Download WebFOCUS errors and bugs

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Google search techniques
Search a site in google – in your google search, if you add
to your search it will only return results from that site
Case sensitive google searches – enter your search at if you need a case sensitive search (for keywords, etc.)
SQL Errors
: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: [] Cannot create new connectio
: n because in manual or distributed transaction mode.
You need to put ENGINE SQLMSS SET CURSORS SERVER at the top of your report. This switches
the report from using client side cursors (which is the default) to server side cursors which
allows for returning more than one answer set from the same instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
(Customzing the Microsoft SQL Server Environment -> Specifying the Cursor Type)
Server Errors
CPJAVA: Error in processing INIT command for Class ibi.jsexcel.JscomExcelZip/ Ensure
JSCOM3(JVM) service is running; check –Djava.class.path in edaprint.log
Solution: From our case number 20493566 we installed JDK version 8 on the server, setup the
JAVA_HOME and SDK_HOME environmental variables to point to the installed java and
restarted the reporting server and it worked. You can check that java is running by going to
8121 webconsole -> workspace -> Java services and select JVM setting to see if it can find JAVA.
Server going off the walls – the server responds very badly if you have duplicate dialogue
manager values in the style section of the report.
Could not load sspar.dll (have to login)
App Studio
Calendar Control Current Date - The Calendar control does not select the current date in App
Studio version 8008 Gen 05082014 if you check the Current/Start Date box. It does in Dev
Studio 8.
Internet Explorer
Certificate not found -
Add to trusted sites
set compatability for intranet sites to off
No query information to decode when running reports from –
Add && to trusted sites
If still having issues, always run IE as administrator (IE->properties->shortcut->advanced->check
'Run as administrator')
Debugging Commands
-? & - Displays all the & variables used in the fex
WHENCE dim_student MASTER – Shows the app path for the dim_student master file. Useful
to see what directory permissions a user running a report will need and where the master file is
WHERE RECORDLIMIT EQ 1000 – Only shows the first 1000 records which is useful for
Learn more about a specific FOC Error -? 336 and you will learn about error 336 (or any other
error number).
More debugging techniques
HTML Pages
Debugging HTML Pages – Use Chrome’s developer tools and console to effectively debug (F12).
Sometimes if there was a change to the database or something else the browser won’t pick up
on it because it is caching. To see if this is an issue just clear your browser cache and run the
report again. I know I disabled the cache in IE because we were running into all sorts of
problems with it.
App Studio crashes when referencing a fex from an html page – It looks like there is a 1600017000 character limit for WF8 fex files. You can get around this by removing non-essential lines
(lines containing variables used in the html page would be considered essential). After you
reference the file in the HTML page you can put those lines back into the fex.
Variables not getting picked up in html page – Issue: variables with quotes around them
sometimes don’t get picked up in the html page. Workaround: Set &var = &var; which is a
redundant line, but you don’t need quotes and so the html page will recognize this variable.
Using default values sometimes creates dummy values when chaining – Use the previous
method if you don’t actually want to use that default value in the html.
Browser/Application Support
Documentation of browser support (have to log in)
Documentation for Excel support (have to log in)
HTMLFORM – When using an htmlform in WF7 MRE, the filename can’t contain more than 8
characters i.e. studentr.htm just barely makes the cut. To fix, you can rename the file on the
server and then reimport it into the mre by right clicking >> new>>import external file and select
the file
Developer can see folders from MRE menu but not from Dev Studio – Make sure the user is a
developer in that domain
Fex Errors
Spinning blue loading circle goes on forever- Right click on the page and select properties. The
description should contain the error
Inconsistent data filtering - If a field is sorted using BY and the WHERE statement uses
CONTAINS, the filtering seems to occur on the Database side, making the CONTAINS to be case
insensitive. But when the field is PRINTED, the filtering seems to happen on the reporting side
(or during the transfer), making the CONTAINS to be case sensitive. Defines do the same thing.
Configure java - open configure java >> security tab >> Edit Site List button and add sites in
order for java to work correctly on those sites
Search through files
Find - :args ./*acx (:n and :N to cycle through results)
Replace :argdo %s/dw_prod/dw/ge | update
Other commands I have uses –
:vimgrep /FEDSCHLS\c/ \\wfsrv2\ibi\apps\admissions\*.fex
:vimgrep /FEDSCHLS\c/ \\wfsrv2\ibi\apps\advancement\**\*.fex
:vimgrep /fedschls\c/ \\wfsrv2\ibi\apps\zach_shanks\**\*.fex
:vimgrep /table\c/ C:\Users\joshhapner\Desktop\**\*.fex
:vimgrep /fedschls\c/ \\wfsrv2\ibi\apps\zach_shanks\**\*.fex
:copen, :cw, :cn etc to navigate (see :help quickfix)
replaces "--" with "*" in vim (through gvim)
Notepad++ - Open a file in notepad++ that is in the directory you want to search and use the
editor’s find in files feature.
WF8 App studio (login to view page) – files are stored in a database and so you will need to
extract the files before you search through them:
Roster not running for someone
Have the user run the roster directly from Webfocus portal/dashboard (WF7 link was
If they can’t run it from there something is either wrong with the roster or with their webfocus
If they can run it from there something is wrong with mytaylor’s connection to webfocus (either
it is a on the mytaylor side, there is a network issues, or the user’s password contains special
characters that mytaylor can handle but WebFOCUS can’t.)
Sometimes when a developer switches from dual monitors to a single monitor, some of the
popup windows in dev/app studio disappear. To get them back you have to:
alt+f4 will unfreeze
alt+space will access the menu
click the down arrow once to select the move option.
Once that is selected use the arrow keys to move the dialogue box (you just
have to guess where it is off screen and try to move it back)