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Fall 2014.
Classroom: GMCS-306
Time: M, W 2-3:15PM
Office: SSE 3112
phone: 594-1020
email: [email protected]
OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Wednesday, Starting at 18:50
(except: TBA)
Required: Database Management Systems, 2011 edition, A. Koster,
Customized Material, Montezuma Publishing
Required: Essentials of Database Management, Hoffer, Topi and
Ramesh (Pearson, 2014)
The Koster text presents and discusses the technical concepts of
database systems. The Hoffer textbook provides extended
explanations of those concepts and describes the business aspects
of database systems.
SOFTWARE. ORACLE/sqlplus on SDSU’s Rohan server. Accounts to be
provided to students.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide students a broad
familiarity with modern techniques of database design,
organization and processing in computer based-information systems.
The emphasis in the course will be on the application of data
management software for designing, creating, and manipulating
databases. In the process, concepts involved in analysis, design,
and administration of large databases will be discussed. The
relational database model will be covered in depth.
Course concepts will be illustrated through the design,
implementation, and processing of a database using the relational
database management system ORACLE and the database language SQL.
-----------------------------------------------------------PRIMARY LEARNING OBJECTIVES
 Describe how relational databases store business data and
provide desired information.
 Analyze organizational information requirements using the
entity-relationship approach and model them as EntityRelationship Diagrams (conceptual database design).
 Map an Entity-Relationship Diagram to a relational database
(logical database design).
 Use normal forms to analyze and improve a database design.
 Create a database with the ORACLE Database Management System
and process complex information using the SQL language.
 Explain how a DBMS enforces security, recovery from failure,
and concurrency control
EXAMINATIONS AND GRADING: The course grade will depend on 3
examinations and pop quizzes, 4 projects, and class
participation as follows
1. Three multiple-choice midterm examinations and pop quizzes
60 (20%, 20%, 20%)
Projects 35% (approximate weights of projects 1, 2, 3, 4: 6.5, 1.5,
7, 5 respectively)
3. Class participation 5%
Letter grades are provided to students for each exam and
project as an approximate indication of their standing in the
class, but final class grades are computed using the numeric
------------------------------------------------------------Communications Instructor-Students: Exam topics, projects, and
schedule changes are sent via email. Students’ email addresses
are collected during the first week of classes. Please, make
sure the email system you use is reliable.
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class,
it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any
delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as
soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations
based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an
accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Dates are tentative.
announced by email.
Changes for exams and projects, if any, will be
(August 25, 27). Introduction to database systems.
READINGS: Koster, pages 3-14
Hoffer, “introduction, pages 2-3
“Traditional File Processing Systems” vs the “Database
Approach”, pages 7 to 13
Phases of Database Design, Information Requirements
READINGS: Koster, pp. 15-17
(September 3). Conceptual Database Design.
Data modeling using the Entity-Relationship approach.
READINGS: Koster, pp. 18-30 (Hoffer: Chapter 2 thru p. 76)
(September 8, 10). Data modeling using the Entity-Relationship
approach (cont).
(September 15, 17). Advanced elements of the Entity-Relationship
approach. Generalization hierarchies.
READINGS: Koster, section on data modeling, cont.pp. 32-34
(Hoffer Chapter 3 through page 106)
Entity-Relationship: Putting everything together. Complete
READINGS: Koster, pp. 35-37
22, 24). The Relational Database Model. Tables,
attributes, candidate keys, primary keys and foreign keys,
integrity rules.
READINGS: Koster, pp. 38-40
(Hoffer, “the Relational Data Model”, in Chapter 4 pages 122 to 128)
(September 29, October 1). Logical Database Design: Mapping an
entity-relationship design into a relational database.
READINGS: Koster, section on mapping: pages 41-56
Project part 1 due on September 29 (Conceptual design using
(October 6, 8). Introduction to SQL and ORACLE.
The SQLPLUS interface; SQL commands vs SQLPLUS commands;
editing/saving “.sql” files with the pico text editor; saving
ORACLE sessions in “.lst” files.
READINGS: Koster, pp. 57-64, handout on pico
CREATE TABLE statement. Expressing integrity constraints. Data
types. INSERT statement. Null data. READINGS: Koster, Pages 65-68.
Exam #1 October 6
(October 13, 15). SQL, cont. SELECT queries on single tables. The
“WHERE” keyword. Arithmetic operations and functions. The nvl
function. Aggregate functions.
READINGS: Koster, Pages 65-93.(Hoffer: various sections in Chapter 6 and
Queries on multiple tables(joins). Nested subqueries.
UPDATE, DELETE, COMMIT, ROLLBACK statements. Use of nested
subqueries for UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT. READINGS: Koster, pages 94101, 106-107 (for information only, not required) 108-113, 116.
Project part 2 due October 13 (logical design)
(October 20, 22). Advanced elements of SQL, cont.
READINGS: Koster, pages 117-123. (Hoffer, various sections in Chapters 6
and 7)
(October 27, 29). Basic concepts of normal
rules for normal forms 1, 2, 3, and 4.
READINGS: Article by Kent: A Simple Guide
Koster, section on normal forms 1,
(normal form 4,pages 142 to
form analysis.
to Five Normal Forms;
2, and 3, pages 131-141
(November 3, 5). Performance issues of normal forms. Denormalization. Operational databases vs data warehouses.
Transaction Management: definition of transactions and ACID
READINGS: Koster, 150-151.
Project part 3 due on November 3 (database creation and simple
processing with ORACLE)
(November 10, 12). Data integrity/security/privacy.
GRANT command and the role of views.
READINGS: Koster, pages 127-130
Exam 2 on November 10
(November 17, 19). Transaction Management, cont.
Concurrency control: LOCK commands; Row-level locking vs
Table level locking. Deadlocks
READINGS: Koster, pages 152-154
Recovery from failure.
READINGS: Koster, pages 155-157
(November 24). Physical characteristics of input/output devices.
Storage hierarchy. READINGS: handouts, TBA
Physical data structures for databases: file structures -sequential, hash and index files -- B-Trees
READINGS: Koster, section on data structures, pp. 126 (SQL for
index files), pages 147-149.
(Hoffer, in Chapter 5: “File Organizations”, pages 176 to 179; “When
to Use Indexes, pages 183-184)
(December 1, 3). Basic Concepts of Data Warehousing. Datamarts
and Cubes. The Star Schema, fact tables and dimension tables
Readings: handouts . Hoffer, in Chapter 9: “Basic Concepts”,
pages 302 to 306; “The Star Schema”, page 318 (bottom) to page 321
Project part 4 due on December 1. (Advanced database processing
(December 8, 10). Exam 3 on December 8.
Project 4 discussion.