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The Newest Findings in the Use of
Laboratory Testing in the Management of
Inflammatory Disorders
Mark Schauss, MBA, DB - Crayhon Research
Copyright Crayhon Research 2008
• Inflammation (Latin, inflammatio, to set on fire) is the
complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful
stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants like
toxins. It is a protective attempt by the organism to remove
the injurious stimuli as well as initiate the healing process for
the tissue.
• In the absence of inflammation, wounds and infections would
never heal and progressive destruction of the tissue would
compromise the survival of the organism. However,
inflammation which runs unchecked can also lead to a host
of diseases, such as hay fever, atherosclerosis, and
rheumatoid arthritis. It is for this reason that inflammation is
normally tightly regulated by the body.
• There are two types of inflammation – Acute and
• Acute inflammation is a short-term process which is
characterized by the classic signs of inflammation swelling, redness, pain, heat, and loss of function due to the infiltration of the tissues by plasma and
• This type of inflammation is not the kind that we will
be discussing in this talk.
• Chronic inflammation is a pathological condition
characterized by concurrent active inflammation,
tissue destruction, and attempts at repair.
• This type of inflammation is one that can benefit
greatly from the correct array of laboratory tests and
the clinically relevant protocols that can be derived in
a biochemically individualized manner.
• Some of the tests will help to pinpoint the causative
factors, other test will help the patient heal.
• With the discovery of interleukins (IL), the concept of
systemic inflammation developed. Although the processes
involved are identical to tissue inflammation, systemic
inflammation is not confined to a particular tissue but
involves the endothelium and other organ systems.
• High levels of several inflammation-related markers such as
IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α are associated with obesity.
• During clinical studies, inflammatory-related molecule levels
were reduced and increased levels of anti-inflammatory
molecules were seen within four weeks after patients began
a very low calorie diet.
• The association of systemic inflammation with insulin
resistance and atherosclerosis is the subject of intense
Inflammation - Asthma
• In numerous studies, pollution has been a driving
force in the increase of asthma cases, especially
• Many of the variables found in the Environmental
Pollutants Biomarker test from US Biotek and through
Crayhon Research, have been shown to increase
asthma rates.
• Diesel fuel driven trucks and cars release benzene,
which is known to cause inflammatory responses in
the lungs as well as reduce oxygen carried by red
blood cells.
• Inner city children, exposed to petrochemicals have
some of the highest rates of asthma.
– Wu, F. and T. Takaro (2007). "Childhood asthma and environmental interventions."
Environmental Health Perspectives 113(6): 971-5.
Inflammation - Asthma
• Between 1980 and 1995, a report from the
Environmental Protection Agency says, the percentage
of children with asthma doubled, from 3.6 percent in
1980 to 7.5 percent in 1995. The percentage dropped in
1996 to about 6 percent, but by 2001 it had risen again,
this time to 8.7 percent: 6.3 million children.
• In 1995 there were more than 1.8 million emergency
room visits made for asthma. The rate was 48.8 per
10,000 among whites and 228.9 per 10,000 among
• Asthma-related deaths vary substantially by age group
with the highest rates appearing in the elderly. Deaths
due to asthma as the underlying cause were 15.1 per
million among whites, and 38.5 per million among
Inflammation - Asthma
• The driving force behind the dramatic increases in
asthma cannot be explained by a genetic component.
• The evidence is clear.
• Environmental pollution is the reason for the increases.
• Xylene can irritate the lungs.
• Toluene can cause a disruption of the hypothalamus
which has been linked to an increase in asthmatic
– Moron, L., J. Pascual, et al. (2004). "Toluene alters appetite, NPY, and galanin
immunostaining in the rat hypothalamus." Journal of Neurotoxicology and
Teratology 26(2): 195-200.
– Nagata, S, Role of anterior hypothalamus on asthma, International Congress
Series Volume 1287, April 2006, Pages 256-259 Psychosomatic Medicine Proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, held in
Kobe, Japan, between 21 and 26 August 2005
Inflammation - Asthma
• Phthalates, found in air fresheners, new car smell
and many plastics have been implicated in asthma.
– Bornehag, C., J. Sundell, et al. (2004). "The Association between Asthma and
Allergic Symptoms in Children an Phthalates in House Dust: A Nested CaseControl Study." Environmental Health Persepectives 112(14): 1393-1397.
– Kolarik, B., K. Naydenov, et al. (2008). "The association between phthalates in
dust and allergic diseases among Bulgarian children." Environmental Health
Perspectives 116(1): 98-103.
• Assessing urinary output of these solvents and
following the recommended protocols may be helpful
in working with asthmatics.
• The only lab doing this test is US Biotek and can be
ordered through Crayhon Research.
Inflammation - Asthma
• Another issue with some asthmatics are the levels of
heavy metals, especially lead.
– Joseph, C., S. Havstad, et al. (2005). "Blood Lead Level and Risk of Asthma."
Environmental Health Perspectives 113(7): 900-904.
• Asthma is a symptom of chronic mercury poisoning
according to Dr. Andrew Cutler and other mercury
• Back as far as 1970, it was also known that arsenic
can induce asthma in both children and adults.
– Taub, SJ, Eye Ear Nose Throat Mon. 1970 Feb;49(2):80-1.
• Cadmium has also been found elevated in some
Inflammation - Asthma
• A Whole Blood Elements or a Hair Elements test
done by Doctor’s Data with a LabAssist Report can
be beneficial as well.
• Assessing and treating for heavy metal intoxication
has been beneficial in reducing the number and
severity of asthmatics with elevations of heavy
• Reports have been mixed on the efficacy of
chelation therapy on asthma.
• Lack of the use of laboratory tests be the reason for
this problem.
• It is likely that there are multiple toxicities in
Inflammation - Allergies
• Many toxins like BPA (Bisphenol A) promote TH2 cytokine
production and reduces CD4+CD25+ regulatory cells.
• The responses occur in both adulthood and prenatal stages.
• BPA also significantly promoted antigen-stimulated
production of interleukin IL-4, IL-10, IL-13 in adults.
• BPA only stimulated increased production of IL-4 and IL-γ.
• “Effects of prenatal BPA were far more pronounced than the
effects of exposure in childhood.”
– Yan, H., M. Takamoto, et al. (2008). "Exposure ot bisphenol A
prenatally or in adulthood promote TH2 cytokine productino
associated with reduction of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells."
Environmental Health Perspectives 116(4): 514-9.
Inflammation - Allergies
• We know that often time inflammatory reactions result in
allergic responses.
• Since many toxins increase inflammation, the more toxic the
patient, the more allergic the patient becomes.
• The obvious first step with people with allergies would be to
order an IgG blood test.
• US Biotek, MetaMetrix and other offer good testing for a wide
range of foods and food additives.
• LEAP MRT takes the allergy question one step further by
looking at the inflammatory reactions to foods that precedes
the IgE or IgG immune responses.
• Used in combination your patient will get the best benefit and
most relief from allergic reactions.
Inflammation – Allergies
• In a study published in 1999 in Environmental Health
Perspectives, Reichrtova et al saw a relationship
between IgE and exposure to organochlorine
compound found in pesticides.
• They correlated placental contamination with
elevated levels of the blood protein IgE.
• These children were much more reactive and also
had a high incidence of certain types of eczema.
• Using detoxification protocols specific to the toxins
found may reduce allergic responses.
Inflammation - Food
• LEAP MRT Food Sensitivity
– Inflammatory responses to food and food
additives is a major problem for most people
– Due to the increase of environmental toxicity and
the inflammatory response it causes, reducing
those negative responses to food is extremely
– ALCAT is an older version of LEAP.
Inflammation - Food
• With both migraine and epilepsy, a food sensitivity
test such as LEAP can be highly beneficial.
• With migraine Signet Diagnostics research indicates
67% of the people with migraine will receive a
significant reduction in symptoms.
• In my experience with my daughter, seizure activity
is held at bay by following the dietary protocols.
• Both migraines and epilepsy are worsened by the
inflammatory response as are a number of other
disorders such as autism, arthritis, and irritable
bowel among others.
Clinical Pearl
• An interesting finding in Celiac’s disease.
• There is a gradient of Celiac across Europe.
• The lowest rates are found in the Middle East where
wheat was first introduced as a dietary staple and is
highest in Ireland where wheat only became staple
in the late nineteenth century.
• Finding out the persons heritage may be helpful in
determining whether you should test for Celiac’s.
• An IgG + IgE test panel should be run on anyone
suspected of Celiac’s.
Inflammation – Fatty Acids
• As many of you know, Omega 3 fatty acids can be
very soothing to the inflamed patient.
• Arachidonic Acid, an Omega 6 fatty acid is a strong
marker for an ongoing inflammatory process.
• Testing for plasma fatty acid levels of omega 3’s and
6’s are helpful in assessing the patient’s dietary
intake of these two important families of fats.
• It does not indicate very accurately the metabolism
of the fats, only RBC membrane fatty acid testing
Inflammation – Fatty Acids
• RBC Fatty Acid testing can be beneficial in
assessing inflammatory processes but the cost to
benefit ratio is not as high as in other tests available.
• Dietary and supplemental intervention is more cost
effective than testing.
• Increasing magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6 will
lower arachidonic acid.
• Increasing omega 3 rich foods will also help reduce
inflammatory responses.
Inflammation – Fatty Acids
• Benzene is known to increase the ratio of
arachidonic acid to docosahexanoic acid (an omega
3 fatty acid).
– Donggeun SUL, et al, Benzene increases the ratio of arachidonic acids to
docosahexaenoic acids and inhibits the de novo synthesis of ceramide in the rat
liver, Journal of Applied Toxicology, 25 (1), 2005.
• This may be one of the mechanisms behind how
benzene triggers an inflammatory response.
• Many other petrochemical solvents like xylene,
toluene, styrene also affect inflammatory processes
in similar ways to benzene.
Inflammation – Fatty Acids
• Heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury,
etc also affect fatty acid metabolism.
• Before testing fatty acid balances and levels, it
would be much more prudent to assess
environmental toxicity issues.
• Environmental Pollutants from US Biotek and either
a Whole Blood Elements or Hair Elements from
Doctor’s Data, through Crayhon Research should be
run first.
• Deal with causative factors then work on higher level
chemistry and metabolism issues.
Inflammation - General
• Before we look at a sample of an environmental
pollutants/metabolic profile, I want to make a
comment about one test I think is critical in
assessing overall chemistry as it relates to
• The Comprehensive Blood Chemistry should be run
on anyone suspected of having uncontrolled
inflammatory processes.
• There are a number of markers within the test that
can give us strong suggestions on how to deal with
Inflammation - General
• Uric acid is a powerful marker of oxidation so
whenever you see this elevated you need to
intervene with antioxidants like Acai.
• Monocytes are a marker for inflammatory activity.
• According to the latest issue (April 2008) of Archives
of General Psychiatry, people with bipolar disorder
have elevations of monocytes which “pump up the
activity of various genes” which are involved in
inflammatory processes.
Inflammation - General
• People with bipolar disorder are three times more
likely to develop an autoimmune thyroid disease
which is a known inflammatory disorder.
• Many people with psychiatric disorders also have a
higher incidence of type I diabetes as well other
inflammatory disorders.
• As Dr. Hemmo Drexhage of the Erasmus Medical
Center in Rotterdam said of bipolar and other
psychiatric disorders “It’s not just a disease of the
brain, it affects the whole system.”
Inflammation – General
• A comprehensive blood chemistry with a LabAssist
Interpretive report will help you uncover
inflammatory processes.
• The panel we use to assess this process includes
– LDL, Uric Acid, Triglycerides, sGPT, sGOT,
Potassium, Monocytes, LDH, Globulin and
• LDL is a potential marker for oxidative stress and/or
the presence of toxins in the blood.
• Uric acid is an antioxidant compound.
Inflammation - General
• Elevations in Triglycerides is linked to an inflammatory
dysregulation of blood sugar control.
• sGPT and sGOT, both liver enzymes can be used to flag
• Low Potassium is sometimes seen in acute and chronic
stress which can increase inflammatory responses.
• Monocytes because of their affect on inflammatory
• LDH is produced by muscle activity which can be used to
monitor inflammatory activity.
• Globulin and Eosinophils when elevated mark an allergic and
often times inflammatory reponse.
EP/MP Comparisons in an Inflammed Patient
Contact Information
Dr. Mark Schauss
5355 Capital Court #101
Reno, NV 89502
[email protected]