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Social Media Strategy:
Purpose of Social Media:
Hen House Consulting Firm will use social media to promote the 2013 Agriculture Awareness Week because it will be the most cost effective method to promote the week as a whole, as well as the events throughout
the week. Our target audience is non-agriculture students on Texas Tech campus and according to our survey,
50 percent of students would prefer to be targeted through social media outlets. Social media has become a vital
source of information so it is necessary for our firm to utilize this new form of marketing. Because students
utilize social media in their daily lives, there is a much greater chance to gain awareness and educate our target
audience by using this method. The primary purpose of using social media is to promote Ag Awareness Week
and motivate non-agriculture students to participate in the events.
Social Media To Be Used:
Facebook is the most well-known and utilized form of social media so it is necessary we target students in
this way. Because the CASNR Facebook Page is already formed and has a developed membership, we will use
it as the main location of information. Through the CASNR group, we will use status updates to introduce the
week and gain awareness. We will also update with agriculture facts so we are educating our target audience as
well as gaining awareness for the event. We will use CASNR to post on the Texas Tech University’s Facebook
page so a greater range of students will be aware of the activities. Through the CASNR page we will implement
events for the larger promotional activities during Ag Awareness Week. Facebook will also be the medium students will use to check-in at the various locations and events in order to be eligible to win prizes throughout the
Twitter will be another medium we use to target non-agriculture students as well as educate them about
agriculture. Again we will use the already established CASNR twitter account to introduce the week, agriculture
facts, and events. We will use the hashtag #AAW2013 to create consistence with each post, as well as tagging Texas Tech University’s twitter account. Twitter will be prominent throughout the actually week to upload pictures,
update followers about the events, and introduce conversations about the events. Students who find the check-in
points will also be able to take a picture and tag the CASNR twitter account to enter into the contest.
Content of Pages
Both Facebook and Twitter will be used through the already existing CASNR account. The post’s content
will primarily focus on Ag Awareness Week during this period of time, but there will not be a change to the
layout of either page. Events on Facebook will be created for the larger events during the week like the BuildA-Burger event. We will use hashtag #AAW2013 on the Twitter account, but will not change anything else. On
Facebook, pictures and agriculture facts will be added into an Ag Awareness Week photo album.
Key Messages
The key message for social media will be to gain awareness for Ag Awareness Week and promote the
events. Facebook will be primarily utilized for this purpose. Twitter will focus more on educating followers on
agriculture facts as well as the week’s events. Twitter will be a place for students to check-in, upload pictures, and
engage in conversation about agriculture and Ag Awareness Week.
Frequency of Posts
We plan to post to Facebook and Twitter for one week prior to each event, as well as for the duration of
the event. We will advertise in the Daily Toreador and TechAnnounce for one week prior to each event, as well
as for the duration of the event. Our logic for this is to create awareness of our events in advance for students to
arrange their attendance. If we advertised more than one week in advance, people would likely forget by the time
of the event. We will post twice a day on Facebook and Twitter. Once will be a reminder and another will be an
agriculture factoid or fun trivia. We will post incentives, such as a cash prize or t-shirt, for people to like or follow us.
...think about it
Plan To Gain Followers
We have a unique opportunity to utilize social media through an outlet already formed and established.
By using the CASNR accounts, we will be able to already have a basis of followers. In order to gain followers for
primarily Ag Awareness Week, we will have mobile check-ins at all of our events and if students reach so many
check-ins they are entered into a drawing for a prize. We will get people to add and follow us on social media
channels by advertising things for example, “If you like us on Facebook, win a free t-shirt.” or “If you follow us on
Twitter, you’ll be entered into a drawing.”
Other Considerations
In the event an unfavorable post occurs, we will leave the post in order to stimulate conversation. A member of the Ag Awareness Week planning committee will comment back on the post giving a polite yet firm answer based on factual evidence. Also, they will encourage the individual to contact CASNR with any additional
questions or concerns. If the post is inappropriate, demeaning toward other individuals or explicit in content, the
comment will be deleted from the site. The team will be encouraged to repost factual content from other sites the
target audience may find of interest. The main consideration will be if the information pertains to Ag Awareness
Week and if it is cohesive with the purpose of social media. On Twitter it will be highly encouraged to retweet
any tweets that tag CASNR or use the #AAW2013. A comment deserves a quick and direct response when there
is a direct question pertaining to Ag Awareness Week, CASNR or agriculture facts.