can still
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error by using a conjunction (that) in the place of a pronoun. Option A uses a
conjunction in the place of a pronoun. Option B uses a plural pronoun (these) that is used when there
are something near or defined nouns near by. Option C uses a singular pronoun (this) that cannot be
applicable. Option E uses a third person plural personal pronoun (them). Option D uses the
appropriate plural indefinite pronoun (those); hence option D is the correct answer.
Question No: 8
The heart of Fairbanks town is covered with flowers; there were banquets hanging in large
clusters from the walls of buildings, and flowers line the sides of Chena rivers innumerous
there were banquets hanging
2. there are banquets hanging
3. there is banquets hanging
4. there was banquets hanging
5. there some banquets hanging
Correct Answer: B
This sentence has an error in the verb-time agreement. The whole sentence is in the present tense so
a verb of past tense (were) should be changed into present tense plural verb to make the sentence
correct. Option A uses a past tense plural verb (were). Option C uses a present tense singular verb
(is). Option D uses a past tense singular verb (was). Option E uses an indefinite pronoun (some) in the
place of a verb. Option B uses a present tense plural verb (are) that is appropriate to the sentence;
hence, option B is the correct answer.
Question No: 9
It is said that people come to Alaska for six days and end up staying there for a six years
staying there for a six years
2. staying there for an six years
3. staying there for six years
4. staying there for the six years
5. staying there for some six years
Correct Answer: C
This sentence has an error by using an article in an irrelevant place. Usually before the adjectives of
numbers articles are not used. Options A, B and D use articles (a/ an/ the) that are irrelevant to the
context. Option E uses an indefinite pronoun (some) which also irrelevant. Option C is correct, without
any article (staying there for six years) it gives a complete meaning to the sentence; hence, option C is
the correct answer.
Question No: 10
It is not so much unemployment on the youth that is worrisome but the deteriorating working
conditions, especially of those in the informal economy.
much unemployment on the youth that is worrisome
2. much unemployment in the youth that is worrisome
3. much unemployment of the youth that is worrisome
4. much unemployment among the youth that is worrisome
5. much unemployment between the youth that is worrisome
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error in the use of preposition. ‘Youth’ is a common noun so the preposition
‘among’ must be used as option D, whereas other options use inappropriate prepositions (on/ in/ of/
between) that are irrelevant too. Option D is the correct answer.
Question No:11
The lives of the most marginalized have ceased to engage many of our filmmakers, to have
migrated to more ‘happening’ urban issues.
to have migrated to more ‘happening’ urban issues.
2. where have migrated to more ‘happening’ urban issues.
3. which have migrated to more ‘happening’ urban issues.
4. who have migrated to more ‘happening’ urban issues.
5. whom have migrated to more ‘happening’ urban issues.
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error by using a preposition (to have migrated) in the place of an interrogative
conjunction (who). The object, which needs to be referred by the conjunction, is about people so the
conjunction that is used in the option D (who) is appropriate. Other options use inappropriate
conjunctions (where/ which/ whom) to the context. option D is the correct answer.
Question No: 12
Chandi’s unhappy life ends on the rail tracks on which a local gang has placed huge tree
trunks, to derail the train carry money from the government treasury.
to derail the train carry money from the government treasury
2. to derail the train to carry money from the government treasury
3. to derail the train carries money from the government treasury
4. to derail the train carrying money from the government treasury
5. to derail the train carried money from the government treasury
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error by using a verb form in the place of gerund to refer a continuous action.
Option A uses a present verb (carry). Option B uses an infinitive form (to carry). Option C uses a verb
form of present tense third person singular (carries). Option E uses a past tense verb (carried). Option
D uses a gerund (carrying) that is appropriate to refer to a continuous action; hence option D is the
correct answer.
Question No: 13
Although India had committed himself to facing out the mining of asbestos, it has not kept it’s
had committed himself to facing out the mining of asbestos, it has not kept it’s
2. had committed itself to facing out the mining of asbestos, it has not kept it’s
3. had committed it self to facing out the mining of asbestos, it has not kept its
4. had committed themselves to facing out the mining of asbestos, it has not kept it’s
5. had committed itself to facing out the mining of asbestos, it has not kept its
Correct Answer: D
This sentence has an error in the place of pronoun. In the sentence a wrong possessive pronouns
have been used, where it should be ‘itself- its’ as correctly used in the option D. other options are all
wrong by using inappropriate combinations of pronouns such as option A ‘himself – it’, option B ‘itself –
it’, option C ‘it self – it’ and option E ‘itself – it’. Option D is the correct answer.
Question No: 14
Our name, which has become a legend among the students for the highest standards in
teaching, and hence has been copied by a lot of people across nation, for no one can match
our quality.
across nation, for no one can match our quality.
2. across nation, no one can match our quality.
3. across nation, but no one can match our quality.
4. across nation, and no one can match our quality.
5. across nation, nor no one can match our quality.
Correct Answer: C
This sentence has an error by using an inappropriate conjunction (for) while two contrast ideas are
spoken. When contrast statements take place the conjunction should help them to differentiate each
other as in the option C the conjunction (but) does. So option C is the correct one whereas others use
inappropriate conjunctions such as ‘for/ and/ nor’. Option C is the correct answer.
Question No: 15
The facts are well known. About half of all Indian children are undernourished, more than half
suffer from anemia, a similar proportion escapes full immunization.
About half of all Indian children are undernourished, more than half suffer from anemia, a
2. About half of all Indian children are undernourished, and more than half suffer from anemia, a
3. About half of all Indian children are undernourished, and more than half suffer from anemia, a
4. About half of all Indian children are undernourished and, more than half suffer from anemia, a
5. About half of all Indian children are undernourished, more than half suffer from anemia, and a
Correct Answer: E
This sentence has an error in the use of parallelism. When there are many ideas or things take place
in a sentence, the conjunction ‘and’ must take place before the last idea or the thing as it is shown in
the option E (About half of all Indian children are undernourished, more than half suffer from anemia,
and a similar), whereas; other options are wrong by placing the conjunctions inappropriate places.
Option E is the correct answer.