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What’s In Outer
Kristine Benhoff
Grade 2
Outer Space
• What are some of the things that are in
outer space?
The Sun
• The sun is a star.
• The sun is the largest thing in our
solar system.
• The sun is in the center of the solar
• The planets revolve around the sun.
• Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
• Mercury is the second smallest planet in
the solar system.
• The sky is always black because Mercury
has no atmosphere to scatter light.
• Mercury has many craters and lava-flows.
• Venus is the second planet from the
• Venus is Earth’s “sister planet.”
• 1 day in Venus is like 243 days in
***Watch Venus Rotate!***
• Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun.
• It takes Earth 365.256 days to revolve
around the Sun.
• Earth is the only planet that is known to
have life.
• Earth’s atmosphere protects us from
meteors which burn up before they hit the
• Mars is the 4th planet from the sun.
• Mars is known as the “red planet.”
• Mars has 2 moons
– Phobos
– Deimos
***Pack your bags and travel to
• Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun
• Jupiter is the largest planet in the
solar system.
• More than 1,000 Earths could fit
inside Jupiter!
• Jupiter has a “Great Red Spot.”
• Jupiter has 16 moons.
• Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun.
• Saturn is the 2nd largest planet in the
solar system.
• Saturn’s day is only 10 hours and 39
minutes long.
• Saturn is so dense that if a large enough
ocean could be found, it would float in it.
• Saturn has rings around it that make it
very beautiful.
• Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun.
• Uranus has a blue-green color.
• Uranus is the farthest planet away
from the sun that can be seen with a
• Uranus has 11 known rings and at lest
21 moons.
• Neptune is the 8th planet
from the sun.
• If Neptune were hollow,
60 Earths could fit inside.
• Each season in Neptune
lasts 40 years in Earth.
***Color a picture of
• Pluto is the farthest planet from the
• Pluto is the smallest planet in our solar
system (smaller than our moon!).
• Pluto is a cold, dark, frozen planet.
• A meteor is like a baseball flying at 30,000
miles per hour.
• Most meteors are the size of a grain of sand.
• A meteor is a metallic piece of debris that
travels in outer space.
• A meteor is called a “shooting star.”
Our Solar System
• Because of the different gravity on
the planets, we would weigh different
on each planet.
• Now that you know the order of the
planets from the sun, see if you can
place them in the right spots.