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Ch 45 Test Questions
1. Neurosecretory cells can be found in the____________.
a. Hypothalamus
b. Adrenal glands
c. Pituitary gland
d. Pancreas
2. Which of the following organs only stores hormones produced by the hypothalamus?
a. Liver
b. Thyroid
c. Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary)
d. Adrenal medulla
e. Adrenal cortex
3. Which of the following glands secretes releasing hormones?
a. Ovaries
b. Hypothalamus
c. Adrenal cortex
d. Testes
Match each hormone with its description:
4. Stimulates milk production
5. Stimulates hormone production in the testes and ovaries
6. Opposes the action of the parathyroid hormone
7. Promotes water retention by the kidneys
8. Responsible for the “flight or fight” response
epinephrine and norepinephrine
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
e. luteinizing hormone (LH)
9. Which of these glands produces different secretions in females and males?
a. Thyroid
b. Hypothalamus
c. Adrenal
d. Gonadal
10. The two regulatory systems of the body are the nervous system and the ________.
a. Immune system
b. Circulatory system
c. Endocrine system
d. Digestive system
e. Respiratory system
11. Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a ________.
a. Hormone-receptor complex
b. Negative feedback mechanism
c. Positive feedback mechanism
d. Signal transduction complex
e. Gated receptor complex
12. The _______ gland controls the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
a. Adrenal
b. Parathyroid
c. Thyroid
d. Pineal
e. Ovaries
13. The receptors for steroid hormones are found _________.
a. In the skeletal muscle
b. In the interstitial fluid
c. In the cell membrane of target tissues
d. In the cytoplasm of target tissues
e. In the gonads
14. Endocrine glands are different from exocrine glands in that _________.
a. endocrine glands are ductless and exocrine glands release secretions at the body's
surface or into ducts
b. endocrine glands are all interconnected, whereas exocrine glands are independent
c. endocrine glands are formed by epithelial tissue, and exocrine glands are formed of
primarily connective tissue
d. endocrine glands release hormones, while exocrine glands release waste
15. Receptors for nonsteroid hormones are found in the _________.
Plasma membrane
Extracellular fluid
16. Which of the following is the second stage of cell signaling?
a. Response
b. Reception
c. Transduction
d. Gene activation
e. Binding of a neurotransmitter to a plasma membrane receptor
17. How do nonsteroid hormones differ from steroid hormones?
a. nonsteroid hormones act via signal transduction pathways; steroid hormones do not
b. nonsteroid hormones bind to a cell's DNA; steroid hormones do not
c. the action of nonsteroid hormones never affects gene expression; the action of steroid
hormones always affects gene expression
d. nonsteroid hormones are fat-soluble; steroid hormones are water-soluble
e. nonsteroid hormones bind to cytoplasmic receptors; steroid hormones bind to plasma
membrane receptors
18. The primary reason steroid hormones usually act slowly is that ________.
a. acting via a signal transduction pathway makes for slower responses than interacting
directly with a cell's DNA
b. they are too large to enter a cell and therefore must first bind to a plasma membrane
c. they are produced at very low concentrations
d. they turn genes on or off and it takes time for gene products to build up or become
e. target cells tend to ignore steroid hormones in favor of nonsteroid hormones
19. Steroid hormone-receptor complexes act in _______.
a. The plasma membrane
b. Vesicles
c. Lysosomes
d. The nucleus
e. The cytoplasm
20. Which of these extracellular signal molecules could diffuse through a plasma membrane
and bind to an intracellular receptor?
a. Epinephrine
b. Estrogen
c. Oxytocin
d. Cellulose
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. E
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. B