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Unit 7 Questions
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. During the course of the 19th century, the growth of cities in the United States became increasingly dependent
on access to
a. railroad transportation
d. navigable waterways
b. water power
e. shorelines
c. highway transportation
2. Which of the following is a distinct characterization of an East European city?
a. central park
d. prominent religious buildings
b. a well-developed retail sector
e. luxury apartment buildings
c. a large central square surrounded by
government and administrative buildings
3. The almost continuous strip of urban centers that extends along the US Atlantic coast from north of Boston to
sourthern Virginia is commonly called a(n):
a. primate city.
d. oligopolis.
b. megalopolis.
e. super city.
c. megacity.
4. Which of the following is a strong example of postmodern urban landscape?
a. Rome, Italy
d. Washington D.C.
b. Brasilia, Brazil
e. London, England
c. Cairo, Egypt
5. Which of the following is useful for describing a settlement node whose primary function is to provide
support for the population in its hinterland?
a. Christaller’s model of central place
d. Rostow’s model of economic development
b. Concentric zone model
e. Core-periphery model
c. Von Thunen’s model of land use
6. Which of the following was NOT a reason for rapid suburbanization in the United States after the Second
World War?
a. Mass production of the automobile
d. Expansion of home construction
b. Expansion of the interstate highway
e. Availabilty of low down payment terms
and long-term mortgages
c. Reduction in long-distance commuting
7. Which of the following is true?
a. three-fourths of people in LDCs live in
d. Latin American countries are more urban
urban settings.
than LDCs elsewhere in the world
b. MDCs are still rapidly urbanizing
e. LDCs have a higher percentage of urban
dwellers than MDCs
c. In the United States, people with a higher
social status live closer to the center of the
city, while, in other parts of the world,
more wealthy people live in suburbs.
8. Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of a world city?
a. national and international seats of political d. concentrations of business services
b. important stock exchanges
e. concentrations of cultural offerings
c. a non-polarized social structure
9. Planned communities would most likely be found in what type of urban setting?
a. CBDs
d. American suburbs
b. Ghettos
e. Transition zones
c. Perifericos
10. Which structure(s) traditions occupies the center of an historic Asian city?
a. commercial buildings
d. a religious building
b. government office buildings
e. a central market
c. high density housing
11. The size of ancient cities was limited to a few thousand inhabitants mainly because
a. existing systems of food gathering,
d. their inhabitants developed no systems of
storing, and distribution would not have
writing and record-keeping to help
supported a larger population
organize resources
b. transportation between major cities was
e. they had an undeveloped social class
limited and slow
system, so they had no powerful elites
c. few early civilizations codified laws to
ensure that society functioned smoothly
12. Which of the following is NOT one of the ten largest megacities in the world?
a. Chicago, Illinois, United States
d. Delhi, India
b. Tokyo, Japan
e. Seoul, South Korea
c. Mexico City, Mexico
13. A city that is more than twice as large as the next largest city in a country is called a:
a. primate city.
d. global city.
b. metropolis.
e. world city.
c. megalopolis.
14. Which of the following is the best example of a central place with a large hinterland?
a. Tampa
d. Fort Worth
b. Buffalo
e. Minneapolis
c. Denver
15. The primary reason that more women than men live in or near central cities is the
a. gentrification of many urban
d. lack of available housing in the suburbs
b. superior level of city services that meet
e. growing number of employment
family needs
opportunities for women
c. feminization of poverty
16. All the facilities that support basic economic activities to such a degree that a city cannot function without
them is called the
a. sprawl
d. infrastructure
b. base ratio
e. hierarchy of central places
c. urban influence zone
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
According to the model, the road between which cities will have the highest volume of traffic
a. X and Q
d. S and V
b. S and Q
e. U and S
c. X and Y
Which of the following is not a characteristic of urban settlements as defined by Louis Wirth in the 1930s?
a. Large size
d. intense feelings of belonging
b. social heterogeneity
e. all of the above are characteristics of
urban settlements
c. High density
Locational advantages important to the development of the earliest cities included
a. temperate climate and proximity to coal
d. good connections by roads and canals
b. productive agricultural land and defensible e. proximity to manufacturing areas
c. availability of good harbors for large ships
Which of the following is the smallest scale of geographic inquiry by the U.S. census bureau?
a. County
d. Metropolitan area
b. Metropolitan statistical area
e. Micropolitan atatistical area
c. Census tract
Which of the following best describes edge cities?
a. They are gentrified communities
d. They are located along freeways on the
outskirts of major cities.
b. They are designed in the Beautiful City
e. They are usually found in Europe and
c. They are small, isolated communities
____ 22. Cities developed 4000 to 6000 years ago to provide a center for all of the following functions EXCEPT:
a. production.
d. religion.
b. trade.
e. scientific study.
c. protection.
____ 23. All of the following are common preconditions found in areas that became urban hearths EXCEPT
a. a long growing season
d. access to water sources
b. social stratification
e. arable land
c. access to building materials
____ 24. Which of the following are primate cities in their respective countries?
a. London, Seoul, Beijing
d. New York, Montreal, Mexico City
b. Paris, London, Seoul
e. Paris, London, New York
c. Berlin, Shanghai, Mumbai
____ 25. The growth rate of the earliest cities in world history was made possible primarily by the development of
a. the ability of farmers to raise a surplus
d. government capable of control
b. large concentrated population
e. job specialization
c. diversification of villages
____ 26. According to the sector model of North American city structure, members of low-income groups tend to live
in which of the following places?
a. Evenly dispersed throughout the urban
d. Linear residential areas radiating from the
center of the city outward
b. The suburbs and rural areas only
e. The inner-city only
c. Peripheral temporary settlements
____ 27. The deindustrialization trend is most evident today in
a. The United States and Europe
d. China and Japan
b. Southeast Asia and Latin America
e. Latin America and Canada
c. Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East
____ 28. Which of the following groups of cities contains the best examples of central places with large hinterlands?
a. Baltimore, Ottowa, Duluth
d. Miami, Philidelphia, and Quebec City
b. San Diego, Milwaukee, and New Haven e. Atlanta, Denver, and Calgary
c. Las Vegas, Victoria, and Buffalo
____ 29. The coastal southern California and northern Baja, Mexico region can be described as a
a. central place
d. megalopolis
b. agglomeration
e. megacity
c. artificial construction
____ 30. Many Latin American cities conform more or less to the
a. inner city decay theory
d. the multinode model
b. the sector model
e. theory of ghettoization
c. the concentric zone model
____ 31. Which of the following rivers was NOT a cultural hearth of urbanization?
a. Rhine
d. Huang He
b. Euphrates
e. Tigris
c. Nile
____ 32. Which of the following describes the gorwth of a city in a series of wedges out from the central business
a. Burgess’s central place theory
d. core periphery model
b. Hoyt’s sector model
e. Harris and Ullman’s multiple nuclei
c. Cristaller’s central place theory
____ 33. According the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, a central county or counties with at least one urbanized area of at
least 50,000 people, plus adjacent outlying counties with a large number of residents that commute in is called
a. physical city
d. megalopolis
b. primate city
e. nucleated settlement
c. metropolitan statistical area
____ 34. Which of the following is a true statement about classic models of city structure?
a. The central business district has the most d. The interaction between the central city
dominant position in the multiple nuclei
and the suburbs is greatest in the urban
realm model
b. the concentric zone model does not have a e. the sector model is high influenced by
transitional area
transportation patterns
c. The multiple nuclei model and the sector
model are similar in that they both have
only one core
____ 35. Which is true of people living in urban settlements as opposed to rural settlements?
a. rural residents know only a small
d. rural residents have greater freedom
percentage of other residents
b. urban residents have greater freedom
e. urban residents know a greater percentage
of other residents
c. In urban areas, residents are related to a
large percentage of other residents.
____ 36. In cities like Baltimore, inner-city revitalization has transformed ______________ into gentrified urban
a. ghettos
d. agglomeration
b. edge cities
e. central business districts
c. suburbs
____ 37. Chicago’s relative location near other major city networks gave the urban place a comparative advantage for
successful economic growth. This statement best describes Chicago’s
a. density
d. site
b. threshold
e. situation
c. functional zonation
____ 38. A crucial part of Christaller’s cental place theory is the fact that goods and services vary in range and:
a. quantity.
d. access.
b. spatial distribution.
e. threshold.
c. quality.
____ 39. Nucleated settlement patterns are most likely to result in the formation of many
a. hamlets
d. large cities
b. towns
e. mid-sized cities
c. megacities
____ 40. An urban center that is disproportianately larger than the second largest city in a country and that dominates
the country’s social, political, and economic activities can be best classified as
a. a conurbation
d. an imperial city
b. a megalopolis
e. an edge city
c. a primate city
____ 41. A large node of office and commercial land use outside the central city with more jobs than residents is a(n):
a. edge city.
d. suburb.
b. gated community.
e. town.
c. primate city.
____ 42.
____ 43.
____ 44.
____ 45.
____ 46.
____ 47.
The Daily Rag provides news to all the cities in the region and wants to build a new distribution center. If
The Daily Rag distributes its papers according to city size, which city is best located for minimizing
distribution costs?
a. X
d. S
b. Q
e. Z
c. P
During the Middle Ages, ______________ dramatically slowed the growth of urban areas.
a. the Industrial Revolution
d. feudalism
b. colonialism
e. Black Death
c. Renaissance
Medieval European cities usually contain all the following characteristics EXCEPT
a. wide streets to accomodate large military d. large, ornate cathedrals
b. walls surrounding the city for defense
e. a high density of buildings.
c. winding streets and tall narrow buildings.
Chrisaller’s central place theory is least likely to be applicable to
a. regions with multiple towns
d. rural areas
b. special function cities
e. multi-function cities
c. regions were people have similar life
styles and incomes
In what year was the population in urban settlements estimated to exceed that in rural settlements?
a. 1904
d. 1850
b. 2008
e. 1988
c. 1750
The spatial design of cities in northern Africa is influenced heavily by
a. Islamic traditions, with a mosque at the
d. traditional governments, with palaces for
monarchs at the center
____ 48.
____ 49.
____ 50.
____ 51.
____ 52.
____ 53.
____ 54.
____ 55.
____ 56.
b. a historical aversion to trade
e. trading patterns with sub-saharan Africa
c. European traditions, with a cathedral at
the center
If one commuted to work by automobile every day in the city, in which zone of Burgess’s concentric zone
model would you be most likely to live?
a. 3
d. 1
b. 2
e. 4
c. 5
___________ is an important gateway city.
a. Denver, Colorado
d. Perth, Australia
b. Oslo, Norway
e. Nairobi, Kenya
c. Honolulu, Hawaii
Which of the following best illustrates the concept of a 20th and 21st century shock city?
a. Paris
d. Lagos
b. Osaka
e. Madrid
c. Chicago
Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding urban growth in the world today?
a. In most areas of the world, manufacturing d. Urban growth in Latin America has been
cities are growing faster than mercantile
greater than urban growth in Africa
cities are.
b. Cities are large and growing in developed e. The proportion of people living in cities is
countries, but less developed countries
rising in most countries.
have few cities
c. The percentage of people living in urban
areas in Africa and Asia is larger than the
percentage living in urban areas in Europe
and North America
The movement of middle-class residents into rundown urban center city neighborhoods is called:
a. multiplier effect.
d. urban renewal.
b. urban sprawl.
e. gentrification.
c. urban revitalization.
Which of the following countries has the largest percentage of people who live in public housing?
a. France
d. the United States
b. Britain
e. Germany
c. Mexico
An edge city could have any of the following attributes EXCEPT:
a. 500,000 square feet of office space.
d. being commonly perceived as a single
b. being urban for 30 years or more.
e. 500,000 square feet of retail area.
c. more jobs than bedrooms.
In recent decades all of the following have played a major role in the rapid growth of Sun Belt cities of the
United States EXCEPT
a. immigration from Latin America
d. climatic changes leading to colder
northern winters
b. cheap land and labor
e. increasing demand for retirement centers
c. high levels of per capita federal spending
in the South and West
One important goal of smart growth is to
a. produce more nutritious food
d. stimulate the growth of suburbs
____ 57.
____ 58.
____ 59.
____ 60.
____ 61.
____ 62.
____ 63.
____ 64.
____ 65.
____ 66.
b. encourage the growth of a city’s basic
e. limit overall population growth
c. curb urban sprawl
Multiple-nuclei model of city structure tends to be most applicable to
a. newer, fast growing cities
d. traditional cities
b. small cities
e. cities with homogeneous land use
c. Latin American cities
Which urban model theorizes that high-rent residential areas grow outward from the center of the city along
major highways with lower-rent inhabitants taking over sequentially?
a. Multiple-nuclei Model (Harris and
d. Sector Model (Hoyt)
b. Central Place Model (Christaller)
e. Urban Realms Model (Vance Jr.)
c. Concentric Zone Model (Burgess)
Which of the following is most likely to have the largest activity space?
a. an 8-year old boy who lives in the suburbs d. a middle aged woman who lives in a rural
b. a middle aged man who lives in a suburb e. a young professional woman who lives in
the urban center
c. an older man who has retired
The main power of zoning ordinances is to
a. promote smart growth
d. promote gentrification
b. support the development of a city’s
e. insure racial desegregation
c. prevent mixing of land uses within the
same district
The star-shaped city pattern resulte from the dominance of which transportation system?
a. Roads leading to airports that link cities
d. Interstate highways linking cities
b. Lines of public transportation extending
e. Beltways surrounds
from the CBD
c. Pedestrian walkways within the CBD
Architects and planners from the ___________ strove to introduce beauty and impose order on chaotic
industrial cities.
a. City Beautiful movement
d. modernist tradition
b. classical movement
e. beaux arts school
c. postmodern school
In Latin America, data for employment in many large urban areas are most likely to be incomplete because
a. many people work in the informal sector d. most people are unemployed
b. records are kept mainly for male workers e. employment is growing too rapidly
c. people change jobs regularly
The theory that cities grow outward from a core utilizing several nodes of growth was proposed by:
a. Harris and Ullman
d. Rostow
b. von Thünen
e. Burgess
c. Ravenstein
An urban area consists of of a central city and its contiguous built-up suburbs where population exceeds:
a. 1,000 persons per square mile
d. 500 persons per square mile
b. 100 persons per square mile
e. 2,000 persons per square mile
c. 10,000 persons per square mile
Which city model contains a distinct residential spine proceeding outward from the center city along the main
____ 67.
____ 68.
____ 69.
____ 70.
____ 71.
____ 72.
____ 73.
____ 74.
____ 75.
a. Asian
d. Muslim
b. European
e. Latin American
c. Sub-Saharan African
The smallest, least complex type of settlement in the urban hierarchy is the
a. farm
d. suburb
b. town
e. village
c. hamlet
Today, the greatest number of urban dwellers is found in
a. North America
d. Europe
b. Asia
e. Africa
c. South America
Classic __________________ cities have narrow, winding streets, open-air markets, many dead-ends, and
courtyards surrounded by high walls.
a. medieval European
d. Islamic
b. Latin American
e. Hindu
c. colonial
According to urban geographers, as a city grows, a multiplier effect takes hold in which
a. the ratio of basic sector workers to
d. the ratio of basic sector workers to
nonbasic sector workers decreases
nonbasic increases
b. special-function cities increase in numbers e. urban influence zones increase more
whereas manufacturing cities decrease in
rapidly than the size of the actual city
c. smaller cities grow more rapidly than
larger cities
A suburb is:
a. a conurbation.
d. exclusively residential.
b. often characterized by sprawl.
e. the same thing as a central city.
c. separate and not integrated with urban
areas nearby.
What accounts for most of the urban growth in Africa?
a. migration to urban areas from rural areas d. low unemployment rates
b. Immigration from MDCs
e. Immigration from Asia
c. a high natural increase rate
International company headquarters, significant global financial functions and a polarized social structure are
defining characteristics of
a. forward capitals
d. primate cities
b. world cities
e. entrepots
c. edge cities
Action space consists of
a. a diagrammatic representation of the
d. the space in which individual daily
amount of time it takes to travel between
activity occurs.
activities on a particular day.
b. spaces within a city designated for
e. the area surrounding the interactions a
central place has with the surrounding
c. recreational facilities in an urban area.
Which of the following is NOT true of edge cities?
a. They often have business that provide jobs d. they have their own central business
for residents within their boundaries
____ 76.
____ 77.
____ 78.
____ 79.
____ 80.
____ 81.
b. They generally have few transportation
e. They exist in most areas of urbanized
connection to older inner cities
Anglo America.
c. They often organize their own services
rather than pay city taxes for them
Historically, the growth of North American suburbs was most constrained by
a. limited transportation
d. high land values
b. cultural preferences
e. zoning ordinances
c. housing shortages
Which of the following is a correct statement about the megacities of the world?
a. The largest by far is New York-Newark
d. Most are either in North America or
b. None are in Latin America
e. The largest megacities are located in
c. Megacities are located in many parts of
the world
All the following are processes that have contributed to ghettoization in North American Cities EXCEPT
a. green belts
d. suburbanization
b. social stratification
e. blockbusting
c. redlining
Individual spatial behavior on a daily basis
a. can be described as that individual’s
d. can be limited by transportation
action space.
b. generally involves more shorter trips than e. All of the above
longer trips.
c. mostly involves work-related travel.
All of the following have helped create ghettos in North American cities EXCEPT:
a. Economic Enterprise Zones
d. redlining by financial institutions
b. concentration of public housing and social e. fixed school district boundaries
c. blockbusting and racial steering
Which of the following types of cities was created by the Industrial Revolution?
a. primate city
d. manufacturing city
b. megacity
e. mercantile city
c. city-state
____ 82.
In contrast to Hoyt’s model of urban land use, Harris and Ullman’s model
a. shows that cities develop in a series of
d. describes the central city’s relationship to
edge cities
b. includes and zone in transition
e. does not differentiate urban
neighborhoods according to social class
____ 83.
____ 84.
____ 85.
____ 86.
____ 87.
____ 88.
____ 89.
____ 90.
c. has more than one center of urban growth
Which of the following statements correctly describes the economic employment mix that began to emerge in
many U.S. cities after World War II?
a. The majority of U.S. jobs are moving
d. U.S. Cities have become increasingly
from being consuption related to more of a
dominated by industrial activities.
production orientation.
b. Most U.S. jobs are being outsourced to
e. Workers’ unions are reaching their
foreign labor supplies.
hightest level of influence in American
c. Urban jobs are becoming increasingly
service oriented and require learned skills
Which geographer viewed the US urban community of the 1920s as a set of concentric rings radiating
outward from a central core?
a. von Thünen
d. Rostow
b. Burgess
e. Ravenstein
c. Harris and Ullman
Tokyo is many times larger than the second-ranked city in Japan, thus making Tokyo a(n)
a. squatter settlement
d. central business district
b. primate city
e. periferico
c. hinterland
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of world cities?
a. World cities contain many offices of
d. World cities are found only in the northern
multinational organizations.
and western hemispheres.
b. World cities contain a concentration of
e. World cities contain the headquarters of
legal, banking, and marketing services.
many transnational corporations.
c. World cities are well connected to
secondary-level world cities.
Which one of the following characteristics does NOT apply to cities of the developing world?
a. a colonial heritage
d. rapid population growth
b. an inability to provide basic services for
e. a land-use patter strongly influenced by
the population
the function of the city
c. a small informal economic sector
Asian, African, and South American cities
a. display mostly modern forms of
d. contain strong manufacturing and
architecture as they are recently
industrial sectors within the city.
developing themselves after colonialism.
b. usually have a church at the center of the e. contain dominant centers, usually
surrounding something of religious
c. contain many structural relics from
In the United States, neighborhoods are divided into areas of approximately 5,000 people that are called
a. census tracts
d. greenbelts
b. complementary regions
e. basic sectors
c. edge cities
In contrast to a country with a primate city, a country whose cities follow the rank-size rule is more likely to
a. more equality between urban and rural
d. a smaller overall population
living standards
b. fewer cultural centers
____ 91.
____ 92.
____ 93.
____ 94.
____ 95.
____ 96.
____ 97.
e. unequal living standards between larger
and smaller cities
c. wealth concentrated in urban areas
Which of the following is not included in a metropolitan statistical area?
a. A socially homogenous population
d. An urbanized area with a population of at
least 50,000
b. The county within which the city is
e. all of the above are included in a
metropolitan statistical area
c. Adjacent counties with a high population
density and a large percentange of
residents working in the central city’s
Which of the following accurately compares urban transportation systems in the United States to those in
western Europe and Japan?
a. People in European and Japanese suburbs d. The percentage of people who travel by
are much more dependent on motor
bus is much higher in the U.S. than in
vehicles than are people who live in the
Europe or Japan.
suburban U.S.
b. Public transit is much more developed and e. U.S. cities are more likely to have subway
funded by governments in most European
lines, whereas European and Japanese
countries and Japan
cities are more likely to have busses
c. The U.S. government provides more
funding for urban transportation systems
than governments in Europe and Japan do
The Industrial Revolution
a. caused an urban to rural migration
d. began in the Great Lakes region.
b. made factory workers obsolete
e. spawned vast manufacturing centers.
c. had little impact on urban areas.
Which of the following central place functions is most likely to have the highest range of goods and highest
threshold population?
a. Steakhouse
d. High school
b. Used car lot
e. Furniture Store
c. Hand-surgery center
Which of the following was NOT one of the main elements contributing to a city’s legibility according to
Kevin Lynch?
a. Links
d. Landmarks
b. Edges
e. Districts
c. Nodes
a. controls what type of buildings and
d. provides adequate space for lower-income
functions occur where.
b. controls how the city is laid out.
e. controls the social hierarchy within the
c. provides legal grounds for racial
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a city in the developing world?
a. contains modern centers of commerce
d. is surrounded by high-density squatter
____ 98.
____ 99.
____ 100.
____ 101.
____ 102.
____ 103.
____ 104.
____ 105.
b. produces a large share of its country’s
e. experiences large in-migrations of rural
people into the city
c. has a well-developed infrastructure
Which urban model was developed earliest to explain the patterns of American cities in the 1920s?
a. Concentric Zone Model (Burgess)
d. Central Place Theory (Christaller)
b. Urban Realms Model (Vance Jr.)
e. Sector Model (Hoyt)
c. Multiple-nuclei model (Harris and
Which of the following was one of the original urban hearth regions?
a. the Mississippi River Valley
d. France
b. Indus River Valley
e. Rome
c. South Africa
The area serviced by a central place is called a
a. sphere of influence
d. redline
b. threshold
e. range
c. hinterland
Which model below is based on the assumption that growth happens around several major foci, not just the
a. Urban Realms Model (Vance Jr.)
d. Sector Model (Hoyt)
b. Concentric Zone Model (Burgess)
e. Multiple-nuclei Model (Harris and
c. central place model (Christaller)
As a city grows, it usually experiences an increase in the size of its
a. basic sector
d. export activities
b. nonbasic sector
e. deglomeration
c. manufacturing areas
Los Angeles provides an excellent example of
a. disagglomeration
d. the Beaux Arts tradition
b. the multinucleated metropolis
e. the concentric zone model
c. a central business district
According to the central place theory,
a. most people live in mid-sized cities.
d. large cities serve as economic hubs.
b. small communities bind regions together. e. there are more large cities than small
c. regions are impossible to define.
The concept of exurbanization is illustrated in which of the following scenarios?
I. Thirty-three year old Marqueze and his wife move from Chicago to San Francisco to take advantage of a
new job opportunity.
II. Twenty-five year old Tina decides to move to the heart of New York City to enjoy the cultural vibrancy
and diversity during her youth.
III. Fifty year old Margaret and Tom pack up and move to a rural, country-style home outside Louisville,
Kentucky, to escape the fast pace of city life.
IV. Nineteen year old Marcus decided to move from the city he grew up in to a peripheral farm, both to
experience rural labor and to write poetry.
a. I and II
b. I
c. II and III
d. I, II, III, and IV
e. III and IV
____ 106. Which of the following processes most influences the existence of a zone of transition in concentric urban
growth patterns?
a. Zoning
d. Decentralization
b. Exurbanization
e. Agglomeration
c. Successive Immigration
____ 107. According to the rank-size rule, if the largest city in country X has 100,000 inhabitants, how many people will
live in country X’s fourth-largest city?
a. 10,000
d. 80,000
b. 50,000
e. 75,000
c. 25,000
____ 108. All of the following were factors that encouraged suburban growth in the United States after World War II
a. construction of megastores and malls
d. public transportation systems that were
built in most cities
b. more affordable automobiles
e. better roads and highways
c. the GI Bill of Rights
____ 109. Modernist architecture
a. uses eclectic and classic forms.
d. is characterized by skyscrapers.
b. stressed efficiency and geometrical order. e. stressed the ornate.
c. is limited to newer American cities.
____ 110. The alignment of ancient Chinese cities toward the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) best illustrates
the importance of which of the following factors in the shaping of these early cities?
a. Belief systems
d. Topography
b. Gender
e. Economics
c. Technology
____ 111. Which one of the following statements does NOT correctly describe global urbanization?
a. Severe environmental destruction is
d. Most of the world’s population will soon
inevitable due to urban growth.
live in cities.
b. The percentage of people living in cities is e. Cities are growing in size.
c. Most urban growth will occur in LDCs.
____ 112. The rehabilitation of old, rundown inner-city neighborhoods by middle and high income people is called:
a. home improvements.
d. urbanization.
b. multiplier effect.
e. suburbanization.
c. gentrification.
____ 113. Eight of the ten most populous cities are now located:
a. in more developed countries
d. in South Asia
b. in less developed countries
e. north of the tropic of cancer
c. south of the equator
____ 114. In a city, the land value is highest:
a. in the suburbs.
d. along routes of public transportation.
b. in commercialized areas.
e. in the central business district (CBD).
c. in gentrified neighborhoods.
____ 115. Overlapping metropolitan areas, where a county or counties between two or more central cities send a large
number of commuters to each was named a _____________ by geographyer Jean Gottman.
a. metropolitan statistical area
d. socially homogeonous zone
b. boswash
e. primate city
c. megalopolis
____ 116. Which of the following settlement types is likely to use the largest percentage of land space for residences?
____ 117.
____ 118.
____ 119.
____ 120.
____ 121.
____ 122.
____ 123.
____ 124.
____ 125.
a. town
d. suburb
b. physical city
e. village
c. hamlet
Most Latin American cities are focused on a
a. central plaza
d. squatter settlement
b. zone of heavy industry
e. government housing project
c. skyscraper office building
Today many U.S. cities have stopped their spatial growth primarily because
a. many people are moving from urban to
d. residents in outlying areas (suburbs)
rural areas
organize their own services rather than
pay city taxes for them
b. geographic barriers do not permit further e. infrastructure expenses have overwhelmed
many city governments
c. they are responding to demands for more
green belts
Land in the central business district (CBD) of a city is more expensive because it:
a. provides a better quality of life.
d. has a better sense of place.
b. encompasses a larger area.
e. is more attractive.
c. has maximum interaction potential.
Tony and Jacob are brothers who decided to move into an old warehouse in downtown New York City and
fix it up into a slick loft apartment complex. Tony and Jacob’s actions are most closely classified as
a. social stratification
d. redlining
b. suburbanization
e. gentrification
c. urban morphology
The first cities arose in
a. near the equator
d. the Indian subcontinent
b. hearths of early agriculture
e. central Mexico
c. ancient Greece
By about 1000 C.E. all of the following were major cities in the world EXCEPT:
a. Constantinople
d. Baghdad
b. Kyoto
e. London
c. Chang’an
Which of the following cities exemplifies an urban geography defined by railroads?
a. Mexico City
d. San Francisco
b. Boston
e. Los Angeles
c. Chicago
As the distance increases from the center of the city, the density of residents and houses decreases, a change
called the
a. base ratio
d. multiplier effect
b. complementary effect
e. density gradient
c. urban hierarchy
In which of the following ways did the early southern ghetto differ from other ghetto models?
a. Blacks tended to live nearby the white
d. Whites strongly resisted blacks moving
into their areas
b. Blacks lived in high-density, deteriorating e. Ghettos were overcrowded, contributing
housing on the margins of the central
to the deterioration of the housing
business district
c. Spatial and social segregation was
____ 126. Today, most of the United States and Canadian population lives in which of the following?
a. Farming areas
d. Rural nonfarming areas
b. Small towns
e. Metropolitan areas
c. Central cities
____ 127. This model is based on the assumption that growth occurred independently around several major foci, many
of which were far away from the CBD and olny marginally connected to it.
a. Central place theory
d. Multiple-nuclei model
b. Model of Urban evolution
e. Sector model
c. Urban realms model
____ 128. Which of the following is an example of a person working in the nonbasic employment sector?
a. University medical researcher
d. High School English Teacher
b. Assembly-line worker in an iPod factory e. International public relations agent
c. Video game software engineer
____ 129. Some prominent Native American cities later became:
a. export processing zones.
d. manufacturing hubs.
b. gateway cities.
e. colonial cities.
c. agricultural distribution centers.
____ 130. Which of the following refers to the size and functional complexity of cities?
a. Basic-nonbasic ration
d. Urban hierarchy
b. the sector model
e. threshold ratio
c. Multiplier effect
____ 131. Which of the following describes de facto and NOT de jure segregation?
a. Apartheid in South Africa
d. all of the above
b. Chinatown in San Franciso
e. none of the above
c. Jim Crow laws in the American south.
____ 132. Using the rank-size rule, if Wood county’s largest city has 200,000 residents, how many people live in Wood
County’s fourth largest city?
a. 75,000
d. 50,000
b. 100,000
e. 10,000
c. 25,000
____ 133. The Latin American city typically differes from the North American city in which of the following ways?
a. The Latin American city typically does
d. The Latin American city often has higher
not show as strong a trend toward
densities in peripheral zones and less
suburbanization as does the North
population in the central business district
American city
b. The North American city shows more
e. The central business district is more
influence of the sector model growth
dominant in its influence over its related
patters that does the Latin American city
urban land in the North American city
than in the Latin American city
c. The urban realms model is more strongly
explanatory and predictive of Latin
American urban growth than it is of North
American growth
____ 134. Which of the following is least likely to live close to a city center?
a. unmarried young professional
d. young married couple without children
b. one-parent family headed by a female
e. older married couple
c. young family with children
____ 135. Three social characteristics of urban areas identified by Louis Wirth during the 1930s were
____ 136.
____ 137.
____ 138.
____ 139.
____ 140.
____ 141.
____ 142.
____ 143.
a. high density, large size, and social
d. large size, strong social class systems,
organized governments
b. secondary economic activities, tertiary
e. agglomeration, transportation, and friction
economic activities, and primary
of distance
economic activities
c. large size, high density, and social
Which type of transportation system created the star-shaped city pattern?
a. sidewalks in the CBD
d. highways to airports that link cities
b. streetcar and trolley lines extending from e. interstate highways that link cities
the CBD
c. beltways around cities
Gentrification is best defined as:
a. rebuilding lower-class neighborhoods to d. voluntary segregation.
increase their desireability.
b. improving lower-class neighborhoods for e. publicly-funded housing projects.
the benefit of the current residents.
c. subsequent occupation of several
immigrant groups.
Chauncy Harris’s peripheral model is focused on describing a central city in relation to
a. manufacturing areas
d. residential neighborhoods
b. surrounding edge cities
e. zones of transition
c. surrounding rural zones
Which of the following developed an important model that explained different land uses within cities?
a. W.W. Rostow
d. Carl Sauer
b. Walter Christaller
e. George Perkins Marsh
c. E.W. Burgess
The basic sector of a city’s economy mainly consists of:
a. functions that support the city’s
d. goods and services produced for residents
of the city itself
b. functions that shape the urban influence
e. agricultural production focused on green
zones of a city
c. goods and services produced for areas
outside the city
In the United States and Canada, which areal unit best approximates a city neighborhood in size?
a. a county
d. a congressional district
b. a census tract
e. a metropolitan area
c. a municipality
Which of the following statements does NOT describe a factor that contributed to suburbanization in the
United States?
a. A shorter workweek made time for a
d. Fixed-route public transit routes increased
commute possible.
in importance.
b. Increased demands for housing occurred e. Changes in the housing mortgage
after World War II.
regulations made home ownership easier.
c. Improved automobiles made
transportation easier and less limited.
Which type of land use would one most expect to find along high-volume mass transit lines?
a. high-density appartment complexes
d. a scrap yard
b. large automobile dealerships
e. an industrial plant
____ 144.
____ 145.
____ 146.
____ 147.
____ 148.
____ 149.
____ 150.
c. big box retail stores
Prior to 1850 the location of all major North American cities was related, chiefly, to the presence of
a. defensive sites
d. water power
b. railroad junctions
e. transcontinental highways
c. navigable waterways
Walled cities and villages are closely associated with:
a. Medieval Europe.
d. Modern Europe.
b. the United States.
e. the ancient near east.
c. Ancient Greece.
In which urban US setting below would one expect to find planned communities?
a. ghettos
d. CBDs
b. transition zones
e. suburbs
c. barrios
Which of the following was NOT one of the five original urban hearth regions
a. Mexico
d. The Indus Valley
b. Mesopotamia
e. France
c. Northeast China
Which of the following is a correct statement about the major cities of the world?
a. The world’s fastest growing cities are
d. Most are found in areas that are not very
found in areas with the highest standards
suitable for agriculture
of living
b. They are concentrated between the tropic e. Most are located on rivers or seacoasts
of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn
c. Most primate cities are located in the
United States and western Europe.
Which of the following is not included in the legal definition of a city?
a. an independent, self-governing unit
d. ability to raise taxes
b. responsibility for providing essential
e. all of the above are included in the legal
definition of a city.
c. locally elected officials
In the United States, inner city neighborhoods:
a. may experience de facto segregation.
d. may be a “food desert.”
b. are prone to a higher crime rate.
e. all of the above
c. may lack essential services.